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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Alien: Covenant Spoliers

Now you see, this is why I don't pull it apart, already too many holes, just enjoy the imagery. If you start thinking about it any enjoyment simply evaporates as you envisage the cast sailing in a sea of stupidly. Particularly liked the shotgun sequence in the lander, "what could possibly go wrong" :rolleyes: Favourite music, favourite drink and mute the film, gets a lot better :p

If Fox want so to do this type of Alien film, they could learn a lot from Alien Isolation, at least try to build tension and fear of the unknown not display everything as much as possible with captain obvious writing the script..


Honestly, I'll admit this is a valid story about a genicidal android who feels it is superior to it's biological creator, admires pure, perfect "murderous life forms", but as you can tell by my previous comments ;), it was a very dissatisfying story with too many squandered opportunities from the previous movie, just to show lambs marching to the slaughter without a hope of prevailing. I was obligated to see this, but I hate this kind of movie and the end was so ******* predictable. As soon as Walter appeared on the shuttle, I told my wife it was David, not because of anything I could see, but because I knew the intent of this story. :p

As far as stupidity, it's not that the characters were stupid. I blame the writers intent on vexing the viewing audience. :) It's as if standard procedure is to land on an alien planet and go roll in the grass without a care for pathogens or biological threats. And I don't blame the girl in the shuttle. If she was not firing her shotgun, she would of been dead anyway.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
April 2020- Brought over from the Movie thread:

Alien Covenant [2017]
View attachment 905127

I have a lot to say about this movie, but I’ll keep it condensed, because it just would give too much away.

Obviously, Alien has a very lengthy history dating back to the 70s, and this particular movie is directed by Ridley Scott, which this is by far my favorite ‘Alien’ In the Series after seeing all of them. (I’ve watched the 2017 Alien around a dozen times, it also is directly connected to Prometheus {2017} movie to any unanswered questions from that film.)

1.) Alien Covenant has some of the best CGI I’ve viewed in any film in the last five years easily. And the reason I mention CGI, If the viewer finds scenes that are two artificial, they won’t invest their interest into the movie, (where it takes away the viewing experience if that makes sense.)

2.) If you have a 4K TV/HDR, this also is one of the best movies I’ve watched with some really detailed sequences. There’s quite a few stunning scenes that take full advantage of 4K.

3.) The most impressive part about this movie, wasn’t really the storyline, (as there’s some still some things I think they could’ve added/changed,) But there’s zero bad acting in this movie. And that includes every cast member that doesn’t have to be a major role player name that we’ve heard before (Fassbender/Crudup), literally, every cast member did an excellent job. Katherine Waterson who plays as ‘Danny’ was amazing.

4.) The only thing I don’t like about this movie was the ‘opening sequence’. It has the tendency to leave Viewers not captivated from the beginning. But other than that, there’s some really intense scenes in this movie, more towards the beginning.

On a brief side note:

There was one ‘deleted’ missing scene from the Prometheus film that I think should’ve been infused into that film that included Guy Pearce and it explains his belief in ‘David’ as a robotic/artificial android :

For myself, if the story sucks, the movie SUCKS. ?

Prometheus was a huge expansive eye opener about our origins related to the Engineers and the discovery that they for some unknown reason, wanted to kill us humans, in effect their creation off. WHY?? The end left so much opportunity, so much intrigue and hope for real answers, an imaginative avenue forward in a new direction as Elizabeth Shaw jets off to find out the WHY.

Yet Ridley Scott decided to kill this potential, short change it, throw that question in the dumpster, by simply having David murder Shaw and killing off the civilization of Engineers at least on that planet, for what I would describe as lack of vision and effort, snuffing this avenue of potentially worthy, great story telling, with stupid characters and a very dissatisfying sequel relying on the old, now over used house of horror formula from the original movie.

As much as Prometheus was critiqued I saw, or imagined this potential and if you look at the Aliens franchise track record half of the entries SUCK so I was not surprised. :)

My opinion is that no one viewing the film really cared about any of the characters, they were just there to serve as fodder for yet another rendition of the creature from the first film.

Alien: Covenant’: Let’s Talk about That Ending
Alien: Covenant is a very bad movie, and it’s bad until the credits roll. The movie is filled with dumb characters, and when the movie reaches its climax, it assumes you’re just as dumb. And instead of trying to cement the final battle and wrap up its themes (half-formed as they are), the movie gets bogged down in an obvious “Gotcha” that the audience has to suffer through so that we can see an Alien get thrown out into the vacuum of space for the umpteenth time.
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Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
You know what the one thing that bugged me about Prometheus was? It wasn't the story, or the plot gaps and such. It's a certain scene in this movie, and a lot of movies actually.

The part where the ship crashes back down and is rolling in the direction of Shaw to land on her. What does she do? She runs away from it in parallel or in line with it! What the hell? A smart person, even in an excited moment like that, would run perpendicular from it. That's the shortest and quickest way to avoid the danger.

I see crap like that all the time in movies.

I dunno. That's my big rant about Prometheus. ?‍♂️
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
You know what the one thing that bugged me about Prometheus was? It wasn't the story, or the plot gaps and such. It's a certain scene in this movie, and a lot of movies actually.

The part where the ship crashes back down and is rolling in the direction of Shaw to land on her. What does she do? She runs away from it in parallel or in line with it! What the hell? A smart person, even in an excited moment like that, would run perpendicular from it. That's the shortest and quickest way to avoid the danger.

I see crap like that all the time in movies.

I dunno. That's my big rant about Prometheus. ?‍♂️

I remember your critique. :D I suppose in a moment of panic a character might do this, but to the audience it seems like a no-brainer. :)
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