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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 3, 2009
This is a long shot, but figured I ask:

Have an old Mac that is running Mountain Loin 10.8.5. The OS can't be upgraded for reasons that I wont get into in this post, also have an iPhone 6S Plus. iTunes 10.4.x was the last version of iTunes that would install on OS 10.8.5 but wont recognize a 6S (it will recognize a regular 6).

I can't believe that there are any real major differences (sync wise) between the 6 and the 6S. Somewhere in the app bundle there must be a table of supported devices. I have searched for it but can't locate it.

Does anyone know of a hack or modification I could make to iTunes 10.4 to get it to sync with the 6S?


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
If anything ever comes your way on this, post back. iTunes 10.6.3 was the last version of iTunes that installs/runs on PowerPC Macs running OS X 10.5.8 Leopard.

10.6.3 has the hooks to communicate with the iPhone 5 but you need 10.6.4 on a Snow Leopard Mac to have it enabled.

Also, pretty sure those still using an iPhone 4 would love to know how to make their iOS 7 devices sync again with PowerPC Macs. Probably the same thing.
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