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Original poster
Aug 31, 2003
Hello, besides the complex methods using Terminal and all that to convert a macOS Instal app to .iso, is there an easier way, perhaps someone has already made an app to make this conversion faster?

Thank you.
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
From my archives:
Open the Terminal

Assuming your new image is called ~/Desktop/Master.cdr (the file is on your desktop and called Master.cdr) type:

cd ~/Desktop
(this changes the current working directory to the desktop)

Then type:

hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o Master.iso Master.cdr

This will create an ISO/Joliet .iso file.

Use a text editor to "prepare" your terminal commands.
Then, copy them and paste them into terminal.
Doing this lets you see and avoid typos before they happen.


Original poster
Aug 31, 2003
From my archives:
Open the Terminal

Assuming your new image is called ~/Desktop/Master.cdr (the file is on your desktop and called Master.cdr) type:

cd ~/Desktop
(this changes the current working directory to the desktop)

Then type:

hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o Master.iso Master.cdr

This will create an ISO/Joliet .iso file.

Use a text editor to "prepare" your terminal commands.
Then, copy them and paste them into terminal.
Doing this lets you see and avoid typos before they happen.
Hi. Correct me if I'm wrong: I use the Disk Utility to convert say my downloaded Install macOS High into .cdr and then use Terminal for the command above (if everything fails, I'll use the github .iso one but I think you have to compile the code or install in into Z shell (Bash based).

I plan to install macOS High Sierra (coz' that's the most stable macOS I've ever used, Big Sur and Monterey are the buggiest) VirtualBox.
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