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macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
My mastery of the English language is such that an emoticon is all I need to convey a thought.

Please people, don't be naive. We are way past what's in 1984 and you guys buy right into it. Apple is a known member of PRISM, even though they deny it. They are liars, as we know. Trusting corporations (judging by the love Apple here) and your governments is the beginning of civilization's downfall.

Oh, all the information we are willing to give in the name of convenience. After all, punching in 4 digits into a device takes forever. We need it faster. Faster, still.

Posted by my iPhone.

You don't need to trust Apple to know the truth, many people have gone thought the phone its self to confirm it, we live in an age of communication, this isn't the 1800's.


Apr 24, 2010
Dublin, Ireland
You don't need to trust Apple to know the truth, many people have gone thought the phone its self to confirm it, we live in an age of communication, this isn't the 1800's.

Ahh can't you tell he won't believe actual facts. I'm sure he doesn't believe it when people tell him the sky is blue...


macrumors 603
Jul 11, 2008
Think you need to upgrade your tinfoil hat to the 'tinfoil hat air', lighter and more powerful.

You just don't see what's happening to America do you? It's a win for all parties involved, and that's the problem.

The consumer gets the convenience of productivity and entertainment.

The corporations get the profits from this increased productivity and entertainment.

The governments get all the data to continue the war machine.


macrumors 68030
Jul 9, 2011
is that your quote for every post? You said that about the imac too

What? I don't think I've commented on the iMac in months. It is strange that you are following me so closely out of the thousands of members here, but check my post history, honey. I have 1,057 posts, so no, it is not my "quote for every post" although it is my top gripe with the QC of recent Apple products. Some people bitch about iOS 7, some people bitch about screen size, I bitch about what bothers me. It's a forum, get used to it.


macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2010
totally agree...they've been repeating 1gb for the past 2 years. The whole idea of 64-bit processor is pointless if its limited by ram

Guess after 7 months you guys are starting to realize that 64 bit is useless without more memory. Apple was slinging 64 bit like it would solve all our problems. How many apps truly need 64 bit? I would rather have a 32 bit system with 3gig of ram instead of a 64 bit system with 1 gig of ram; better to take a very slight hit in speed vs. the entire app crashing. It was crash city with my iPhone 5s and that was the reason why I returned a retina iPad mini; not future proof enough.


macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
So you're suggesting that Apple should make the iPad look different for the sake of it looking different? Dear lord...

Why on earth not?
Do you have the same shirt in two different colours? Probably.
See where I'm going, what is wrong with wanting some variety?


macrumors 68000
Jul 10, 2012
Interesting... recently I've thought about buying an iPad mini or Air, but this may make me wait. I've been wondering why this isn't in the iPad yet.



The only bad thing about the iPad Air is that the screen feels really hollow and cheap. I also hate seeing that gap between the lcd and screen.

It's crazy to think the iPad Air can get even MORE thinner :eek:

Cheap? It's a little less sturdy as the iPad 4 but that thing was thick and a tank. I wouldn't say the Air is cheap feeling, at least not compared to any non-apple tablets.


macrumors 68000
Jul 10, 2012
"MacRumors spoke with iFixit co-founder Kyle Wiens, who noted that the assembly could indeed be legitimate and use a manufacturing process similar to that seen on the Retina MacBook Pro."

If that's the case, would touch capability eventually be added into the MacBooks?

No. There's no relation, it just has to do with the screen laminating.


Apr 24, 2010
Dublin, Ireland
Alleged iPad Air 2 Front Panel with Integrated Display Shown in New Photos

You just don't see what's happening to America do you? It's a win for all parties involved, and that's the problem.

The consumer gets the convenience of productivity and entertainment.

The corporations get the profits from this increased productivity and entertainment.

The governments get all the data to continue the war machine.

No, I'm just not crazy… plus I'm not in America anyway…


macrumors 68000
Jul 10, 2012
#1 he is a problem for us
#2 go into nsa database, get finger print
#3 plant it at crime site
#4 hey fbi, want to lookup that finger print in our database?

You think stasi didn't use their archive against people?



macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Make thinner display, bigger battery. The same overall thickness as the current air, I would be happy.

Don't confuse the iPad air with the iPhone. I've never heard anyone complain about iPad battery life. It could be half of what it is and I would still have no problem with it so long as it's thinner and lighter.

iPhone on the other hand could always benefit from larger batteries and/or longer battery life.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Why on earth not?
Do you have the same shirt in two different colours? Probably.
See where I'm going, what is wrong with wanting some variety?

Variety is what you got in the 90's when Apple had dozens of Macs that weren't distinct from one another. It turned off salespeople and customers.

It's like going to a poorly run diner. They have giant menus to support and instead of customers feeling like they getting variety, they are overwhelmed and either order nothing or the usual.


macrumors 601
…..the quest for thinness and lightness continues, surely there has to be a point where apple will stop making devices thinner and improve on battery. Or I suppose battery technology will continue to get better so they can continue to make thinner devices.... who knows

Battery-life improvement doesn't appear to be high on Apple's list of desirables; they are, like everybody else, probably waiting for quantum leaps in battery tech for major improvements in that area.

Until such time, the only options are software tweaking or bigger overall dimensions. Many users seem to be getting a full day's worth of usage out of their iPhones, and that appears to be the sweet spot for Apple; their idea of a perfect compromise between size, weight and 'stamina'.


macrumors 68000
Jul 10, 2012
Look at what change for the sake of change did for iOS 7. The people who like change for the sake of change are singing its praises while the few people in the world that understand user interface design are slamming it. Everyone else is caught in the middle, unsure, many of them uncomfortable with the new design but not really clear on how to express it because they're just normal people trying to use this crap.

Oh so because I vastly prefer iOS 7 I'm not one of the elite few who understand UI design? :rolleyes: The condescension is a bit much with this one buddy.


Sep 20, 2008
Great news and something I expected! (If it is true)

It means in the first place that there will be no dust between the glass and the display anymore. (Which is not an issue if we talk about iPhones since the introduction of the iPhone 4)

Nice one, Apple! Bravo! :)


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
totally agree...they've been repeating 1gb for the past 2 years. The whole idea of 64-bit processor is pointless if its limited by ram

Stop repeating what you've heard on the internet. Try using a device. If it feels fast, it has enough RAM no matter how much Android users tell you need more. If it doesn't feel fast, I'm sure you'll be happy with any number of Android devices packing 3GB of RAM. At least that's what you can tell yourself.

The 64-bit A7 processor is the fastest mobile processor available and will soon be replaced by the A8. Yes it would benefit the A7 and A8 much more if Apple tripled the amount of RAM in iOS devices but very few apps have yet to take advantage of that much RAM. You must introduce the architecture and hardware first at an attractive price point. Only then will the developers create apps that take advantage of that architecture.

Look at it this way, Apple's developers have a full year lead on every other platform for 64-bit apps. So it might not seem like a lot right now but in a year or two, iOS apps will scream while every other platforms' apps will just be getting their feet wet in the 64-bit end of the pool.


macrumors 65816
Feb 19, 2010
#1 He is a problem for us
#2 Go into NSA database, get finger print
#3 Plant it at crime site
#4 hey FBI, want to lookup that finger print in our database?

You think STASI didn't use their archive against people?

Umm... How, exactly? Unless you are someone who controls the NSA, CIA and whatnots. In which case we can reduce your list a bit:

#1 He is a problem.
#2 Eliminate him.
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