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macrumors 6502
Jan 21, 2019
More Freedom than Yours
You mean like the people who are losing close ones because people are incapable of following simple rules? Or do you mean the doctors and nurses being overworked in every single hospital in terrible conditions having to oversee the deaths hundreds of people while being helpless?
Nurses and doctors got time to do viral TikTok dances don’t give me that BS. There’s no mask mandate in Texas we’re doing just fine.


macrumors 6502
May 2, 2016
The EU does not produce any vaccines and therefore cannot reduce delivery to the UK. Individual members can place an export ban but run the risk of infuriating both AZ and Pfizer. Remember Pfizer closed its plant in the UK to consolidate operations within Belgium. If it finds itself in the midst of a vaccine tug-of-war, it will reconsider where it will invest in future. Threatening bans or demanding "reciprocity" is a stupid gambit.

You also need to consider the supply chain. For the Pfizer vaccine, there are something like 85 components coming from 14 countries, some outside of the EU and affected by the receint goings on. One of the key suppliers is the UK.
EU does not produce vaccine by itself, but multinational firms produce vaccine in plants located in EU, like in UK. UK block exportations to prioritize for their own population, and receive a lot of praise for doing so. And all of a sudden, when EU does the same thing it become stupid, risky, whatever...
Both the SA and Brazil variants have been detected in Europe just about everywhere. They are making up a suitable portion of infections in parts of France. France really is in trouble right now and there doesn't seem to be the appetite for a lockdown until vaccination really can get going. The warmer weather coming in now is very welcome.
The last numbers I saw show around 5% for each SA and brazilian variant for the entire country, quite stable during the last two months. It is more in some area, but it is not exploding and is not linked to more people in ICU than with b117.

Percentage of tests for UK variant and SA variant, France and Paris area (screen captures from geodes) :
FBB8E7E5-08A3-4D4B-98F6-1DEB03AE705A.jpeg C8AFE56D-C577-4686-BF13-974F38E0DB4C.jpeg
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macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
EU does not produce vaccine by itself, but multinational firms produce vaccine in plants located in EU, like in UK. UK block exportations to prioritize for their own population, and receive a lot of praise for doing so. And all of a sudden, when EU does the same thing it become stupid, risky, whatever...

The last numbers I saw (may be about a week old) show around 5% for each SA and brazilian variant for the entire country, quite stable during the last two months. It is more in some area, but it is not exploding and is not linked to more people in ICU than with b117
There is no export ban from the UK. That has been stated several times already by the UK government. This is AZ and Pfizer interpreting their contracts with their clients as they see fit. I see the EU Commission has tried to induce AZ at least to break existing contracts under some bizarre notion that because AZ has not been able to deliver the volumes it has promised (also the situation in the UK, hence the contract with SI in India) that it has some priority over any other existing contract and can order AZ to disregard them. That is nationalisation by the back door and both AZ and Pfizer have warned the EU not to do this.

As for France, you are correct. Figures coming out today show a slight decrease for the BR/SA variants, which is welcome from 5% to 4.7% overall. However, as said, while the variants are present all over France, they are not evenly distributed. In the Moselle region, they make up just over 36% of infections. The good news is that shows a decrease from last week's figure of 54%.



Mar 21, 2011
Apple Stores in France haven't be truly opened since October, they all used the Express Storefront system.

Rather than opening and closing lie a bloody yo-yo,, just use the express system in un-certain times anyway. Businesses wanna get back again, but you would have thought one lock-down would have said "ok. we better hold off another 3 months before we resume"

You know.. extend the time frame in the 2nd period, longer in 3rd, and so on.... (if it came to that). otherwise you haven't learnt a thing, and just just painting the same old picture.

Everyone wants open sooner, but you can't rush it. Look at the situation first in the country

Other countries may be doing better (where possible)


Feb 27, 2008
It’s enough already! Can’t imagine how many folks are going to come down with mental illnesses post COVID.
What do you mean after?

Severe germaphobia I think counts as mental illness, and the much of the world - probably 50% or more - is in the grip of it, afraid of something that does not exist in the way they're told it exists, so afraid of something utterly harmless that they take extreme risks to their life, health, and wellbeing getting poisonous substances injected in the vague hopes it may stop what has never been a threat.

It's exactly like the war on drugs, or the war on terror... a war against something that doesn't exist can never be won....


Feb 27, 2008
Most viruses don't burn out over time. Ask H1N1. It has been around for 100 years. If a virus has a long time between becoming contagious and showing symptoms, it does not become less virulent. Just ask AIDS. COVID-19 has a short half life for it's antibodies. For natural immunity, if you get the virus, you can get it again in a short time. The reason protection from the virus lats so long for vaccination is, nearly 100% of the generated antibodies are blocking. (In natural immunity, only a small percentage of antibodies are capable of stopping the virus.)

Masks do more than slow the virus. They reduce the R(t) value of the virus from around 4 to something below 1. The current R(T) value of COVID-19 is something above 1. The R(0) value of the B.1.1.7 variant is extremely high. Luckily with every current vaccine, the odds of spreading the virus after you get the shot drop significantly. As long as we can keep the viruses reproduction rate low enough that each person who gets it, gives it to less than one person, the virus will go away. The way we do this is first by masks and social distancing, second by vaccinations.

If people stop acting like morons, this virus will be a memory in about two months.
Lol I have not followed that fantasy narrative since early 2020

I've never worn any masks, distanced from anyone, or done anything I didn't normally do, in over 1 year, and yet here I am.

I've had covid but the only reason I even noticed it was that I couldn't taste anything for 10 days. Like at all. Zero. That was new and annoying but not especially scary..... Other than that I would have thought it's the flu, it was me laying down in bed for 1 day and feeling weak for 2 more. That's all.

No one should ever run and hide from this virus

Why because running and hiding means it takes us forever to build herd immunity. Running and hiding while destroying your own immune system with nonsensical measures like masks, no sunlight, no fun, FEAR running your life - this is severely impacting your ability to fight all viruses.

The great V... doesn't work, if you read the package text, they say it only helps to make symptoms less severe. How would we even know this is true as most people don't even have any symptoms? Would survival rate go from 99.97% down to 99.98%?? Or what?

It's stupidity to run and hide, its going to get you eventually, but what people are doing now through their avoidance and excessive use of toxic substances, they are actually making themselves more vulnerable to ALL viruses and bacteria. It's an idiot's trade-off, and the ONLY reason they're doing it is that the media has made this out to be the black plague when it's nothing more than a flu. (yes flu kills old and weak people all the time, except it's disappeared in 2020, so you may want to think about this... and then think about it some more... and don't use these flat earther arguments for it... ]

People who still believe that this is the black plague are a bit like flat earthers - no matter how many logical and factual observable evidence you throw at them, they always have a reason why their fantasy narrative is right. Proving that if you want to believe it badly enough you will ALWAYS find a reason. Full cognitive dissonance there.

PS there's also a lot of info on the long term dangers of this experimental gene therapy... I am happy for other human lab rats to test that out but if even half of the warnings are true then we can look forward to mass illness and death by the end of the year. And regardless of what you believe I do not wish that on anyone. I wish to continue to disagree - I don't wish anyone harm.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
The vaccine is the only way out of this long term.

I heard the vaccine is only effective for a set period of time like 6 months or something. I don't know what happens then.

As low as $30 per vaccine shot, healthcare industry is jumping in joy I imagine.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
Lol I have not followed that fantasy narrative since early 2020

I've never worn any masks, distanced from anyone, or done anything I didn't normally do, in over 1 year, and yet here I am.

I've had covid but the only reason I even noticed it was that I couldn't taste anything for 10 days. Like at all. Zero. That was new and annoying but not especially scary..... Other than that I would have thought it's the flu, it was me laying down in bed for 1 day and feeling weak for 2 more. That's all.

No one should ever run and hide from this virus

Why because running and hiding means it takes us forever to build herd immunity. Running and hiding while destroying your own immune system with nonsensical measures like masks, no sunlight, no fun, FEAR running your life - this is severely impacting your ability to fight all viruses.

The great V... doesn't work, if you read the package text, they say it only helps to make symptoms less severe. How would we even know this is true as most people don't even have any symptoms? Would survival rate go from 99.97% down to 99.98%?? Or what?

It's stupidity to run and hide, its going to get you eventually, but what people are doing now through their avoidance and excessive use of toxic substances, they are actually making themselves more vulnerable to ALL viruses and bacteria. It's an idiot's trade-off, and the ONLY reason they're doing it is that the media has made this out to be the black plague when it's nothing more than a flu. (yes flu kills old and weak people all the time, except it's disappeared in 2020, so you may want to think about this... and then think about it some more... and don't use these flat earther arguments for it... ]

People who still believe that this is the black plague are a bit like flat earthers - no matter how many logical and factual observable evidence you throw at them, they always have a reason why their fantasy narrative is right. Proving that if you want to believe it badly enough you will ALWAYS find a reason. Full cognitive dissonance there.

PS there's also a lot of info on the long term dangers of this experimental gene therapy... I am happy for other human lab rats to test that out but if even half of the warnings are true then we can look forward to mass illness and death by the end of the year. And regardless of what you believe I do not wish that on anyone. I wish to continue to disagree - I don't wish anyone harm.

idk, there are a lot of people dying of COVID-19. Famous people, people we know. All gov.s and all doctors world wide are warning of this. Its hard to believe they are all on the conspiracy theory.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2016
idk, there are a lot of people dying of COVID-19. Famous people, people we know. All gov.s and all doctors world wide are warning of this. Its hard to believe they are all on the conspiracy theory.
Everyone dies of something. Once you pass 60 your immune system naturally starts to decline. Once you get to 80 it has significantly dropped, naturally.

So yes the Covid virus is killing people but like the flu it is “naturally” killing those most vulnerable.

To his point flu deaths are way down. Is that because of masks and other measures? Or is it because Covid is steeling the Flu victims? Point is natural death is occurring one way or another.

For most of us below 65 the question is all about what is worse for you the virus or the vaccine? Both have their cons. No drug out there is side affect free.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
Quite ironic. Personally I don’t care about the US and I hope you realize there is a whole world outside of your country. I was mostly talking about Europe, which was in this situation at the beginning of the pandemic and in most countries in the last month or two as well.

Did I ever say they will stop the virus? No. I’m just saying that if everybody would be following the measures properly, the spread would have been a lot less than it is and we could have had a semi-normal by now.
How do you know that? A lot of data has shown that mask mandates and lockdowns have little to no impact - i.e. are not effective. Yet, everyone still claims, "well, if the idiots would just do what they're told, THEN we would be past this by now". As if sitting in a box will make a virus not do what viruses do.

Meanwhile, we know the effects of lockdowns with near certainty. BUT, we're not allowed to talk about it because of 100% risk averse fear riddled shaming posts like your original that jimbobb24 was responding to. In fact, if only the health authorities followed their own advice pre-COVID, that lockdowns are not an effective strategy, then maybe we wouldn't have to deal with the other health and economic crises heading our way.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
Where I live, the rollout has been fantastic. It's the one bright spot in an otherwise failure of a Trump supporting state.
And you can thank the brilliant decisions to get the bureaucracy the hell out of the way from the previous administration for even having a vaccine to roll out. That one bright spot is the only one that matters as you basically point out yourself. (BTW, it wouldn't have to be the only bright spot if therapeutics were given any serious consideration from our autocrats.)


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
How do you know that? A lot of data has shown that mask mandates and lockdowns have little to no impact - i.e. are not effective. Yet, everyone still claims, "well, if the idiots would just do what they're told, THEN we would be past this by now". As if sitting in a box will make a virus not do what viruses do.

Meanwhile, we know the effects of lockdowns with near certainty. BUT, we're not allowed to talk about it because of 100% risk averse fear riddled shaming posts like your original that jimbobb24 was responding to. In fact, if only the health authorities followed their own advice pre-COVID, that lockdowns are not an effective strategy, then maybe we wouldn't have to deal with the other health and economic crises heading our way.
Curious as to what you believe is an effective strategy in the absence of any vaccine. There seems to be two stark choices:

(a) Starve the virus of opportunity of transmission (lockdown) with the aim of relieving pressure on the health services until such time as a vaccine can reduce the symptoms and maybe suppress transmission.

(b) Let it rip and devil take the hindmost. It remains anyone's guess what the attrition will be with an ineffective and overburdened health service but say between 1-3%, disregarding the collateral damage of the lack of attendance to other ailments like cancer.

Only problem with (b) is that it isn't a simple choice between survival and death. There are numerous walking or not so walking wounded in its wake. Added to the fact that Covid is not a one time hit and there are records of people weathering their first infection tolerably well only to succumb to a second.

And the data for this
A lot of data has shown that mask mandates and lockdowns have little to no impact
You are going to have to show us your workings because our experience in Europe is showing the complete opposite.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2016
Curious as to what you believe is an effective strategy in the absence of any vaccine. There seems to be two stark choices:

(a) Starve the virus of opportunity of transmission (lockdown) with the aim of relieving pressure on the health services until such time as a vaccine can reduce the symptoms and maybe suppress transmission.

(b) Let it rip and devil take the hindmost. It remains anyone's guess what the attrition will be with an ineffective and overburdened health service but say between 1-3%, disregarding the collateral damage of the lack of attendance to other ailments like cancer.

Only problem with (b) is that it isn't a simple choice between survival and death. There are numerous walking or not so walking wounded in its wake. Added to the fact that Covid is not a one time hit and there are records of people weathering their first infection tolerably well only to succumb to a second.

And the data for this You are going to have to show us your workings because our experience in Europe is showing the complete opposite.
C. Protect the most vulnerable from day 1. The rest of the population uses "light" measures to cope with it and build herd immunity. Basically the same as a bad flu season.

Instead we have opted for...

D. Over react and destroy the economy and turn this into a giant political event. Also spend trillions of tax payer dollars in the name of "fighting covid" on bailing out failed states and other pet projects, and only using 10% or whatever for the actual covid issue. This of course is a double whammy since you are spending tax payers money after you killed the economy, so less tax money is coming in. Brilliant stuff.


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
C. Protect the most vulnerable from day 1. The rest of the population uses "light" measures to cope with it and build herd immunity. Basically the same as a bad flu season.
Yes, I was afraid it was going to be a glib, facile answer like this. Herd immunity is a pipe dream without a vaccine. This virus mutates and reinfects on every fourth transmission so a year down the road while you thrash out what you can in terms of a vaccine, you might be dealing with a very different beast, as we are seeing now with the UK, Brazil and SA variants.

Protecting the vulnerable is impossible without being able to identify the vulnerable in the first place, which is never straightforward with a novel virus. That tends to happen when people die, and once the virus takes hold, it is very difficult to pin it back without those measures you deplore. People tasked with running governments and health services understand this, which is why your suggestion was never in the running. Except to a limited extent, in Sweden.

Sweden is often quoted by those dissatisfied with restrictive measures as a paragon. It took a lighter (important to note, not light) hand than its neighbours and relied on the responsibility of the average Swede to follow guidelines, rather than laws to restrict transmission. Sweden was rewarded with a death toll 4-5 times that of its nearest neighbours and its economy was not spared either, ending up just as hard hit. The architect of Swedens Covid policy, Anders Tegnell, was like you, a believer in herd immunity and has admitted that he could have done things differently.


macrumors 68000
Jan 20, 2003
All ya'll supporting this scam must wear rubber gloves at all times now. If you don't, or you ask a single question, you are a flat-earthther and will face the consequences.

You just have to. Muh science. I don't want your filthy germs everywhere, so glove up!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2016
Yes, I was afraid it was going to be a glib, facile answer like this. Herd immunity is a pipe dream without a vaccine. This virus mutates and reinfects on every fourth transmission so a year down the road while you thrash out what you can in terms of a vaccine, you might be dealing with a very different beast, as we are seeing now with the UK, Brazil and SA variants.

Protecting the vulnerable is impossible without being able to identify the vulnerable in the first place, which is never straightforward with a novel virus. That tends to happen when people die, and once the virus takes hold, it is very difficult to pin it back without those measures you deplore. People tasked with running governments and health services understand this, which is why your suggestion was never in the running. Except to a limited extent, in Sweden.

Sweden is often quoted by those dissatisfied with restrictive measures as a paragon. It took a lighter (important to note, not light) hand than its neighbours and relied on the responsibility of the average Swede to follow guidelines, rather than laws to restrict transmission. Sweden was rewarded with a death toll 4-5 times that of its nearest neighbours and its economy was not spared either, ending up just as hard hit. The architect of Swedens Covid policy, Anders Tegnell, was like you, a believer in herd immunity and has admitted that he could have done things differently.
Where did I say do not take the vaccine??? I have my first shot, basically voluntold at work. I will get my second but I am done, unless some variant starts taking down people at the 3+% rate, which I highly doubt who knows.

Protecting the vulnerable is simple. Those with weak immune systems. Just like any other virus the same applies with this virus. Older people and those that choose un-healthy life styles (obese, eat poorly, never exercise, abuse substances etc). Same as any other virus, like the flu etc....SSDD.

"This virus mutates and reinfects on every fourth transmission". All viruses do this, and the vaccines cover it. That said your body can fight it off as well. You know like my age group and health have a 99.7% chance of living if we get it.

How about you do you Karen and I will do me.

I just got back from dining out, the restaurant was packed. They took our temps (what a joke, advil would hide that) and we all wore masks until we got to our table. I flew from the midwest to CA last week and back, all flights packed, no seats available, but we wore masks...which is a joke after like 10min of sitting 1inch from the person next too you. Airports packed. In CA the only time I saw people wearing masks was the one time I was at a grocery store and the airport. The beaches and restaurants were mask free.
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macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
Everyone dies of something. Once you pass 60 your immune system naturally starts to decline. Once you get to 80 it has significantly dropped, naturally.

So yes the Covid virus is killing people but like the flu it is “naturally” killing those most vulnerable.

To his point flu deaths are way down. Is that because of masks and other measures? Or is it because Covid is steeling the Flu victims? Point is natural death is occurring one way or another.

For most of us below 65 the question is all about what is worse for you the virus or the vaccine? Both have their cons. No drug out there is side affect free.

but vaccine is not a drug, its a ...vaccine. Near all humanity now takes vaccines when you, I don't see side effects on any one unlike say high blood pressure pills


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
Where did I say do not take the vaccine???
Your whole rant about how the US's approach to containing the spread of the virus was wrong predates the virus. Note the vaccine has yet to roll out to even the eldest half of the population, who are statistically most at risk. Just because you have had a jab does not mean everyone else has or can behave as if they have had both of them.

Protecting the vulnerable is simple. Those with weak immune systems. Just like any other virus the same applies with this virus. Older people and those that choose un-healthy life styles (obese, eat poorly, never exercise, abuse substances etc). Same as any other virus, like the flu etc....SSDD.
So, basically most of the US, then, given current obesity rates. Locking up that many people behind closed doors and expecting the country to function isn't the answer you thought it was.

Perhaps trying to inculcate a sense of responsibility towards and trying to help your fellow man was a step too far, given that makes you a Karen, apparently.

"This virus mutates and reinfects on every fourth transmission". All viruses do this, and the vaccines cover it. That said your body can fight it off as well. You know like my age group and health have a 99.7% chance of living if we get it.
Maybe, as long as the health services can cope. Poland is really struggling now and trying to find doctors from anywhere, while Covid patients from the heaviest hit area, Silesia, are being sent far from home. France is dealing with its highest level of ICU occupancy. Hungary, despite, having stolen a march on its fellow EU neighbours due to having doled out Russian and Chinese vaccines alongside those approved by the EMA does not have enough medical staff to handle ventilation equipment. Poor policy making also ensured that 5,500 doctors quit there last month. Those survival figures almost certainly vary from country to country.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2016
but vaccine is not a drug, its a ...vaccine. Near all humanity now takes vaccines when you, I don't see side effects on any one unlike say high blood pressure pills
Semantics. The vaccine or one of them has already killed people. The one in Europe was halted in 18 countries because issues.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2016
Your whole rant about how the US's approach to containing the spread of the virus was wrong predates the virus. Note the vaccine has yet to roll out to even the eldest half of the population, who are statistically most at risk. Just because you have had a jab does not mean everyone else has or can behave as if they have had both of them.

So, basically most of the US, then, given current obesity rates. Locking up that many people behind closed doors and expecting the country to function isn't the answer you thought it was.

Perhaps trying to inculcate a sense of responsibility towards and trying to help your fellow man was a step too far, given that makes you a Karen, apparently.

Maybe, as long as the health services can cope. Poland is really struggling now and trying to find doctors from anywhere, while Covid patients from the heaviest hit area, Silesia, are being sent far from home. France is dealing with its highest level of ICU occupancy. Hungary, despite, having stolen a march on its fellow EU neighbours due to having doled out Russian and Chinese vaccines alongside those approved by the EMA does not have enough medical staff to handle ventilation equipment. Poor policy making also ensured that 5,500 doctors quit there last month. Those survival figures almost certainly vary from country to country.
"Perhaps trying to inculcate a sense of responsibility towards and trying to help your fellow man was a step too far, given that makes you a Karen, apparently."

Lol, I am not the one wanting to keep things locked down. I think we have a virus, like many other viruses, that impacts those with weak immune systems to the point of death...JUST LIKE all other viruses.

I think we over-reacted and ruined the economy. I think almost all of the reaction now is 100% political. Experts have been all over the place with their advice, going back and forth, with some of them doing it based on politics. Fauci being the worst of them, with his double mask until 2022 BS. He got called on the flow of congress and he dodged the direct questions put to him. The CDC new drama queen of the CDC just said this...

“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus — they don’t get sick,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, told MSNBC on Tuesday. That’s “not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real-world data.”

So why is Fauci suggesting double masks until 2022 and doing it after he has been fully vaccinated? Because he is King Karen. People, especially most of the group that has 99.7% of NOT dying even without the vaccine are sick of this nanny state stuff.

"So, basically most of the US, then, given current obesity rates."

These people know that being that way impacts their health in so many ways. They make a choice to be that way and eventually they will pay a price. Could be with covid or the real #1 killer in the US heart disease, which impacts obese people way more than non-obese. I am not we should take any special measures for them, other than telling them what they should do until they can get the vaccine.


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
Where did I say do not take the vaccine??? I have my first shot, basically voluntold at work. I will get my second but I am done, unless some variant starts taking down people at the 3+% rate, which I highly doubt who knows.

Protecting the vulnerable is simple. Those with weak immune systems. Just like any other virus the same applies with this virus. Older people and those that choose un-healthy life styles (obese, eat poorly, never exercise, abuse substances etc). Same as any other virus, like the flu etc....SSDD.

"This virus mutates and reinfects on every fourth transmission". All viruses do this, and the vaccines cover it. That said your body can fight it off as well. You know like my age group and health have a 99.7% chance of living if we get it.

How about you do you Karen and I will do me.

I just got back from dining out, the restaurant was packed. They took our temps (what a joke, advil would hide that) and we all wore masks until we got to our table. I flew from the midwest to CA last week and back, all flights packed, no seats available, but we wore masks...which is a joke after like 10min of sitting 1inch from the person next too you. Airports packed. In CA the only time I saw people wearing masks was the one time I was at a grocery store and the airport. The beaches and restaurants were mask free.
The B.1.1.7 and P.5 variants of the virus seem to be infecting and killing people under the age of 50 at a higher rate than those above it. If you don't mind my asking, what vaccine did you get?
Semantics. The vaccine or one of them has already killed people. The one in Europe was halted in 18 countries because issues.
When they looked father into the numbers, people who were vaccinated with the Astrazeneca vaccine had a lower rate of clotting disorders than people who were not vaccinated. This makes quite a bit of sense because, COVID-19 tends to cause clotting issues. If you have ever looked at the lungs, heart or kidneys of a person who died of COVID, it is not pretty. There was one very rare clotting disorder that showed a quick blip up in women over the age of 50 after getting the vaccine. That blip quickly went away. It could be a statistical fluke or it could have been a bad batch. I am betting it was something environmental as they were all from the same geographic region.
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