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macrumors regular
May 1, 2014
I tried Beats… its' crap. Spotify > *

Apple spent all those billions on another dud.


macrumors 6502
Jun 4, 2011
I'll wait for the day the headline sys 'Apple selling Beats back to HP for 4 billion; xD


macrumors 604
Apr 30, 2013
Los Angeles
Do you own any Beats Headphones? The packaging style, the high-end design & great build quality: From the moment you start opening the box, you instantly feel like you are opening an Apple product. Beats did something revolutionary, headphones have been around for decades by companies like Boss and Sony but it was Beats that popularized them through the introduction of style and fashion, much like Apple does the same with its product designs. And just like Apple products they are "overrated, overpriced, and lacking specs" so I am 100% not surprised Apple purchased them.

You forgot to mention Beats has 50% of the headphone market.


Mar 21, 2011
I'm glad that Apple is "so quick" to add Beats music app, something only just acquired, to the App Store, but they can't do the same for iDVD.

Kinda puts things into perspective, doesn't it.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
iTunes Radio needs some serious improvement. Each "channel" keeps replaying the same 15-30 or so songs it feels like. :( You would think that with the world of music at your fingertips it wouldn't seem so stale so fast. :/

You can change your settings... There's "hits", "variety" and "discovery". Try variety or discovery and see if that helps.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2008
Jeez, all those icons really freak me out that apple has lost all sense of taste. They all need a switch up and redesign, just minor tweaks would stop it looking like the mess it is! Urgh. Oh god I feel sick.

You seen the main page of AppleTV recently? That really will make you sick (especially as most of the stuff on there is worthless).


macrumors 68030
Feb 27, 2006

I wonder why the Filemaker apps aren't in the "Apps Made by Apple" list. Like Beats, Filemaker is treated as a standalone entity, but it still very much owned by Apple.


macrumors G3
Aug 29, 2008

Do you own a pair of beats headphones? Cuz I do. I own the new Beats Studio Wireless. The performance to style ratio between Apple and Beats is nearly identical. For the record audiophiles complain about the sound quality on Beats much the same way windows gamers complain about performance of Mac computers.

Except Apple do care about performance, whilst I can't say the same about Beats headphones.


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2014
New Zealand
This is not the Apple I remember. Apple should have integrated this service into the Music app on iOS. Instead the company is spinning off different brands and it leads to a less uniform experience. I wish the company would focus on their core products and services and guarantee reliability and stability. It feels like the company is losing something that I use to value.

How long has it been since the acquisition? Jesus christ some of you folk have no patience.


macrumors 65816
Dec 5, 2012
I know, right? I want to know what person with an ounce of reason in their head, thinks that the "outer casing" of the iPhone is designed by Foxconn in their hardware department.

Yes, the casing may be the iphone 6, but it isn't the iphone 6.


macrumors 601
Jan 21, 2008
This is not the Apple I remember. Apple should have integrated this service into the Music app on iOS. Instead the company is spinning off different brands and it leads to a less uniform experience. I wish the company would focus on their core products and services and guarantee reliability and stability. It feels like the company is losing something that I use to value.

as much as I dislike beats (headphones), its a very strong brand. Killing it off/integrating it wouldn't make much sense.

Also, Logic Pro (X) has had its name since it was conceived by eMagic and was still running on PC.(for example)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 13, 2009
Beats as separate to iTunes is always going to be confusing. There will be consumers out there who won't really know the different between buying and download tracks, iTunes Match, iTunes Radio or Beats.

Apple used to be about simplify, simplify, simplify. I'm not sure Steve (sorry!) would have been happy with this mishmash.

The streaming model is going to grow, especially as fast mobile internet gets cheaper and more widespread and eat deep into download sales.


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2009
I think you're grasping for straws with that statement...


Definitely doesn't seem "coincidental" to me - I don't personally think the color schemes are that much alike. They're both pinkish.

Not that iTunes Radio logo. I said the iTunes Radio "APP" logo. I also said ALMOST exactly the same as well. The beats logo has purple in it.


macrumors 65816
Apr 8, 2010
Not that iTunes Radio logo. I said the iTunes Radio "APP" logo. I also said ALMOST exactly the same as well. The beats logo has purple in it.

There is an iTunes Radio app? Not really important, but I'm genuinely trying to understand what you mean... Do you mean the music app?


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I wonder why the Filemaker apps aren't in the "Apps Made by Apple" list. Like Beats, Filemaker is treated as a standalone entity, but it still very much owned by Apple.

No they're not. FileMaker is not owned by apple, they're an independent entity.


Staff member
Oct 11, 2005
The Black Country, England
No they're not. FileMaker is not owned by apple, they're an independent entity.

They are an independent company but are still owned by Apple.

About FileMaker, Inc.
FileMaker, Inc., an Apple subsidiary, delivers innovative software to easily create custom business solutions for iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the web. Millions of people, from individuals to some of the world’s largest organizations, use the FileMaker Platform to streamline their business processes, manage information, and boost overall productivity.


macrumors 68040
Jan 5, 2012
Make it free! That would be amazing so then that could add some competition to spotify which I love and pay for

Watch the Eddy Cue interview. Iovine basically says that Spotify is funded by venture capitalists. When their money runs out, Spotify is screwed because it doesn't work as a business model.

Apple could fund it because they are so profitable with hardware, but it's hard to tell if they will.


Beats as separate to iTunes is always going to be confusing. There will be consumers out there who won't really know the different between buying and download tracks, iTunes Match, iTunes Radio or Beats.

I think iTunes and Beats Music could exist separately, but I still don't understand what iTunes Radio is for now that they've bought Beats. Then again, I've never had a chance to use iTunes Radio (being from the UK).
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