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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 8, 2002
I have a 2.5 year old MBP, 2.33GHz, 2GB ram, 160GB HD. Turns out I don't do nearly as much video editing as I thought I would :D Just the usual - mail, web, and some office.

The only thing stopping me from getting the new 2.13/128GB SSD model MBA is my mail usage.

I have 5 mail accounts, 3 of which are essentially IMAP archive accounts - hundreds of folders and subfolders, and tens of thousands of email messages.

Any MBA users out there with a similar usage pattern who can comment on whether or not it bogs down the MBA?



macrumors newbie
May 13, 2008
In theory the SSD should be well-suited to your mail usage, since the current version of Mail creates hundreds of thousands of small files, and the SSD's random access advantage should be of benefit. Due to Apple's half-arsed thermal management, my MBA 2.13/SSD is slower than my 3-year old MacBook 2.0GHz in everything CPU-intensive, but Mail is indeed smoother.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 8, 2002
Huh interesting thanks. And ironic I guess that my usage pattern seems best suited to one of the MBA/SSDs pure advantages.
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