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ET iPhone Home

macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 5, 2011
Orange County, California USA
Why is it when I set my alarm for a wake up that it alarms loud the first two ring tones then the volume lowers right after and it never goes back to loud?

At first, I thought, when I picked up the X to turn OFF the alarm that it automatically detects my picking it up. But this morning, the alarm rang twice and then the volume lowered without my touching it.

Question? How do I set it to alarm consistently at a loud volume I choose? My 5S never did this and now I need to take my 5S with me as I travel this week to ensure I wake up.


flat five

macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2007
Hey! It worked. Thanks so much. But what exactly is this setting when you turn it ON?
when it’s on, the phone won’t make loud alert noises when you’re looking at it since it knows you will see the alert.

also, when it’s on, it won’t sleep if you’re reading a web page since it knows you’re actively using the phone even though you might not be touching it.

i’m not sure about this part but the setting may also affect the ability to have notifications show up hidden on the lock screen except when the registered user is recognized, the notification will be shown to them.

(personally, i’ve always had it ON.)
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