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macrumors 65816
Feb 26, 2008
I compared the specs of the high-end white MB and the low-end MBP, and here is a detailed list of the differences along with my comments:

MB advantages:
  • Save $656 (comparing education discounted prices, $700 savings at retail price)
  • More portable
  • .4lbs lighter
  • Hard drive designed to be user-replaceable

MB disadvantages:
  • Smaller screen: I can buy a 20" LCD from Dell with the money I would save and have $278 of "savings" left--enough to put a new 3GHz C2D in my desktop (an otherwise up-to-date system with an outdated 3GHz P4), which I could use with my new 20" LCD.
  • Integrated graphics: I plan to upgrade to 4GB RAM, and I'm not a gamer.
  • Smaller hard drive: I plan to upgrade to a 200GB 7200 RPM drive and install it myself whether I get the MB or MBP (although it is only $100 as a BTO now instead of $275).
  • No expresscard slot: The only thing I ever used the PCMCIA slot for on my old laptop was wireless.
  • No Firewire 800: I hardly even use FW400.
  • 2mm thicker: makes up for it with reduced overall size and weight.
  • 1/2 hour less battery: A bit inconvenient.
  • No multi-touch: I honestly don't care.
  • No backlit keyboard: How often do I use a laptop in the dark?
  • Bluetooth 2.0 instead of 2.1: This might be a problem. How will I live without Extended inquiry response and Sniff subrating?!
  • Glossy screen: 1000 grit sandpaper should take the shine off it! (Don't actually try this!).
  • Need adapters to use mini-DVI port: Inconvenient.
  • No LED display: Not a big deal.

For me the only significant downsides to the MB are the smaller screen, possibly the integrated graphics, and possibly the lack of expandability (FW800 and expresscard). A MBP would be nice, but I don't know if it's worth the extra $650. I don't need the computer until early August, so I'm probably going to wait for the rumored updates this summer.


macrumors newbie
Feb 26, 2008
Rochester, NY

Sounds like we're in the same boat. It would have been an easy decision even if there was a slight processor difference between the midrange MB and the base MBP. The two computers are so close in raw processor specs that its very difficult to differentiate.

I'm really looking now at how much of a space (resolution) difference the 15.4in screen makes and how much different the LED makes the screen appear. Also, how well the computer is constructed...


macrumors member
Feb 21, 2008
I'm in the same boat as Matt. I don't have to buy until August. I'm contemplating MBP vs MB. I not a gamer, nor do need a graphic intense laptop. However, a major disadvantage with the MB vs MBP is the screen resolution. The images on the screen aren't as sharp as the MBP or my current Dell PC. Anybody else noticed this? Should I wait to buy?


macrumors 65816
Feb 26, 2008
I've been using a 17" CRT running at 1024x768 for years, so 1280x800 will be an upgrade. It should be significantly sharper too--my CRT is about 82dpi, and the MB LCD is about 114dpi. For comparison, a 15" MBP LCD is about 112, the 17" standard is about 117, and the 17" high-res is about 133dpi, but I couldn't find the exact screen dimensions and I'm too lazy to do the math. (These numbers are based on number of pixels divided by the screen dimension. For example, for my CRT I divide 1024px by 12.5" wide)

My CRT will run at 1028x1024, but since it's old fashioned analog technology, it gets fuzzy.


macrumors regular
Jan 9, 2008
San Francisco, CA
I'm doing what you guys/gals did. I already have an up-to-date PC for all my gaming purposes so there really is no justification for me to buy a MBP. I'm just getting the new blackbook and I'm gonna put 4 gigs of RAM in there. I really don't think the integrated graphics card is that big of a deal. Plus I'm just going to be surfing the net while traveling and doing minor word processing stuff on campus.


macrumors 68000
Aug 1, 2005
Birmingham, England
You forgot the most important thing with the pro you won't have the crack prone casing

No, you'll get the soft metal case that's prone to denting and bending. :rolleyes: ;)

Seriously it's horses for courses. I've had 2 powerbooks and 1 MBP and just now order my second black macbook. I like the aluminium casing but as far as durability, I'd go with the Macbook. Had no issues with my blackbook cracking and it just feels so much sturdier for tossing in a bag.


macrumors newbie
Feb 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Any other MBP AND MB owners care to comment?

I'm getting closer to buying the MBP but most of the commentators here have actually seemed to prefer the durability of the MB.


Full of Win

macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2007
Ask Apple
...just dropped the hammer on the 2.4 GHz base 1 hour ago. The 700$ difference was just too high for me.

I was going to get the MBP, but when Apple made the 6 MB L2 contigent on getting the 500$ upgrade, it deflated me on the idea.


macrumors newbie
Feb 25, 2008
MBP vs. MB

Ive been having the same dilemma since November. The only thing keeping me off the Macbooks are those (in my opinion) horribly reflective and dull displays. The colors change depending at what angle you look at it, and it never seems to be gradient free. For any kind of graphic work this is just not acceptable, it even distracts me when Im trying to watch a movie. It'll have to be a MBP for me.


macrumors 6502
Jul 26, 2006
My 2 cents...

My first Mac ever was the first 12" PB, then the 1.33 12", then the first MBP, then I sold it for an iPhone and MB, now with the new Penryns, I'm back on a MBP.

The MacBook Pro is a higher quality machine in every way. I just love this keyboard, and I'm happy to have it back. The machine weighs nearly the same as the MB, but has a huge beautiful screen. The LED backlighting is AMAZING. I haven't seen anyone mention it, but the MBP's speakers are considerably louder and clearer than the MB. The Edu discount on the Pro made it a no brainer for me. Go with the pro if you have the extra cash!

Also, the MBP
-Doesnt easily scratch
-Can play any game (you never know when you may want to)
-Backlight keyboard is great at times
-MULTITOUCH! I've been able to show it off a few times already. Talk about impressing PC users :)

The only thing I like about the MB is, it comes in BLACK. I wish my MBP was black...


macrumors 68020
Nov 10, 2006
Great thread. I just about had my mind made up to replace my Air with a MB, but I do like the multi-touch and the backlit keyboard. I just wish one had a case re-design. Would have made it much easier decision for me.


macrumors newbie
Feb 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
My 2 cents...

Excellent - I love input from people that have owned both.

So, do you find that that 2 extra diagonal inches on the screen is a significant plus? I'm not concerned with graphics or extra HDD and which keyboard type seems irrelevant to me.

I'm focusing on how much of a quality difference there truly is between the MB and the MBP and how much the screen real-estate effects both computers.


macrumors 65816
Sep 25, 2007
New England
Excellent - I love input from people that have owned both.

So, do you find that that 2 extra diagonal inches on the screen is a significant plus? I'm not concerned with graphics or extra HDD and which keyboard type seems irrelevant to me.

I'm focusing on how much of a quality difference there truly is between the MB and the MBP and how much the screen real-estate effects both computers.


Had a MBP 2.16 sold/traded it to a guy in CA for school work, he needed a MBP but the dollars were too much , I took a tiny loss, but at least I have the brand new Macbook that was sealed and shipped from him in CA and I maxed the memory. So far this is my opinion and experience.

Screen size does make a difference to people, and too me I am adjusting, the other thing is the dedicated graphics card GPU what ever you call it. For all you gamers and YOUTUBE video watching people the fans will kick on with in minutes, if that does NOT bother you than fine. After a while it can be nerve racking. I just got this macbook last weekend and I was told by the apple store when it was sealed I could trade up. Probably could still pay restocking fee and go back to the MBP but for me and the programs I use and what I use the computer for , right now is not the time. Also as my son said it seems to he and his college buddies that INTEL is calling the shots with Apple. I am going to talk to apple and see what can be done but if I have to pay restocking fee and an upgrade than I am holding on too this macbook and giving it too my son after June when the new systems come out or maybe I will just hold onto it. MAIN point is for me

Screen size and dedicated graphics. I do like the screens on all of the macs though. Keep in mind what your going to use the system for?

BOL of luck to all on there decision's


macrumors 65816
Feb 26, 2008
The machine weighs nearly the same as the MB, but has a huge beautiful screen. The LED backlighting is AMAZING.

Can you elaborate on the screens? A quality screen is one of the most important features for me since I like to do photo editing and website design. My Dell laptop had a pretty bad LCD, which is one of the main reasons I'm still using this CRT instead of an LCD for my desktop. Attached is an example of an image that I could not see at all on my laptop. It is the background that Windows adds to folders full of pictures. It looked completely white at normal viewing angles, but I could verify that it was there by tilting the monitor and looking at it from the top. The image should be easily visibly on a good monitor.

(for reference, the darkest color in the image is #e5e8f0)

I think I'll put it somewhere on my website so I can use it to test the MB vs. MBP vs. ACD screens at the Apple store. I'll also use the Photoshop color picker (or whatever equivalent they have loaded) because oddly enough my CRT shows banding in the gradients but my laptop does not.


  • windows_background.jpg
    20.2 KB · Views: 343


macrumors 68000
Aug 1, 2005
Birmingham, England
Excellent - I love input from people that have owned both.

So, do you find that that 2 extra diagonal inches on the screen is a significant plus? I'm not concerned with graphics or extra HDD and which keyboard type seems irrelevant to me.

I'm focusing on how much of a quality difference there truly is between the MB and the MBP and how much the screen real-estate effects both computers.

Owned both.

Quality wise, I'd say there were big pros and cons to both machines. I'm sticking with the Macbook now. Might go back to an MBP when/if they get a facelift.

I love my blackbook. However if it is your only machine and you dont have an external monitor then a 15" screen might be easier on your eyes.

Gunga Din

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 1, 2008
Old Trafford
Well, I went with the MBP. This is my first Mac and I wanted to make it a great purchase. When I went into the store and tried both the MB and MBP in person, I felt the 15" LED was much nicer, the keyboard was more comfortable and its just looked so much more impressive. Plus I would like to game a little on it and a few people told me if I did want to do any animation/video even as a beginner, it would be better to have the vid card instead of the integrated graphics.

This was the deal breaker, the price. I got an EDU discount (thx to the wife) + because I was happy with the baseline model I just went to Delaware (tax free and 20min drive to the store) and picked it up.

I got the Base 15" with a full size wired aluminum keyboard (to use at home when I hook it up to my 21" CRT) and the apple care for $2058. 2K was my limit because I bought a Dell 1 week earlier to replace my aging PC. So now I can keep my Mac and PC stuff separate. By the way, I posted about the deal I got on my Dell a few weeks ago. I found a $400 off coupon and picked up the Dell in my sig for $800 !!

So i got both computers for $2800. My limit for just a Mac was 3k at the time because I was gonna get a Mac Pro to install windows on and back up my PC that way. But this choice felt better. I have a new desktop and a MBP for portability. The new update was great for me. The baseline is basically the mid range from the previous model. Only $500 cheaper.

Thats my story and it took me 2 months to figure it out since starting my search for a Mac in Dec.

Good luck to everyone else. This updated MBP is perfect for me since its my first Mac. I know alot of people are now considering a wait for Montevina or a case redesign. But I really like this current design and if you really want to wait for a worthwhile update to the MBP, you are better off putting more money into one in 2-3 yrs when SSD's are more common and affordable. Buy now and enjoy if you need it. I didnt think waiting 3-4 months to see if Montevina would be released was worth it. I'm not too excited about that update. 2009 will yield a much better jump in tech to upgrade.
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