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Oct 4, 2011
Too late to show facts now. His post was on front page. Thus no one will make the effort to read and educate themselves, and his comment will continue to get upvotes from people desperately trying to prove there is a direct assault on white male jobs.

No proof necessary - it's legal policy to discriminate against White males and everyone knows it. You're just too dishonest to admit it.


macrumors 6502
Aug 21, 2012
I never agreed with affirmative action or any other form of favorism when it comes to hiring qualified people! If their qualifications that need to be met then ALL applicants should be held to the same standards! United airlines was sued years back for not having enough females they lost in court and hired nothing but females with little to no experience. That's dangerous ! Those hires when it came time to upgrade to captains couldn't pass the test! Theirs a reason for qualification standards ! By the way, I'm could have taking advantage of of few of those get in sooner waivers but didn't ! Hire me for my skills and talents thank you!


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
I feel bad that MR and others feel being a woman is a political or social issue. If it was all blokes added then this would not be in PRSI. Yep it's sexism. But it happens in the world. And it's not going away anytime soon.

In my opinion the best person should get jobs. All diversity quotas can go right to hell in my opinion.

the "including 2 women" in the article title is not needed. All 5 people were the best people for the job. What sex they are makes zero difference.

Apple Adds Five Vice Presidents to Apple Leadership Press Page
This is the article title that should have been said. You didn't say "including 3 men", so no need to say "including 2 women".


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
I never agreed with affirmative action or any other form of favorism when it comes to hiring qualified people! If their qualifications that need to be met then ALL applicants should be held to the same standards! United airlines was sued years back for not having enough females they lost in court and hired nothing but females with little to no experience. That's dangerous ! Those hires when it came time to upgrade to captains couldn't pass the test! Theirs a reason for qualification standards ! By the way, I'm could have taking advantage of of few of those get in sooner waivers but didn't ! Hire me for my skills and talents thank you!
Get some self esteem. Again, no one is going to hire someone they dont believe can do the job. If someone believes you can be successful that means you can.

At least one of those women has put in 14 years with Apple. My guess is she was probably qualified to do her job if she was able to last that long...and she wasnt just some diversity hire. Minorities and women are just as capable as white men. To insinuate that they aren't is just wrong and has no basis in fact. Highlighting the diversity that already exists within your company from white males to a black woman is not a bad thing. It shows that anyone can make it if they work hard.
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Jun 20, 2010
It's not just about doing the job. It's how well the job gets done. We've seen hires for firefighters that were clearly unable to hoist a large heavy body over the shoulders and make it out of a building down a long ladder while carrying the equipment out that was brought inside.


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2008
It's incredible just how obvious this tokenization of Apple is. You can tell that some person or people are instituting it. For what reason? I've never seen anything so blatant. I wonder if it has anything to do with certain government entities forcing their way into Apple a few months ago?

Your continued paranoia and passive-aggressive contempt are telling. Personally noted.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2008
Yeah right - especially in conjunction with the recent Beats acquisition and Cook's new policy on Affirmative Action. It's ironic that she should be the head of "Human Resources" - the most heinous part of the company.

In the link and article that I posted about Steve Jobs actively seeking bright African American engineers to work at Apple (’-passion-for-diversity.html/), Dr. Andrew Williams mentioned the work of his friends, Scott and Denise in improving Apple's diversity in university relations and retail. That "Denise" is the VP of HR, Denise Young Smith.

Denise Young Smith has worked for Apple for 17 years. Steve hired her and Steve wanted her there.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
I never agreed with affirmative action or any other form of favorism when it comes to hiring qualified people!

But that's not what affirmative action is about. Not even close. The thing you described as happening at United most likely didn't happen. Even if it did it had nothing to do with AA.

To keep it simple, AA is about seeking out a diverse group of candidates to hire from.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
How come the sales leadership isn't listed? Are they not VPs? And where's Bob Mansfield? I thought he reported to Cook?


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2012
Apple Adds Five Vice Presidents, Including Two Women, to 'Apple Leadership' Press Page

That is the most sexist title I've read this week.:rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2001
What pisses me off, is that these racists can't even see the entitlement behind their insinuations that the hiring of 2 Black women at an executive level in a Fortune 50 American company is indicative of what ails America. After centuries of slavery, racism, land stealing, murder and labor exploitation of people of color to build this country, how can 2 Black executives threaten White male superiority in America? If people of color want a small chance of success, why do they feel it threatens the entitlement of American Whites? I know why, because they might have to work a little harder to compete?


macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2014
Shocking that we still live in a day & age where such things are acknowledged. The sooner the transparency of people with different skin colours, sex or sexual orientation increases, the faster racial controversies will be eradicated.
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macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
Apple won't be satisfied until the next CEO is a trans-gendered half-black half-hispanic quadriplegic midget. Who happens to be a senior citizen, octogenarian. And gluten-intolerant.

Born Again

May 12, 2011
I assume you've never had the responsibility for hiring someone to work for you.

Only a fool picks a job candidate because that person is a color or sex that the boss is comfortable with.

Successful bosses pick the best person for a job because that person will make the boss look good.

You must live in a dream world lol

People hire their friends

Networking isn't about the best person but who you know

Welcome to real life


Jun 6, 2005
Universe 0 Timeline
You must live in a dream world lol

People hire their friends

Networking isn't about the best person but who you know

Welcome to real life

Oh so now people hire their FRIENDS is that it? Got news for you, you don't have a clue on the matter. I been hiring people for nearly 25 years and have yet to interview someone I knew, let alone a friend.


macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2011
Oh so now people hire their FRIENDS is that it? Got news for you, you don't have a clue on the matter. I been hiring people for nearly 25 years and have yet to interview someone I knew, let alone a friend.

I do believe there's many instances where people get hooked up but I don't think it's necessarily on the friendship level alone. I've seen positions created just to ensure the person they liked stayed with the establishment but that may be the minority (no pun intended) rather than the rule.

Nor do I think that Apple is SOLELY placing minorities in high position because of their social status. I'm quite sure there is a level of knowledge to sustain such a position.

But by no means am I saying YOU do such things but it's definitely out there.


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2004
Catskill Mountains
Every time I see an article like this is makes me shake my head. I think MR posted something about this earlier in the week about Tim Cook being unhappy about lack of "color" in the Apple Stores. When in reality, white males are the majority of people who are not only going to apply for the job, but, qualify for the job. It's just how it is. I'm sorry but most black men do no focus on technology like white males do. Just like how Sports Stores who sell athletic shoes are more likely to have Black men than White men(or women). Is just how things are. Why is the NHL like 90+% white? Because HOCKEY is predominately a white sport that attracts white youth. Basketball attracts inner city black children and because of that the NBA is 85% black.

It's just how things are. There is nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is thinking it is wrong and coming up with these diversity problems. I'm sorry, but I just find it absolutely dumb.

Hey. "How things are" at some point in time does not detemine the future! How lucky we are in not being bound to yesterday.

If that were the case, depending on how far you like to roll back the clock, let's say 1945, we'd still have milk delivered in glass bottles in wooden crates at the crack of dawn by distributors driving their horse and wagon delivery gig into our driveways. Maybe you'd like that but you wouldn't like a lot of other stuff about 1945. We'd still have rations on sugar, butter, nylon, etc.

Want to go back further for "how things are" as predictor of how they'd be?

Maybe it would be 1910 and your mom, sister or wife could not vote, own property independently, acquire credit on her own, take care of her family if something subtracted the man in her life from her safety net. There was no safety net. The kindness of strangers, period.

Maybe it would be 1948 and your mom who worked riveting airplanes together for the Air Force had already been told to get back into the kitchen and stay out of the way. She's a widow now, right, but hey, the war's over and life moves on, her problem is her problem, her kids are her problem, and the solution to the nation's unemployment is to hire only white men. Talk about putting toothpaste back into the tube (not that the effort is not ongoing, as your post would seem to indicate).

Or maybe it would be 1920 and perfectly acceptable to say "Help Wanted, Irish Need Not Apply" in a job ad in the store window.

Maybe it would be 1960 and still be perfectly legal for that jerk Texas diner owner to tell me "I don't serve Mex here" after his casual and incorrect assessment of my suntan as marker of my racial heritage. Took my green money and flashing him an inch of pale belly skin to turn my face white enough for him. I was hungry in the USA with money in pocket that day and I'll never forget the near despair I felt. I had earned that money working in the back of my Dad's shop sorting plumbing fixtures, standing side by side with people who were white, French-Canadian, black and German. No one there said anything about anybody being any color. I was shocked in Texas. I'm still a nonviolent person but somewhere in my heart that day in Texas, I was permanently radicalized on the subject of equality of personhood.

Be that as it may, now it's 2014 and apparently perfectly legal to suggest that only white males belong in computer, technology and pro hockey. What a long way we've come. What a long flippin' way we have to go, baby.

When I first started working as a computer programmer, I was the only woman in my company who knew anything about computer programming. No one said we couldn't get more female programmers, or could only hire male programmers. So I guess by your standards it was a company seriously burdened by some foolish drive to tokenize? I call BS. They wanted expertise, I had it and I got the job. I delivered, I got paid, they were sorry when I left and they said so too.

At the time it's true that a few remarks were passed about how I was making a whole lot more money than any other women in the company. And it's true the other women in the company were a receptionist, a bookkeeper, an accountant and a secretary. The firm was small, a bunch of investment counselors. They were all white males, mostly from Princeton educations. All that has long since changed, there and certianly in any publicly held company that plans to stay in business in the USA today.

I left that little firm many decades ago but in the meantime the places I've worked that have made plenty money for their shareholders all have employees from all walks of life and every corner of the earth. Collectively they've been like any other group of people. Some wonderful to know and work with, others a real pain in the neck. Individually, likewise.

People are people. The more diverse crew on board, the better as far as my experience has taught me. The more women and people in color (and younger people) in high places, the less unusual it is and the more normal it is to be working for someone who's not just like we are, and the more normal it is to focus on getting the job done, product out the door, new ideas onto drawing boards, money coming into the place and so into our pockets. We all want to have the means to have shelter overhead, enough food, a way to take care of our families and follow our dreams. When we work together, that's what we're working for. It's worth remembering. Every day. Every minute. The man or woman across the table or desk is in that same boat with us.

It's the places that resist the dynamics of diversity that end up stuck in unhappy limbos of their own making. Places that look the other way when women or minorities are harassed. Places that tolerate racist remarks, sexual innunendos and on and on. First of all they're looking for lawsuits and second, they're unhappy, tense places to work. They don't draw the cream of the cream. Word gets around what they're like. They short themselves on ability to find and develop talent. And yes, they generate pools of people who complain about diversity and spread myths about stuff like only men being geeks and techies and women being too catty to manage other people.

My advice? Get with the program. Find the best in everyone you meet on the job and let old attitudes fade away. Your networking chances will improve a hundred percent immediately.


Aug 29, 2009
Hey. "How things are" at some point in time does not detemine the future! How lucky we are in not being bound to yesterday.

If that were the case, depending on how far you like to roll back the clock, let's say 1945, we'd still have milk delivered in glass bottles in wooden crates at the crack of dawn by distributors driving their horse and wagon delivery gig into our driveways. Maybe you'd like that but you wouldn't like a lot of other stuff about 1945. We'd still have rations on sugar, butter, nylon, etc.

Want to go back further for "how things are" as predictor of how they'd be?

Maybe it would be 1910 and your mom, sister or wife could not vote, own property independently, acquire credit on her own, take care of her family if something subtracted the man in her life from her safety net. There was no safety net. The kindness of strangers, period.

Maybe it would be 1948 and your mom who worked riveting airplanes together for the Air Force had already been told to get back into the kitchen and stay out of the way. She's a widow now, right, but hey, the war's over and life moves on, her problem is her problem, her kids are her problem, and the solution to the nation's unemployment is to hire only white men. Talk about putting toothpaste back into the tube (not that the effort is not ongoing, as your post would seem to indicate).

Or maybe it would be 1920 and perfectly acceptable to say "Help Wanted, Irish Need Not Apply" in a job ad in the store window.

Maybe it would be 1960 and still be perfectly legal for that jerk Texas diner owner to tell me "I don't serve Mex here" after his casual and incorrect assessment of my suntan as marker of my racial heritage. Took my green money and flashing him an inch of pale belly skin to turn my face white enough for him. I was hungry in the USA with money in pocket that day and I'll never forget the near despair I felt. I had earned that money working in the back of my Dad's shop sorting plumbing fixtures, standing side by side with people who were white, French-Canadian, black and German. No one there said anything about anybody being any color. I was shocked in Texas. I'm still a nonviolent person but somewhere in my heart that day in Texas, I was permanently radicalized on the subject of equality of personhood.

Be that as it may, now it's 2014 and apparently perfectly legal to suggest that only white males belong in computer, technology and pro hockey. What a long way we've come. What a long flippin' way we have to go, baby.

When I first started working as a computer programmer, I was the only woman in my company who knew anything about computer programming. No one said we couldn't get more female programmers, or could only hire male programmers. So I guess by your standards it was a company seriously burdened by some foolish drive to tokenize? I call BS. They wanted expertise, I had it and I got the job. I delivered, I got paid, they were sorry when I left and they said so too.

At the time it's true that a few remarks were passed about how I was making a whole lot more money than any other women in the company. And it's true the other women in the company were a receptionist, a bookkeeper, an accountant and a secretary. The firm was small, a bunch of investment counselors. They were all white males, mostly from Princeton educations. All that has long since changed, there and certianly in any publicly held company that plans to stay in business in the USA today.

I left that little firm many decades ago but in the meantime the places I've worked that have made plenty money for their shareholders all have employees from all walks of life and every corner of the earth. Collectively they've been like any other group of people. Some wonderful to know and work with, others a real pain in the neck. Individually, likewise.

People are people. The more diverse crew on board, the better as far as my experience has taught me. The more women and people in color (and younger people) in high places, the less unusual it is and the more normal it is to be working for someone who's not just like we are, and the more normal it is to focus on getting the job done, product out the door, new ideas onto drawing boards, money coming into the place and so into our pockets. We all want to have the means to have shelter overhead, enough food, a way to take care of our families and follow our dreams. When we work together, that's what we're working for. It's worth remembering. Every day. Every minute. The man or woman across the table or desk is in that same boat with us.

It's the places that resist the dynamics of diversity that end up stuck in unhappy limbos of their own making. Places that look the other way when women or minorities are harassed. Places that tolerate racist remarks, sexual innunendos and on and on. First of all they're looking for lawsuits and second, they're unhappy, tense places to work. They don't draw the cream of the cream. Word gets around what they're like. They short themselves on ability to find and develop talent. And yes, they generate pools of people who complain about diversity and spread myths about stuff like only men being geeks and techies and women being too catty to manage other people.

My advice? Get with the program. Find the best in everyone you meet on the job and let old attitudes fade away. Your networking chances will improve a hundred percent immediately.

Good god. I refuse to read that novel you just wrote, but I'm sure it had some good stuff in there. You might wanna go outside.
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