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Jun 24, 2013
Probably posted already but... let's take another look


But the iPhone was made by Steve Jobs and Tim Cook continues his legacy. The iPhone is the best phone of all time. I love to spend $700+ for this phone even though there are better phones at cheaper prices. I love a crippled OS on a phone with insulated specs data. It doesn't feel like a child's toy to me at all rather than a phone.

Thanks for sharing the picture/infograph because it's sad truth. Cannot dress the pig and expect a different animal. I think the Nexus X or Shamu will blow this iPhone 6/6 Plus away by far. iOS is only good on tablets for me. For everything else, there is Android.


macrumors 6502
Aug 20, 2011
Try filming 1080p video and see how fast that fills up your 16 GB. It's not just a matter of cloud storage... the base model should NOT still be 16 GB at this point in technology. App sizes are increasing as well. 16 GB is garbage. End of story.

Some people just dont need it. I have 7.2 gb available on my 5c. with photo stream and spotify, I dont keep anything on my phone. Ive never even plugged in to my computer before.


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2006
RF Exposure ???

They have yet to announce the RF Exposure of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

My iPhone 5 has a warning that is issued not to put it in my pocket, which I have started to obey just last year.

Based on the 7 additional LTE bands and their antenna concept which takes the metal parts of the enclosure for the antenna, I don't have much hope... but if it's significantly lower than my iPhone 5, it's an instant purchase for me.


macrumors regular
Sep 4, 2010
Hades aka England
But the iPhone was made by Steve Jobs and Tim Cook continues his legacy. The iPhone is the best phone of all time. I love to spend $700+ for this phone even though there are better phones at cheaper prices. I love a crippled OS on a phone with insulated specs data. It doesn't feel like a child's toy to me at all rather than a phone.

Thanks for sharing the picture/infograph because it's sad truth. Cannot dress the pig and expect a different animal. I think the Nexus X or Shamu will blow this iPhone 6/6 Plus away by far. iOS is only good on tablets for me. For everything else, there is Android.

You, Sir/Madam win the Interwebz!:D


Try filming 1080p video and see how fast that fills up your 16 GB. It's not just a matter of cloud storage... the base model should NOT still be 16 GB at this point in technology. App sizes are increasing as well. 16 GB is garbage. End of story.

That's true! 1GB of RAM is SOOOO Noughties!:D


macrumors member
Nov 20, 2010
Probably posted already but... let's take another look


Your letters and numbers speak only superficially about the facts.
Different story might be if you compare the quality of these points and how they each function in reality. Did you see the photo quality of that Nexus in comparison? Thickness? Processor?… Big difference btw. them in how they all feel in your hand with iPhone’s near perfect iOS. And talking about ugly - these android phones are just that.

Apple is amazing. One company that makes everything (software, computer hardware, OS systems, routers, watches, deals with TV channels, with credit card companies…….) and communicates together.

If iPhone is not updated to the max this time (but still brings many new features) that is because they we too busy with making Apple watch to happen. New iOS and new OS. What more?

Apple watch is going to be sold in huge numbers. I personally love the chunkier looking watches. They express and they stand out and you can feel them on your hand. The introduced shape is expected for everything that this watch wants to offer. More unusual style could not possibly host all these functions. Interface is fantastic and any other brand will never be able to copy all of these characteristics on one watch.

Bravo Apple!

The only reason people can complain about Apple’s currant state is because they are insatiable. For some people there is never enough of surprises. They want more then the rumors can bring to them.


macrumors 6502
Aug 20, 2011
Here's what I loved about the first iPhone - it was different. Wildly different. Exciting different.

Then came a series of updates to improve on the original, excellent impression and experience. (3G, 3GS, 4, 4S)

Apple has a long history of 'bucking the trend' - no floppy disk on the original iMac (remember THAT uproar??), Firewire instead of USB2 (though they gave in on that one eventually), Non-upgradable batteries/disk space on laptops, the New Mac Pro (pretty much everything about it).

Why then, do I get the distinct impression that we are now following the imitators (android et al) with larger screens? I get that some people want to have a super computer in their pocket, but I kinda miss the days of Nokia and the 7-day charging cycle. I realise there are a series of other advancements, but lets face it, the screen is the big ticket item on this menu.

I'll probably end up buying a new iPhone eventually, but for now, there is nothing exciting enough to compel me to move away from my 4S. Heck, if they were still available new, I'd probably buy another 4S!

Maybe I'm just getting old.

you might be getting old, but sometimes i think the same thing. when my hands are a little to sweaty to propery text someone, i think "man, i wish i have my gold nokia with snake on it right now."

but then i snap out of it and begin streaming my slingbox to my phone to watch the football game while working in the garage.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2005
Fans are prone to noise and to fail with time.

So are logic boards when they massively overheat. Now decades after Steve Jobs made that pronouncement we've developed CPU's which are efficient enough to be powerful and to operate without a fan but for the those 20 years a computer could not be powerful and operate without a fan.

Putting the cart before the horse isn't visionary, it's just an error. Work with the technology you have and update your design as technology changes .


macrumors newbie
Sep 10, 2014
sorry if this has already been asked...

i've never pre-ordered anything before. so i just wait till 3am eastern time? then go to verizon and check out etc... but what i'm wondering is... are there a limited amount of quantities available for iPhone 6 preorder? do you guys recommend being ready to go online at exactly 3?

any advice would be appreciated. thanks!


Sep 4, 2012
Midwest, USA
I think most people mean they wanted a smaller iPhone 6 option. Not just the same phones we all could get even if Apple stopped selling them. Reminds me of those who wanted a dvd/br drive in the NEW macs, not the older model without the better screen.
Ah I see. Yeah, it's a little conflicting because I tip my hat to Apple for listening to the majority of their customers' demand for a bigger screen (whatever it is you may consider "bigger"). But the keyword there is majority. Apple lost a small, but I'd bet sizeable chunk of their customer base yesterday who love Apple for being stubborn and having a "what we say goes" attitude, like when Jobs was around. I can see how they might feel betrayed when Tim Cook all but said they are doing this to win over Android owners.


macrumors 6502
Nov 13, 2003
Disappointing that they didn't leave an option for people who like smaller phones. Based on android phones I've tried out in stores both of these are too big to use with one hand. Since they decided to have 2 sizes why couldn't they have left a 3rd smaller one?

They did - it's the 5C and 5S


macrumors member
May 18, 2012
No, not BS: physics, and the usual mistake of confusing the number of megapixels with the resolution of the image.

More pixels on the same sized sensor & the same aperture lens = less light falling on each pixel = more amplification and/or longer exposures needed to get an image = more image noise and/or camera shake.

Phone cameras rely on aggressive noise reduction (low-pass filtering) and digital image stabilisation (cropping & resampling) - both of which reduce the true resolution of the image and introduce artefacts.

The optical image stabilisation on the 6+ is probably more valuable than a few extra MP.

I'm sorry, confusing the number of megapixels with the resolution of the image...BS. There's no confusing those two. And this issue isn't about the physics.

We are however arguing at cross-purposes. You're talking about quality, I am talking about resolution. You seem to assume that I'm looking to cram more pixels on the same size chip which is not what I'm suggesting. I want more pixels...on a chip of the appropriate size to retain the quality.


macrumors member
May 18, 2012
Its not BS, its fact. You could read

Nothing wrong with wanting that.

Any increase in megapixels without increasing the sensor size results in less quality (unless there are improvements in sensor tech)


I've read the link to the megapixel myth. It basically summarises as a page saying that Megapixels aren't the only measure of a camera. Hardly a surprise. If you have a 15MP DSLR and a 15MP phone camera, shocking they're not the same quality.

The argument hinges on the idea that a better quality, lower MP camera/sensor is better than a lower quality, higher MP camera/sensor. And I'm happy to agree with a point. Because that exact same argument could be made with the phone screen - why do we want a 1080p screen, when we could have a non-retina display but with much better, clearer and brighter pixels. That should be better in the same way, right?

The last part of the argument is that it wouldn't be cramming 40MP onto a sensor (a 500% increase compared to the 8MP), I'd be looking for an increase to at least 12MP (a 50% increase). That would not impact too greatly on the current sensor, but who is to say that it would be using the current sensor quality. Why wouldn't it be 12MP with a new, higher quality sensor too?


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2010
Maybe the times have changed and he might have had to as well?
I only ask as I was an original iPhone user and have all the other toys but I went to Samsung 2 or so years ago when the screens got bigger.

I dont deny that iPhone is still in the long run a better made phone than Samsung but its a two edged sword.

I prefer my Samsung as I like a bigger phone and more importantly, I got tired of jailbreaking iPhones to have the phone do what i needed it to do.
The more jailbroken apps you use, the less stable the iPhone becomes.

Yet with Samsung I don't even need to do anything. Sure, I could do the android version of jailbreaking if i just wanted to get rid of some Samsung apps I don't use but I have more than enough room on my phone using an SD card so its not necessary.
And I have a phone that is large enough i can actually read the web properly.
The iPhone was too small for me to enjoy browsing.

My point is, the market has expanded and there are people who want more than iPhone can give.........maybe Tim Cook will make Apple $$ in the long run and they won't lose so many iPhone customers to Samsung.........Apple isn't here to lose money .......

Just my $0.02

It sounds like Android is what you need and want and there is nothing wrong with that but as someone who prefers iOS and the last thing I want is for it to become Android. I am all for a bigger screen, 4.7 seems nice. But i'm uncomfortable with the multiple phones and Tim Cooks eagerness to follow.


macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2008
Come on, Apple, besides 4.7" and 5.5", please give us back 4" option as well!!! 4.7" is already UGLY large!!!!!!!


macrumors 65816
Jan 26, 2013
Because they need to make the phone thinner, of course! Resulting in, naturally, a protruding camera so the phone won't sit flat on your desk and creating a wonderful impact point if you drop it.


Yeah, incredibly disappointing. Next year when I'm due for an upgrade, I'll be looking a lot closer at the competition. I never wanted a phablet, I bought iPhones because Apple provided good phones in a small package.


You should have listened to me in all these sapphire rumor topics, sapphire never made sense for the iPhone. It was always for Apple's new smart watch. This made sense from a material science standpoint, a user standpoint, and a market standpoint.


As I've been saying all along, this is the right technical decision for Apple to have taken. Phones get dropped and shatter, watches get scratched. It makes sense to optimize for those situations. It's also the right choice in terms of economics. Crystals don't come out of the factory perfect, you have to scan each one and find the slices you can make that don't have flaws or cracks. Getting enough sapphire slices to meet market demand for a 4.7" or 5.5" device is a prohibitively expensive proposition, and borders on physically impossible.

Agree. Thin is all apple seems to care about anymore


macrumors 6502
Nov 15, 2008
Honolulu, Hawaii
The iPhone 6/Plus is not as awesome-looking as the iPhone 5/5s or even the iPhone 4/4S. But, I'm hoping this is a case of Apple putting function over form.

I'm hoping the antenna lines mean a rock-solid cell phone connection as well as Internet and Wi-Fi connection. At least better than previous phones.

I'm not so concerned about how pretty my phone looks. I want it to work well and iOS 8 goes a long way for functionality.


macrumors G4
Feb 10, 2011
Since I was in jail for the weekend, I missed any discussion of what Apple is doing with all the sapphire they have been producing since neither iPhone has a sapphire display? Are they using that much for the :apple:Watch?
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