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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 4, 2007
I have an AirPort Express that is I guess about four or five years old. It's the kind that plugs into the wall directly and looks like the power brick for a MacBook. The past few days I have been having some issues with the network that seem to be resolved when I unplug the router and then plug it back in. I wanted to update the firmware/do some troubleshooting, so I launched AirPort Utility.

The Express showed up, but with a message that this version of AirPort Utility is not compatible with the Express, and that I needed an older version available at Apple's website. The message contained a link that did not work, but I was able to find the version (5.6) on Apple's website. I downloaded it, but when I tried to install it, an error message stated that my version of OS X (10.8) is not compatible with this version of AirPort Utility and the utility cannot be installed.

A JPeg with the two errors is attached.

I guess I'm stuck in an Apple paradox. Any ideas? Or should I just purchase a new router? If I need a new router, is there a specific one that you would recommend? Ease of use (and setup) and reliability are paramount.

Thanks in advance!


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macrumors P6
Jan 24, 2010
Airport Utility 5.6 will work on 10.8, but the problem is getting it installed. I recommend using Pacifist to install it. Open the installer packer with Pacifist, click on the top most listing of the package, and click on Install. Enter your admin password when asked and restart when done. Pacifist is a shareware program, but the trail will let you install Airport Utility 5.6.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 4, 2007
Airport Utility 5.6 will work on 10.8, but the problem is getting it installed. I recommend using Pacifist to install it. Open the installer packer with Pacifist, click on the top most listing of the package, and click on Install. Enter your admin password when asked and restart when done. Pacifist is a shareware program, but the trail will let you install Airport Utility 5.6.

Thanks! This worked brilliantly. :) Unfortunately, the Utility said my AirPort Express was up to date, and not reporting any problems. So I guess I'm back to square one... :confused:


macrumors P6
Jan 24, 2010
You have the first generation Airport Express. It is at least four years old, if not older. It may be time to replace it with a newer Express or an Extreme. If you do replace it, you can still use your old Express for its AirTunes abilities.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 4, 2007
I think you may be correct. Apple's always there, ready to take a little more of my money! :p


macrumors P6
Jan 24, 2010
You could also blame the ISP. Maybe the DSL/Cable modem is starting to die. You may be able to get a replacement modem for free from them.
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