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Kevin Palser

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 14, 2020
Dundee, Scotland
Hi Guys & Gals,

Our company is focused delivery service for groceries in the UK (shopping category), which has taken off because of all the isolation coming into force. With it we're also expecting to have to make various refinements over the coming weeks. Hence, more submissions. We're concerned our changes might take a lot longer to get approved and if any bugs are introduced and need to be addressed with new versions we would be out of luck at a critical time.

My own game project side app project seems to have been slowed in getting approval.

Any word anywhere on the effect on review times?



macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
All I've heard is that application submissions from government and medical authorities relating to the virus will be expedited, but slowdowns for most submissions is something I too would expect. So just hope your tests will catch anything critical


macrumors 604
Feb 3, 2010
United Kingdom
Reviews have been as quick as ever for me. Submitted an app update today, it went into review after four minutes (you read that correctly!!) and approved in under an hour. Astounding, especially considering the circumstances.

I’ve submitted about 10 updates over the past fortnight for various apps and none have taken more than 36 hours.


macrumors regular
Sep 2, 2010
No delay for me yesterday. Added a version, updated all the info, uploaded the app and reviewed and live on the App store by this morning.
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