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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 20, 2017
Dear all,
We published our first game anagram+1 in Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
anagram+1 is an anagram word game as the name suggests.

What is Anagram?
As most of you know, if two words are generated from a different combination of the same letters, they are called anagrams. For example: CARE and RACE.

What is anagram+1?
I always liked playing with anagrams but it is difficult to find many interesting anagrams where both words are "nice". Generally (at least) one of the words would be a bit obscure or not well-know. I solved this problem by adding an extra letter e.g. the mission is finding a secret word by using a given word + an extra letter. For example, you are given:
and you are supposed to find:

Now it may look too easy with 4 letter words but I assure you it is not that easy. As number of letters increase, it is sometimes very challenging and surprising to see how you are not able to see the obvious. You can use hints to see a random letter in the answer if you are stuck.

Here is links if you want to give it a try:

Apple App Store Link:

Google Play Store Link:

Amazon version is on way!

Please don't hesitate to comment. ...and download ...and rate ...and review :)

A screenshot from the Red anagrams:

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