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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 18, 2003
Hi gang,

Since I now have a Mac Pro with bootcamp, my friends want me to get a headset so I can use teamspeak (most likely so I can hear them taunt me as they shoot me in the back). ;)

I was given one line-in headset (from logitech) but neither operating systems recognize or acknowledge the microphone (earphones work fine). :( It could be a compatibility issue, does anybody have a line-in headset that works? Better yet any tips on getting one to work? I'd rather not use up another USB port for this (I'm already swapping out enough devices anyway), but let me know if you've got something that works on both operating systems.




macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2004
Most regualar headsets are deisgned to work with a mic-in port. The sound card boosts the signal of the mic so the system can use it. Macs don't have a mic-in port, only a line-in. This port isn't powered so when a mic is plugged into it, the signal is too weak for the system to pick up. The only way to resolve this is to either buy a USB headset/adapter, or find a powered mic.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 18, 2003
Macs don't have a mic-in port, only a line-in. This port isn't powered so when a mic is plugged into it, the signal is too weak for the system to pick up. The only way to resolve this is to either buy a USB headset/adapter, or find a powered mic.

You could buy an iMic or similar device.

Thanks for the info guys, it looks like this 'free' headset is going to cost me anyway. Some friends... :p Actually I think getting the iMic would be better than getting a USB headset, at least I can hook up the iMic to other devices.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2004
I use a Plantronics GameCom Pro USB headset, but as you said, the Griffin iMic is probably a better investment. At least with the iMic if your headset messes up you can replace it cheaply. If a USB headset messes upm then you are pretty much screwed and have to replace the whole unit.


macrumors 68020
Jul 3, 2003
What? The Logitech one I have works well on both my Mac and in Windows. In fact, my roommate has one for his PC laptop, too.

The Senator

macrumors regular
Feb 18, 2006
just use a bluetooth headset. I use mine that came with my cell phone on my macbook pro for teamspeex, it works great and its wireless. when the battery dies i just plug in my usb logitech headset that came with the first socom and that works great too. any usb headset will work and they work the best in my opinion cuz you can use your speakers with itunes and your headset with teamspeex so you don't have to resort to one out audio source

hope this helps
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