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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 16, 2020
Brooklyn, NY
I thought at this point I would use this thing less than when I got it but I still use it just as much. My biggest use case has been using it for work, watching YouTube/podcasts, and browsing the web, with an occasional movie here and there. I’ve also completely tuned out of anything AVP related on social media to help form my own opinion on it.

Work has only gotten better with the improved virtual display with the 1.1 update. Looking around is much more clear now.

Getting a keyboard that allows me to quickly connect to it and my computer has also been helpful since admittedly the keyboard on this thing sucks.

I’ve also been eagerly awaiting the new iPad Pro refresh coming up as I’ve been using the 2018 iPad for some time now. Is anyone else considering just dropping the iPad and using the Vision Pro only, or is there a strong use case for you to have both?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 2, 2017
I thought the same thing but found that I use it just about every day. I’ve used my iPad once since I bought it. I don’t have an Apple Pencil but rarely if ever use it. If I used it more I can see the use case for both devices but as it is I won’t be buying a new iPad and prior to buying the device I thought for sure I’d be getting the latest iPad Air or iPad Pro. I bought a 10th generation iPad about a year ago to replace the original 9.7” iPad Pro I had owned thinking if I used it enough I’d upgrade to an Air or a Pro but after using the Vision Pro I’ll be hanging into that 10th generation iPad in case I travel and want a bigger screen than my iPhone but but don’t want to chance breaking or losing the Vision Pro.

I caught myself this weekend with a web browser, Apple Music and a couple of other apps open, left the room to go do something then came back into the room with those apps right where I left them thinking “How freaking cool is that?”. I love this device and as cool as watching 3D movies is I’ve only watched 3 of them since I bought it and have used it to watch just a couple of hours of TV shows via the Max app and the DirectStream TV website. I spend much more time using other apps than I do watching content on it which has also been a surprising development that I wasn’t anticipating when I bought it.


macrumors 601
Oct 6, 2008
I'm using mine every day, basically just during work hours. For whatever reason - I work best with a podcast, youtube video, or tv show in the background. I've been using the Television app for that to put it on a virtual TV on my desk playing youtube videos.

My iPad still gets use, but much less so now. I now carry around my AVP around the house more than my iPad - I just wish it was easier to do so.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
Yes I still love mine I think it’s amazing. I use it daily also for Luke watching stuff on YouTube or surfing the net whatever maybe some work.


macrumors 65816
Sep 21, 2018
So far my Vision Pro is more of an addition rather than a replacement. I can’t see ever giving up my iPad Pro for light email, news and photo consumption. The Vision Pro mostly gets used for the things that just look better on a big screen like panorama photos or VR apps I’ve been finding. I’m brand new to VR and just discovered that the google map 360 pictures can be downloaded (via MacBook app) and viewed on Vision Pro. So my new geeky leisure activity is finding interesting locations to view.


macrumors regular
Sep 23, 2014
VP has replaced my iPads and occasionally TV when watching something w great PQ

use it probably 1 hr a day. Mostly bc too busy to use it. And i read which is not comfortable in VP

just did my first flight w AVP. It was awesome. Totally worth every penny.
watching GOT in an immersive environment which completely blocks the plane. Loved every minute of it. Didn’t take it off for take off or landing.
I think in a few yrs half the plane will be wearing such devices (once it’s cheap enough) instead of watching on puny smart ph screens.
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