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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 2, 2014
Alternate 1985
8.0.2 (that's what we're running now, right?). I don't know if my tv episodes have been missing from iCloud since iOS 8 but I have a bunch of doctor who eps not showing up in videos on my iphone 6 and iPad mini despite being available on my iPod touch and iPad Air (which are both still on iOS 7). Yes the show all videos is on and most of the tv eps are there. I'm missing about 30% of them. When I look them up in iTunes they have the purchase price and then underneath there's the cloud to download. However I tried downloading one and even after downloading it doesn't show up in videos. And there's seemingly no way to play it (the play button doesn't work). Anyone else having a similar issue? Tried chatting with apple support today but they were extremely unhelpful. I'll try again tomorrow if I can't find the solution here. Thanks!
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