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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
What did you think about this movie?


If you have not seen, it’s the 26th century, about a world populated with humans and cyborgs (part human, part machine, mostly machine). Zalem, a city of wealth floats above, Iron City sweats below, basically dog eat dog, serving those above. A piece of Alita including a human brain (don’t question ;)) is found in a scrap yard, junk that falls from Zalem. Dr. Ito, who specializes in making cyborg repairs puts her back together using the cyborg body intended for his crippled daughter who was murdered and adopts her as his daughter. They discover she is a powerful weapon.

The plot centers on Alita’s self discovery, and the effort by corrupt authorities in Iron City, controlled by Zalem to eliminate her, because she is a threat to them, with Motor Ball (a cyborg demolition derby) in the middle of the story. I don’t know how true it is the the source material, but see the link below.

Despite a 93% positive audience rating at Rotten Tomatoes, the movie did poorly in the US, but well enough world wide to qualify for a sequel. The primary critique leveled against it, is that it’s an incomplete story. A decent story, good characters, a warm vibrant atmosphere, top notch, clean CGI and production values, possible the best human facial animations in any movie to date, despite the abnormally large manga eyes. It includes thrilling action (if you can tolerate CGI), a climatic Moto Ball match, plus more, but the story remains unfinished without a sequel, which may never be made.

The first time I saw it, I was happy with what I saw, but unhappy where it ended. I’ve watched it several times since and have grown very fond of this movie. I want a sequel. :)


How 'Alita: Battle Angel' Honors Original Manga
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macrumors regular
Feb 10, 2018
The Left Coast
I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I thought it would appeal to mainly prepubescent males, but it wasn’t bad at all. I quickly got used to Akita’s cgi face and it didn’t creep me out.
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T'hain Esh Kelch

macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2001
I saw it a week ago, and enjoyed it a lot. The world building and visual CGI designs are amazing, the main character very well acted and put together, and there's room for so much more story in that world. My only main beef with it, was her sidekick and love interest. His acting wasn't perticularly good, and the character was incredibly boring and cookie cut, and I really felt that he was so mis-cast.

But I would very much love a sequel, and will likely try and read the manga.
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