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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 23, 2010
I have done the normal spotlight search, thinking maybe the app icon was disabled to no avail. I also tried going into the settings under "store." All it had there was something about my apple ID.

I am jailbroken on 4.2.8 snowbreeze, and I have bitesms, cydia, one app I tested from install0us (tapatalk), install0us, cydia, 3G unrestrictor (for downloading via 3g).

I have been prompted several times to sign into my itunes account but ignored it. I did have an app trying to update for a long time but ignored it (infinity blade).

Any help would be amazing, I know restore is an option but I would of course prefer not to.

edit: noob error, someone messed with my restrictions unbeknownst to me. I apologize to the MacRumors community.
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