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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 30, 2022
I've been using the airpods for my run and had seen a specialist because one day, i just had an acute pain in my right ear and wasn't able to hear at all. asked ear specialist what was wrong and he sad nothing was wrong and probably an infection and sent me home. no need for repeat consultation as it wud recover. indeed, i recovered but three months later, now i have the same problem w/my left ear. I remembered asking if it was due to my use of airpods for my long runs and he said it was not possible...
incidentally, my kid is also facing the same problems with her right ear... i would like to ask if any u readers out here faces any of this problem i mentioned... perhaps we would collectively bring this issue up with Apple..there's seems to be an issue w/the use of airpods...


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
No and I've used various forms of IEMs for years now. May I suggest if your family is suffering from issues when using a product then just stop using the product. This is not an Apple issue and people need to have a little responsibility, if something is hot you don't continue to drink it and if something hurts you shouldn't do it.

Person: "doctor, doctor, it hurts when I do this!"
Doctor: "then don't do that"


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 30, 2022
thanks for your very sound advice. Fortunately that’s what we did. We have stopped using the AirPods. We were curious if anyone has/had this issue hence wish to check. Thanks anyway for taking time to read and reply!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2016
thanks for your very sound advice. Fortunately that’s what we did. We have stopped using the AirPods. We were curious if anyone has/had this issue hence wish to check. Thanks anyway for taking time to read and reply!

Not with Airpods but with other IEMs. I once inserted too deeply and I could still hear afterwards but my inner ear was hurting for like a week.
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