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macrumors member
Oct 18, 2003
I haven't had any airport problems with my Macbook C2D, I installed the update last night, though, and since then my internet connection has twice stopped on me and next to airport in the taskbar it says "looking for PPPoe connection" or something similar. Bad sign? :( Why can't I ever practice the addage: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


macrumors member
May 21, 2004
England, UK
I think this update fixes issues with the new MacBook Pro's which was causing a kernal panic when detecting a signal of specific 'incompatible' wireless networks. We had to change our wireless router to fix this problem ourselves a week ago.


macrumors newbie
Dec 14, 2006

C2D Macbook

pre-update: worked great
post-update: speed was very slow; could not connect to iTunes Radio; weird problems in Firefox; showed full signal strength

I found the package file in Receipts and trashed it. Now everything seems to work great again. I'm not sure if that was a real fix or just dumb luck or coincidence since I'm new to Macs.


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2006
for airport sometime just die for no reason after wake up from sleep and i need to disable it and enable it again to get signal again. And sometime worst I try enable and disable and can't even get any connection. But it work fine again after a reboot.

I have a old 12" PB G4 sitting beside my MBP 17" C2D and the old PB airport show full bar while my MBP airport signal just go up and down :mad: .


macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2003
TMNT- just removing the recept won't make any change. all removing the recept will do is if you were to reinstall the file it would try to install instead of upgrade.....

i have a core 2 duo macbook fully loaded....i was having some airport issues where it would go completely away and then back to 5 bars. i hope this fixes that.....but it wasn't a big issue. so idk....


macrumors 68020
Apr 23, 2006
Beds, UK
Just got around to installing this myself.

Safari seems snappier.


Well at least it made the second page! lol

Hmm, I dont know if to bother updating since my airport is working fine. Although, its a bit sluggish at picking up a signal when waking up from a sleep. Our PB gets an instant signal and IP within opening the lid.. this take about 6 seconds *shakes fist*

otherwise it works fine...

Huh....Odd. I have a MBP Core 2. Ran Software Update and natta. The Update isn't listed in installed updates either. :confused:

System Requirements
— Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later
— MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo)
— MacBook Pro (17-inch Core 2 Duo)
— MacBook (13-inch Core 2 Duo)

Just incase you dont have 10.4.8 ;)


macrumors 65816
Jul 9, 2005
The town without George Bailey
With all the thoroughly documented airport problems people have been having with intel core duo macs, I'm surprised this update doesn't address that. My airport constantly assigns itself its own IP, goes on and off, doesn't auto-connect after wake up or power on, and sometimes the networks disappear completely and my 17" core duo imac has to be shut off and then on. Apple's solution of deleting and re-adding preferred networks is useless, and none of the recommendations of others have worked either. I'm at my wits end - I can only connect via airport, and my imac has turned into a brick, albeit a very sleek and suave brick.

What the **** is wrong with you, Apple? :mad:


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2006
Well since my MBP is less then 1 month old and nothing much in it. Last Sat night I mess up my OS X and I decide to do a fresh installation again. After done with the new installation, surprising my air port issue is resolve.

I think somehow the old OS X got mess up... now my airport work almost perfect expect sometime when I wake up from sleep it can't find the hidden SSID even I use perfer SSID option and can't join the network even I do a manual connection. So what I have to do is just disable and enable back the airport and it join the network with no problem.
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