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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 17, 2015
Red Springs, NC
There was a Mac OS 9 application called "Throughput" that tested the throughput to the PCI bus.

I don't remember, I think it copied from RAM to VRAM and benchmarked the copy speed.

Can anyone find a copy of it, please?

The file name maybe "Throughput.sit" if you want to search your old drives for the archive.'


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 17, 2015
Red Springs, NC
Never mind I found it;

ThroughPut 1.5

Written by Rene Trost.

ThroughPut tests how much data your Mac can pass through the PCI or AGP port to your graphics card. Results are given in Megabytes per second.

1. CPU Test - Shows how much megabytes (1MB = 1048576 bytes) can be passed through the PCI/AGP port with the CPU in one second.

2. FPU Test - same as above just using the FPU (common way on none G4 Macs).

3. AltiVec Test (G4 only) - same as above just using the AltiVec unit.

4. CopyBits - same as above just using the MacOS function CopyBits. This function is used by many applications/games for drawing and gives you an impression of the 2D speed of your graphics card.

Each test is running 10 seconds. The test procedure can't be interrupted.

ThroughPut V1.5 are compareable with results of earlier versions. Bytes/sec. to MB/sec. convertion is done by dividing bytes/sec. by 1048576 (1MB = 1048576 bytes)

Before you start

- For best results reboot your system before you start ThroughPut. Virtual Memory may affect your results - best if you turn it OFF. Background processes (especially network activity) may also affect ThroughPut results, so don't run any applications before starting ThroughPut.

- ThroughPut requires Apple's DrawSprocket

The results ThroughPut gives don't represent the speed of your CPU/FPU/AltiVec unit or your graphics card - it only shows you how many megabytes per second passed through the PCI/AGP bus to your graphics card using the CPU/FPU/AltiVec Unit or CopyBits function. Currently most available games using the FPU to move data into the graphics card's VRAM.

Visit for more information about ThroughPut.

If you have any questions about ThroughPut then feel free to email me:

Some results

System Graphics card CPU FPU AltiVec CopyBits


PowerPC 604e/200Mhz Voodoo3 2000 PCI 24.5 40.9 n/a 68.5

PowerPC G4/400Mhz AGP Voodoo4 4500 AGP 50.0 83.4 125.0 155.1

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