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Steve Adams

Original poster
Dec 16, 2020
My iphone 11 is dropping connection ALOT. No matter where I am to. It just drops signal and most times I have to reboot to get it running again. Any thoughts on what is causing this? Side by side with my samsung LTE enabled tablet, the tablet stays connected in the same areas that the phone drops constantly.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 21, 2008
Nashville, TN
I haven't had any issues with my iPhone 11, perhaps contact Apple about the issue or try Best Buy. They may not have open stores in your area but their mail in to Service Center service has alway been fast for me.

Steve Adams

Original poster
Dec 16, 2020
Thanks, I have neither store around me. I purchased my phone from telus. My wife's works fine, mine however does not. I will probably call apple today and see if there is something they can do.
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