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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I've been taking my pills for roughy 5 months now, but haven't been in a situation where Alcohol was being used. I don't drink ever. I mean more than what is given at communion. (Which I haven't been to in several months due to private personal issues.) So I am guessing my tolerance to Alcohol is very low since it's been a long time since I attended communion even before going to church was not possible.

Thank you for your advice in advance.


macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2012
Are you looking for advice on how to handle alcohol? I'd recommend avoiding it entirely and getting a moctail instead.

If you do drink, be sure to drink plenty of water and maybe set a hard limit of no more than two drinks. Be sure to have friends who are aware of the situation ahead of time who will tell you to quit if you "feel good" and decide you want more. Friends who can carry you home if needed too if it does hit you harder than you expect.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I never drink/drank socially or even just because. I am planning on asking my Neurologist when I see him in August, though.


Feb 13, 2010
Tahoe, CA
I never drink/drank socially or even just because. I am planning on asking my Neurologist when I see him in August, though.
As a doctor I would advise you to never ask medical advice on any online forum and always discuss matter with your own primary care physician or a specialist. As you indicated you already are going to talk things over with your Neurologist so that is great.

But yeah as Phoenix said... why start with something that you clearly do not need.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I never drink/drank socially or even just because. If anyone who replies to this thread attend church, taking perception medication, and participate in communion. I was asking just to get a general idea.


Feb 13, 2010
Tahoe, CA
I never drink/drank socially or even just because. If anyone who replies to this thread attend church, taking perception medication, and participate in communion. I was asking just to get a general idea.
Aha, ok.... you just want to know if the amount of alcohol you get at communion could have an affect on your medication?!
Again I would urge you to simply wait until you can get an answer from your own neurologist as he or she will know exactly what medication you are taking and how much and its interactions with a small amount of alcohol based on your complete medical history.

I would not ever use any answer you get on a public forum as any indication of how medications interact with external influences.
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I see what you are saying. I tried to look online, but was so confused. I thought someone here would be taking anti-seizure meds and might give me an idea. Luckily for me, I think I mentioned this, I haven't had to experience communion because of private matters. Luckily for me, I have my 3 month check-up coming up soon. I'd try other options, but it'll be kind of hard. (Not because of me, though.)


Feb 13, 2010
Tahoe, CA
I see what you are saying. I tried to look online, but was so confused. I thought someone here would be taking anti-seizure meds and might give me an idea. Luckily for me, I think I mentioned this, I haven't had to experience communion because of private matters. Luckily for me, I have my 3 month check-up coming up soon. I'd try other options, but it'll be kind of hard. (Not because of me, though.)
I would kinda hope that you are able to either email or call your specialists office for a question like the one you have. Remember that getting the absolute correct answer is important as it has bearing on your health and wellbeing and getting a partial or incorrect answer from an unknown source can lead to a bad influence on your health.

I hope you get the answers you need quickly and I wish you good health very soon.
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macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Another point of view - the beverage used for communion does NOT need to contain alcohol. I have taken communion most every month for the last 65 years, and none were an alcoholic beverage. (I realize that some faiths make that a requirement, but certainly not all faiths: I am a baptist)
I would not want this to become a religious discussion, and my intent is only to share my own experience.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
I see what you are saying. I tried to look online, but was so confused. I thought someone here would be taking anti-seizure meds and might give me an idea. Luckily for me, I think I mentioned this, I haven't had to experience communion because of private matters. Luckily for me, I have my 3 month check-up coming up soon. I'd try other options, but it'll be kind of hard. (Not because of me, though.)
Your initial post did not make clear what precisely it was that you wished to have clarified.

Initially, I had thought that you sought to discuss whether you could take alcohol while on medication for epilepsy, (to which one can only reply that this is a matter for your doctor to advise on), whereas I now realise that you actually wished to discuss whether you could take communion if it came in the form of alcohol, which is a somewhat different discussion.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
I over looked a post from someone (about e-mailing my neurologist) I have access his my chart profile, the problem is, so does someone else I live with, and they are a little too smothering, to be honest. I can't do too much without them freaking out. Though they know I have my spells and as of right now, with the new upped dose, I think I am doing good, well better since my half-pill increase, almost 2 months ago.


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
I over looked a post from someone (about e-mailing my neurologist) I have access his my chart profile, the problem is, so does someone else I live with, and they are a little too smothering, to be honest. I can't do too much without them freaking out. Though they know I have my spells and as of right now, with the new upped dose, I think I am doing good, well better since my half-pill increase, almost 2 months ago.
Contact your neurologist to discuss this.

We do not know you, and we are not qualified to advise you, and your posts are unclear as to what exactly it is that you require.

Why ask people on an internet forum for advice on such a matter?

However, I will say that friends who have epilepsy (and who meticulously take their prescribed medication) do not take alcohol.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
You all understand I am only asking about the communion wine, right. I am not, or ever was, a social drinker or a drinker for the heck of it, right?


macrumors 6502
Apr 1, 2022
Hey, epileptic here (bilateral - mostly left - temporal lobe and some frontal lobe).

About alcohol, I quit drinking the moment I started my therapy (Keppra then, Tegretol now, luckily), 2 years ago now.

Alcohol should be avoided. I avoid it at all costs, it doesn't matter if it's close to medication time or not, I won't even touch a cake that has some alcohol in it. My neurologist told me he never forbade me from drinking, he encouraged me to try once, a small light beer during a meal... well, I did try, I had a pizza and a Budweiser, and ended up feeling the hungover for 3 days, this happened more than one year ago, so no, I'll avoid even a sip of alcohol.

Now, about communion, I was raised catholic, but they never serve wine during communion, the only time this happened was during my first communion, when the priest dipped half of the sacramental bread (which is small to begin with) into red wine. Never happened again. I haven't been going to church for 26 years, but I attended ceremonies, and never saw wine being served to people.

So, what's my answer? Consult with your neurologist. Maybe, just a sip of wine, away from your medication time, won't hurt, but maybe it does, who knows; I know it can sound as a silly question, but anticonvulsants are not to be messed with. Or ask the church whether they're using non-alcoholic wine.

If you need support, reply, I know anticonvulsants can be a pain and a diagnosis of epilepsy can be a lot to take in.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
Thank you, l have my three month checkup in August. Though, as of right now, I haven’t had to worry because of private matters. It’ll be nice to know, though.
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