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Mr Fide

macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 29, 2007
I don't know what to do about getting some true wireless earbuds.

I'm thinking of AirPods Pro 2 when they come out, but I have a lot of headphones I don't use because I don't like the sound.

I always come back to Sennheiser for the sound - which is always exciting, to me at least.

But Sennheiser is pretty bad on bluetooth, UI and software.

For reference, I have a pair of Sony WH-1000XM4s that I don't use because the sound is too dull. Maybe for TikTok or something.

But the Sony user experience is so much better than Sennheiser.

I am hoping - dreaming - that Apple AirPods Pro might provide the best of both worlds.

What do you think? What's the Apple sound profile like?

My wife has a HomePod Mini and to me the sound is pleasantly digital but I can't tell how that would sound as an earphone. How would you describe the AirPods Pro sound profile?

Thank you.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
Obviously we won’t know what the Pro 2’s will sound like but I doubt the signature will be far off the current gen. However, audio is extremely subjective but here’s my take.

All the current gen AirPods lineup have adaptive EQ which make things a little more interesting but I would classify their signature as a slight bump above neutral in low freq, more focused mids, and very conservative with highs. Apple says the adaptive EQ will alter mids/highs according to fitment and external noise it picks up with the ear mics, not to be confused with the voice mic. Sadly, nobody has really seen a difference when testing so who knows.

You’re correct, XM4 are very bass heavy and muddy which you won’t get with any AirPod Pro but now you’re talking about closed back vs in-ear. That said, you can use Rtings or Crinacles website to see EQ curves with the current AirPods Pro if you know how to read graphs. Compare them next to your current favorite headphone and it should give you a ballpark idea if you’ll like them.

Bottom line, most AirPods are focused in the mid range with slightly elevated lows and neutral or below neutral highs with mids/highs being affected by Apple’s adaptive EQ. Great for convenience but still Bluetooth so won’t be as good as wired.

P.S. HomePod Mini sounds terrible, the OG HomePod was a different story but still underperforming.
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Mr Fide

macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 29, 2007
That's a great reply, thank you - I really appreciate your perspectives, which at a whole other level above mine, several times over. Really clear advice, though, which I can use. Thanks again.
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