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macrumors 68000
Nov 29, 2010
Well, I still prefer mariage to be a government issue than a religious one.

I just think they should be seperate. Religious folks have rights too, including to restrict things because of their understanding of morality. Let the government marry people of the same sex, and let the churches decide whether or not they'd like to participate in it. You may or may not agree with the religious organizations decision, but you don't have to participate with them either! And, taking away one persons rights and giving it to someone else isn't any more equality. Like it or not, agree with it or not, religious institutions also have rights!


macrumors 68000
Apr 15, 2010
Absolutely fantastic, not just that Apple are but that 59 others are.

Marriage is something that anyone should be able to do. It shouldn't matter what gender you are.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2003
The Utah Alps
The issue aside I am curious why the popular vote from the people of the United States can/should be overturned by a court. How does that represent the people better than the people voting themselves?


macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2009
in a New York State of mind
My prediction is that the Supreme Court in a narrow 5-4 decision will affirm Prop 8 on the basis that Marriage is a state issue not a federal one. Individual states will be left to determine what constitutes marriage.

Of course it's a federal issue - which is why SCOTUS will also strike down DOMA.

If a heterosexual gets married in NY, their marriage is still recognized in Texas. They still get Federal benefits and protections. A gay couple that gets married in NY doesn't get those benefits and protections. Hopefully the elimination of DOMA will set homosexual marriage on the same path.

SCOTUS made interracial marriage legal and they'll do the same for gay marriage. If they hadn't ruled correctly in Loving vs Virginia, there might still be some states where it was illegal.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Too bad Apple has to be PC like most other big corporations. What if someone wants to marry two women, or a man wants to marry a woman and another man, or wants to marry his dog. Should we be supporting that too because it might affect his workplace morale? :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2006
With the ease of divorce and the numbers of children born outside of a marriage, the government should no longer be involved in marriage. The problem is, How do you get out of it?

Change it to contract law, where it should have been in the first place.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
I just think they should be seperate. Religious folks have rights too, including to restrict things because of their understanding of morality. Let the government marry people of the same sex, and let the churches decide whether or not they'd like to participate in it. You may or may not agree with the religious organizations decision, but you don't have to participate with them either! And, taking away one persons rights and giving it to someone else isn't any more equality. Like it or not, agree with it or not, religious institutions also have rights!

Religion has no right to discriminate against others. And how the hell is religion losing any right if gays can marry?


Aug 4, 2010
The issue aside I am curious why the popular vote from the people of the United States can/should be overturned by a court. How does that represent the people better than the people voting themselves?

My question too... why bother having a vote if it can be overturned?:confused:


macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2009
in a New York State of mind
Too bad Apple has to be PC like most other big corporations. What if someone wants to marry two women, or a man wants to marry a woman and another man, or wants to marry his dog. Should we be supporting that too because it might affect his workplace morale? :rolleyes:

It has absolutely nothing to do with "workplace morale" and everything to do with the rights we have as Americans.

I'm still waiting for those who oppose gay marriage to start picketing and protesting those who get divorced....


macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2003
The issue aside I am curious why the popular vote from the people of the United States can/should be overturned by a court. How does that represent the people better than the people voting themselves?
The Supreme Court exists to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.


macrumors 68000
Apr 27, 2010
Provo, UT
Interesting (and very poor) comparison.

You equal the marriage of two human beings with that of canine? :rolleyes:

No, what he is saying is that once you say that marriage is NOT only one man with one woman, how do you justify denying anyone who want to marry anyone else, or multiple anyones, as long as they all consent. (not sure how a dog consents, but maybe it could)


macrumors 6502
Apr 25, 2007
How do I benefit from this? Please explain.

You benefit in that your children will be able to love whoever they want and marry them. They'll have tax breaks and medical visit rights. They won't be able to get fired because they are gay.... Unless of coarse that sounds horrible to you. They'll be able to love more freely. With less stigma.


macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2009
in a New York State of mind
I just think they should be seperate. Religious folks have rights too, including to restrict things because of their understanding of morality. Let the government marry people of the same sex, and let the churches decide whether or not they'd like to participate in it. You may or may not agree with the religious organizations decision, but you don't have to participate with them either! And, taking away one persons rights and giving it to someone else isn't any more equality. Like it or not, agree with it or not, religious institutions also have rights!

Because when gays finally are allowed to marry, they'll all be rushing to get married in the institutions that have been discriminating against them for decades.

Please. :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 1, 2006
Orlando, FL
Too bad Apple has to be PC like most other big corporations. What if someone wants to marry two women, or a man wants to marry a woman and another man, or wants to marry his dog. Should we be supporting that too because it might affect his workplace morale? :rolleyes:

No one should give a crap about the morality of another indiodual. Live and let live.


macrumors 6502
Jun 17, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne, England
So since we are breaking this barrier, I can marry my dog now right?

If you and your dog wanted to I would not be offended or see an issue with it or try and prevent it, and neither should anybody else.

Maybe it's just my upbringing but I can't understand how somebody can have such an issue with homosexuality unless they're trying to supress their own.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 1, 2005
I think your dog would be too smart to marry you.

The comparing gay marriage to beastiality tripe gets old.

A marriage is about consent. It involves both people understanding the institution and their willingness to enter into it.

Animals cannot speak, much less demonstrate any kind of understanding about human marriage. A human could never prove that an animal gave its informed consent so a marriage between man and dog wouldn't be allowed. This renders the "What next?!?!?! Humans marrying animals?!?!?!" argument laughable to anyone with a brain.

It's about more than consent, it's about love & commitment and to be fair dogs do seem to exhibit that ! Anyway, whether is MM, MF, FF i really don't care we should be able to marry who we choose. If a guy want's to marry his dog then if both parties agree and it's legal then who are you or I to deny them the right.


macrumors 68020
Aug 16, 2007
So since we are breaking this barrier, I can marry my dog now right?

It may come to that eventually. If we break one of God's commands why not another?? Once we start rolling down the hill it's not easy to stop it. I'm not going to boycott Apple or anything. I'll still use their products. But I certainly disagree on their position. I as a Christian believe in the "traditional" view of marriage as one man and one woman. Nonetheless I've used Apple products all my life and that won't change anytime soon. I wouldn't even accept a Windows PC for free. LOL


macrumors 68000
Nov 29, 2010
The issue aside I am curious why the popular vote from the people of the United States can/should be overturned by a court. How does that represent the people better than the people voting themselves?

Well, in theory, the courts are there to make sure that what we the people vote for (or congress votes for) doesn't infringe on others rights or violate the constitution of the US or of the individual state. In theory. Modern day though, the Supreme Court becomes politics-as-usual.

But in theory, if it WAS a constitutional issue, the court would force us to amend the constitution instead of allowing the passage of a law that contradicts it. It's one of the reasons the gun debate is so heated. Lots of states and local areas are passing laws restricting firearms. (Thus we would need a constitutional amendment to restrict firearms further) However, some believe the constitution doesn't allow it, so it'll be up to the courts to decide the scope of the 2nd amendment.

Feed Me

macrumors 6502a
Jan 7, 2012
Location Location
So since we are breaking this barrier, I can marry my dog now right?



macrumors 6502a
Oct 5, 2003
If you and your dog wanted to I would not be offended or see an issue with it or try and prevent it, and neither should anybody else
I don't see why some people automatically equate two human beings (who are of the same gender) getting married with marrying an animal.

It's stupid beyond belief.
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