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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 12, 2013
I believe this is still a pending item on iOS9. I have two accounts, one with my current locale setting (Panama) and one with an US address that I have. Since my credit card is registered locally, I can't make purchases with my US account, but there are free apps that I use which are only available on the US app store. Now, if I'm logged with my local account, I can receive updates from both app stores, with no issues. It will just ask for the password for the US account.
Now, if I'm logged in to my US account, and there are updates available, if I hit the Update all button, there is a message that says that the it must switch to the local account, and I hit Ok. It kind of resets the App store app, but does nothing. Is still in the US store. No matter how many times I do this, it doesn't work.
Once I logoff and login with my local account, all apps get updates.

Anyone else having the same issue?
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