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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2018
Hello guys, I have a big problem, I restarted my MacBook from Windows 10 (There was all normal, all icons were there), as I always do, I wanted to open AppStore, but i saw message:
"You can't open the application "App Store" because it may be damaged or incomplete."​
I was so confused, because this is default app in Mac. Then i tried to open preferences, to try to fix this, but the same thing.

Yeah i tried to open other apps, then after i open them, their icons started to become Question Marks.

As you know, I have Windows 10 (Boot Camp) and the worst part here, that my mac is starting up with Windows, and i can't change start up disk in boot camp in windows, because it is not see any other disks instead of BootCamp.

Can you guys help me, i am really so done, I don't have Backup I just bought new HardDrive, and it is still not arrived. Please help me

Thank you!

Some more images:


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Before you re-install (as Samuelsan suggests above) could you try this?
1. Right click on each "question mark" in the dock
2. Choose "option/remove from dock"
3. Do the question marks disappear? Then remove then ALL.
If so, you should be left with "an empty dock".
Now, try this:
1. Open the application folder
2. "drag and place" an application or two back to the dock
3. Do they "stay in place" there? Does clicking on each icon open the desired app?
4. If so, just "re-install" the apps you want back to the dock.
No promises this will work.

Another tip for having ALL your apps "within easy reach":
- Drag the entire Applications FOLDER to the dock (it has to go near the trash can icon)
- Set it up with "Display"=folder and "View Content as"=List
- Now, you can click on the folder icon and a list of EVERY application in the folder will pop up.
Try this, it's very useful. See the image below.

One last thought:
Do you really, absolutely, positively have-to-have native Windows boot capabilities?
Or... could you get by with an "emulated solution" for Windows, such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or the free "Virtual Box"?
I've seen so many posts from folks having trouble with BootCamp, that it seems to me running Windows "in emulation" is the better choice. FEWER PROBLEMS.

Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 11.22.39 AM.jpg
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macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
I recommend not taking any additional actions until a plan of action is formulated. This is because the actions you take now may impact the odds of recovering files.
  1. Do you have files on the hard drive you need to recover? - if so, what types of files, and what sizes?
  2. Can you access Finder at all when the OS is booted? - if so, can you manually navigate to your files?

  3. What year/model MacBook is this?
  4. Does it have a factory hard drive or has it been upgraded? (If it is a mid-2012 13-inch, has the SATA cable ever been replaced?)
  5. What version of macOS are you using? (Sierra, I assume?)
  6. Can you boot into the recovery partition's Disk Utility? (from here you can run First Aid to attempt to repair the disk, BUT, BEFORE even attempting this, more information will help other Members advise whether or not to try this [for example, if you are currently booted into the OS as shown on the screen, and you can access Finder from here, you will probably want to manually backup the files immediately.])
  7. Do you by chance have a copy of DiskWarrior?
  8. Do you have any familiarity with Ubuntu? -OR- Are you comfortable installing macOS onto an external flash drive or SSD?
  9. Did you make any changes prior to this event? (for example, moving files, deleting applications, running a cleaning or antimalware App, installing new applications, etc.)
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I've had a few instances where application icons (that were formerly in the dock) "converted into" question marks (as the OP reported above).

When that happened, I just removed the "?" icon from the dock, then "re-installed" the app to the dock (as I described in post 3 above).

It worked.
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