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crap freakboy

macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
nar in Gainsborough, me duck
Shame about that, even if it was spam it was relatively lowfat spam...wasn't really doing any harm imo.
I don't really believe the relationship between number of posts and integrity is that valid, I've seen many forums full of the most stupid/childish post by senior members. Saying that, I still believe MacRumors is one of the few remaining forums that manages to police itself with great success.
I do miss the old highly technical posts from agents within Apple, you know the 'really' ubergeek technical ones....ahhh well


macrumors 6502a
Apr 30, 2004
The Ocean Floor
that was a bit harsh guys, it seems that however he came off in his first post he is actually a mac user and not just someone trying to sell something. I'd like to welcome you to the forum and say that if you can overlook this incident I'm sure you will feel right at home here soon enough. Its just that recently we've had a few too many people just coming here to post FREE IPOD adverts. No hard feelings?


macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
mattv123 said:
Ok, way too long inside today with the surf outside awaiting. Have a good day!

I went surfing in San Francisco last month an it was awesome. You would prob like the waves here in Miami at the moment! (however, not the hurricane that comes with it) Have a good day! (some waves have been high as 15ft in ft Lordedale

Hope you decide to stick around!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 4, 2004
Southern California
Ok, I'll stay :)

Well, you guys redeemed yourself: that is the attitude of members I love to be associated with. So, I'll shut up about speakers, even though I am persoanlly very impressed with them :))) and we can go on about macs from here.

Thanks guys.


macrumors 65816
Jan 2, 2004
The Northlands
wPod said:
mattv123. . . dont leave. . . just dont say anything else about speakers. im going to have to follow up this post like i did on the college dorm speakers that i first saw you post.

those speakers sound like they dont work. the web-site claims that they work in any size/shape of a room. from a semi-audiophile's point of view this is imposible. to get the actual effect of such a system youd have to have a room specificly designed to fit the speakers. not to say they sound bad, but they couldnt be as amazing as they claim to be. the idea of a true 5.1 system is to actually have the speakers placed as specific locations and thus a feel of 'location' from sound. the problem with 5 speakers at one sources is you will have cancelation at various parts of the room as the waves interfere. i understand this wave interference is how they imitate 5.1 sound for some parts, but they must also acknoledge that there will be negative wave interferance wich will cause bad spots (or if a very acurate wave is played through the speakers you could have completely silent spots) so yeah id not recomend them. and as for mattv123 come back to the forums, just dont mentions speakers again! :) we always welcome mac lovers here!

Don't post anything about speakers?????

He has a right to post about speakers if he wants, it's an open forum. :mad:

Bose, also has a product which "claims" to have virtual 5.1 from a 2.1 package. All he did was recommend a product that claims the same thing, he shouldn't have his head bitten off for that... :mad:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 4, 2004
Southern California
One last thing about speakers :)

I have honestly not used my Niro system too much for 5.1 sound, since I don't watch many movies on my mac. However, I listen to a hell of a lot of music on my mac.

Regardless of whether or not the Niro can pull off great 5.1 sound, this thing totally kicks ass when it comes to putting out stereo from the optical output of my G5 and iTunes. You really get rich high- and mid-tones, and lows are great as well.

Basically, if you are looking for a compact solution that provides great audio for your computer, Niro is really the way to go. I mean, even if the 5.1 isn't PERFECT for DVDs, you still have a relatively amazing surround sound system for your computer.

Ok, now I am done with speakers. Thanks for listening :)


macrumors 68020
Nov 18, 2002
wow there are some skeptics on these forums. whew!

sorry for the rude welcome mattv

i personally would suggest ignoring anyone who is saying what they think about this speaker without having heard it.

everyone can have opinions, but please don't give them if you havn't tried what your judging.


macrumors member
May 7, 2004
Chicago, IL
mattv123 said:
So as I listen to "Let Go" by Frou Frou (off the Garden State soundtrack), which sounds amazing with this setup, I tell you my intensions are genuine. I reread my post and it does kind of sound like a sales pitch, and for that I am sorry. I guess at the time that was the easiest way for me to express how strongly I feel about the product.

aah i love that song :)



macrumors 68000
Sep 6, 2003
Dude, that looks like a cinema display larger than a 23" that that spammer's speaker is on. Could it be? no, but what if its...


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Personally, I don't think anybody should take blame for disbelieving someone who's 1st and 2nd post sound like pure advertisement. If he's genuine, how am I supposed to know that? How many people have posted here as regular users to peddle crap. Roaming around here for Mac news and such, but only thought it was worthy to post here when he wanted to say something about a speaker?

But oh wait, he's a student who owns a company that uses an XServe, and he showed us a picture of his setup. The picture doesn't mean much.

His posts are the same as those of someone who was trying to sell something, got caught, and wanted to sound geniune and make you feel guilty for even suggesting that his intentions weren't genuine.

Now whether he was genuine or not.....well, I don't know. But after reading 3 of his posts (including the one in the other thread), he sounds like he's advertising, so how can anyone be guilty of disbelieving him?

2A Batterie

macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2004
Out of a Suitcase, USA
I went back and read the first post of this topic and it reminds me of the response (that will answer why everyone on this thread iis skeptical) my mother gave to my little brother after Thanksgiving dinner when he asked why I was all sweaty. She responded: "He pushed too hard."


macrumors 65816
Apr 28, 2004
this system is designed for people without lots of room. what i want to know is what is that box on top of your G5, is that the control for the speakers?

you'll never get TRUE 5.1 sound with this, but i wouldn't be surprised if your average consumer couldn't even tell the difference between listening to this and a real 5.1 setup. although it just seems so wrong, but did anyone ever see that flat speaker i think toshiba or someone made a prototype of? basically it was like 1,000 1 inch tweeters or something all pointing in different directions with this phase canceling stuff, it looked sweet, i remember seeing it in Popular Science & Tech (a very interesting mag).


macrumors 68000
Mar 17, 2003
So I'm a 6502 but deleted my avatar ages ago.
Where does that leave me :confused:

AppleMatt (liked/trusted/hated/distrusted/ignored)

Little Endian

macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2003
mattv123 said:
I have honestly not used my Niro system too much for 5.1 sound, since I don't watch many movies on my mac. However, I listen to a hell of a lot of music on my mac.

Regardless of whether or not the Niro can pull off great 5.1 sound, this thing totally kicks ass when it comes to putting out stereo from the optical output of my G5 and iTunes. You really get rich high- and mid-tones, and lows are great as well.

Basically, if you are looking for a compact solution that provides great audio for your computer, Niro is really the way to go. I mean, even if the 5.1 isn't PERFECT for DVDs, you still have a relatively amazing surround sound system for your computer.

Ok, now I am done with speakers. Thanks for listening :)

Well I would expect at least Kick ass sound regardsless if it pulls of good 5.1 when prices for these systems run $450-$2000


macrumors 68000
Aug 19, 2003
Denver, CO
invaLPsion said:
Don't post anything about speakers?????

He has a right to post about speakers if he wants, it's an open forum. :mad:

Bose, also has a product which "claims" to have virtual 5.1 from a 2.1 package. All he did was recommend a product that claims the same thing, he shouldn't have his head bitten off for that... :mad:

im just saying that b/c everyone is bugging him too much about it, so if he doesnt mention it then noone will have anything to bug him about. im glad he has decided to stay with the forums. its just a tough way for him to leaern what to post and what not to post. i learned not to post in the classified section b/c everyone there criticizes everything and drives down the price. come on i said he should stay in the forums cause he is obviously a guy that likes macs!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 4, 2004
Southern California
spammer this

jimsowden said:
Dude, that looks like a cinema display larger than a 23" that that spammer's speaker is on. Could it be? no, but what if its...

Well, if you want to try to force aligations and make things up to make me look bad, I will shut you right back down....

The monitor is a 23" HD monitor, but the speaker is only about 12" wide. Therefore, the picture I took with my iSight was only a portion of my monitor.

Got any more? ;)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 4, 2004
Southern California
BrianKonarsMac said:
this system is designed for people without lots of room. what i want to know is what is that box on top of your G5, is that the control for the speakers?

Yup, that is the amp. I have a 3 foot fiber optic cable plugged into the back of it coming from my mac. I think there are a total of 4 wires coming into it including the power.

This tech was developed in Japan my Nakamishi or something; he basically invented the tape deck and did a lot of high end audio.

And just FYI, while I was researching the system I got, I also stumbled upon some integrated amps that ran for something like $15,000.... I have no idea how they work or why they are so expensive, but aparently they are quite amazing products. I could not find them on their website for sale, so maybe they are special order or something.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 4, 2004
Southern California
Abstract said:
Personally, I don't think anybody should take blame for disbelieving someone who's 1st and 2nd post sound like pure advertisement. If he's genuine, how am I supposed to know that? How many people have posted here as regular users to peddle crap. Roaming around here for Mac news and such, but only thought it was worthy to post here when he wanted to say something about a speaker?

But oh wait, he's a student who owns a company that uses an XServe, and he showed us a picture of his setup. The picture doesn't mean much.

His posts are the same as those of someone who was trying to sell something, got caught, and wanted to sound geniune and make you feel guilty for even suggesting that his intentions weren't genuine.

Now whether he was genuine or not.....well, I don't know. But after reading 3 of his posts (including the one in the other thread), he sounds like he's advertising, so how can anyone be guilty of disbelieving him?

I can totally understand your concern. Frankly, if I were common to this forum, i maybe would be a little pissed (at first) as well: some random person with no creditability throwing out a sales-pitch-like review and expecting everyone to believe it. How dare he?

Well, I dared. I have always had a passion for mac stuff but never really had anything too different to say besides what was already being said in these forums (or forums in general). So, when I had something unique, something I felt would enchance the mac that much further beyond those rediculous windows boxes, I wanted to have my voice heard! I wanted to gain attention to this product because I think it was great, and would basically just make people's experience at their macs that much better.

This is what it comes down to: by me telling you about this product, I am getting no money or kick backs or anything from Niro. I am getting absolutely nothing from these posts except for a headache while reading these continous aligations, where as originally I was hoping to spark a constructive and thoughtful discussion about this product and it's use with the Mac.

But, i guess this is a fundamental problem with the veil cast over everyone and everything when it comes to communication through the internet: you have no idea who I am, what I do, or if I can be a marginally creditable forum poster.

So beyond this, I am wasting my time trying to validate who I am or what I do. Take my word as you will, and post back if you want to discuss the system... Otherwise, lets stop wasting hard drive space complaining about if I am creditable or not.

Take care and good night.

Matt Vlasach


macrumors G3
Aug 30, 2003
mattv123 said:
This tech was developed in Japan my Nakamishi or something; he basically invented the tape deck and did a lot of high end audio.

That's one point that really runs me the wrong way about the Niro marketing. It was Etsuro Nakamichi who founded the company and did the really innovative stuff there; Niro is from the same family but seems to be taking far too much credit for things. Maybe his products really are good, but the marketing bothers me.

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
People unjustifiably having a pop at you is one thing.

Posting 3 times in a row in the space of 35mins on the thread you started, is what some might call a...


...and some people may not like that, either.


macrumors 6502
Jun 29, 2004
Mattv is getting shot down for posting a "Product Recommendation" in the "Product Recommendation" forum. I don't get it. If you are skeptical, don't buy it.. Nothing is forced here :D
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