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macrumors 65816
Dec 12, 2008
If you want me to send some links I can do it later tonight, I don't have access to my computer


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2008
Well, guys, looks like I'm not going to convince you and you sure won't convince me.
Chow down, enjoy your genetically modified frankenfoods and I will avoid them as best I can.

In the first of its kind systems biology approach, scientists at the International Center for Integrative Systems analyzed more than 6,837 lab experiments to discover an alarming accumulation of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, and a dramatic depletion of glutathione, a key antioxidant necessary for proper detoxification of cells and maintain a healthy immune systems in plants, animals and humans.

These findings shatter the myth that GMOs are “substantially equivalent” to traditionally bred non-GMO crops and show for the first time that significant damage is done at the cellular level to foods that have been genetically engineered through the process of transgenic insertion of foreign genes

No they didn't. They created an algorithm on a computer that PREDICTED "alarming accumulation of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, and a dramatic depletion of glutathione" in GMO soya.

There have been no studies that have found ACTUAL "alarming accumulation of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, and a dramatic depletion of glutathione" in GMO soya.

Not sure if any mods are watching this but this thread could do with splitting as it has gone waaaaaaaay off topic.


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2003
Minnesota USA
Well, guys, looks like I'm not going to convince you and you sure won't convince me.
Chow down, enjoy your genetically modified frankenfoods and I will avoid them as best I can.

In the first of its kind systems biology approach, scientists at the International Center for Integrative Systems analyzed more than 6,837 lab experiments to discover an alarming accumulation of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, and a dramatic depletion of glutathione, a key antioxidant necessary for proper detoxification of cells and maintain a healthy immune systems in plants, animals and humans.

These findings shatter the myth that GMOs are “substantially equivalent” to traditionally bred non-GMO crops and show for the first time that significant damage is done at the cellular level to foods that have been genetically engineered through the process of transgenic insertion of foreign genes

"But It Says Formaldehyde....
This outcome is likely exactly what the authors wanted to see, and allowed them to publish a verbose, poorly-written, goofy paper that serves an important political purpose to advance at least one of the author's interests. More on that later.
The bottom line is, corn is probably the most biochemically dissected plants in terms of composition. Soy too. There is no evidence ever published or otherwise reported in a legit place that shows a difference in formaldehyde between GM and non-GM varieties of anything. These authors could have tested their prediction, and maybe they did, but there is no evidence of formaldehyde ever reported. "

Brief Scholarly Review
The paper would have been rejected out of hand because the writing is awful, the conclusions overstep the data, and the data come from inputs that are not reported and apparently do not come from peer-reviewed sources.
1. The writing is pure rhetoric, the first line stating that safety is a "contentious issue" when safety of transgenic crops has been well established for two decades. Constantly referring to "GMOs" is meaningless. It is not a scientifically precise term, and any transgenic organism should be studied on the merits of the gene and the organism it is in. Are GMO microbes making insulin equivalent to cotton making Bt proteins? No.
2. It is unclear what data were used for input and where they came from. They cite "pubmed/google searches" and list their search terms in Appendix A.
3. What organisms, what were the transgenes, what tissues and what conditions were used in the input data? Not terribly clear. My guess is that they actually used the numbers from the Stunning Corn Comparison.
4. I want a sandwich, so I'm not going to keep going. Bottom line is, they make a computational prediction and it is WRONG. There are no data that support their conclusion, nor do they attempt to present any.

What is the Purpose of this Work?
First, what do we know about International Center for Integrative Systems? Certainly sounds impressive! Turns out it is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, surprise, started by the lead author. They have a variety of projects, including one that seeks to define standards for raw and organic food. A little poking around the website and the agenda is showing.

The International Center for Integrative Systems may have a little conflict of interest, as they also promote foods that are not GMO.
The International Center for Integrative Systems seems like a well-financed woo factory. Read this. Yep, no conflict of interest in outcomes that harm safe technology and can bring in the donations!
The lead author is Shiva Ayyadurai, a guy that claims to have invented email and has a rather checkered history. He's married to actress Fran Drescher (aka Bobbi Flekman) a staunch anti-GMO activist who has appeared in many venues stating her anti-GMO beliefs. (Note. I always liked Fran Drescher. She survived a rather nasty bout with cancer, she always was great in interviews, and while I never was a fan of her on prime-time television, I did feel bad when she was ill, but she's off-the-rails goofy now)
Could this simply be someone tied to the anti-GMO movement putting something appearing scientific and complicated with no sound biological conclusions into the public science space?
Ding! Circle gets the square."

There are more articles about this at that link if you care to read. The comments are also enlightening, especially the one that talks about how the human body creates and processes formaldehyde routinely.

FWIW- During the summer of my junior year and all through my senior year, I worked for one of my chemical engineering professors. My project was to prove that formaldehyde could be converted to methanol through the right catalysis. Sponsored by the Dept. of Energy. My work was published in the Journal of Catalysis because I showed it could be done. What I'm saying is, I worked with raw, solid formaldehyde, heated to a high temp with oxygen flowing over it almost every day for about a year and didn't get cancer, lol. Don't remember if I even used gloves. A single anecdote doesn't prove anything but hysteria around formaldehyde is another M.O. of the food crazies.
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macrumors regular
Oct 18, 2010
Well, guys, looks like I'm not going to convince you and you sure won't convince me.
Chow down, enjoy your genetically modified frankenfoods and I will avoid them as best I can.

In the first of its kind systems biology approach, scientists at the International Center for Integrative Systems analyzed more than 6,837 lab experiments to discover an alarming accumulation of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, and a dramatic depletion of glutathione, a key antioxidant necessary for proper detoxification of cells and maintain a healthy immune systems in plants, animals and humans.

These findings shatter the myth that GMOs are “substantially equivalent” to traditionally bred non-GMO crops and show for the first time that significant damage is done at the cellular level to foods that have been genetically engineered through the process of transgenic insertion of foreign genes

Funny how you left out the link to this so called study or where you copypasta your text from. Don't worry I'll post it for you. Funny they don't post the link to their own study they claim either. It's almost like lie.


macrumors 65816
Dec 12, 2008
No they didn't. They created an algorithm on a computer that PREDICTED "alarming accumulation of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, and a dramatic depletion of glutathione" in GMO soya.

There have been no studies that have found ACTUAL "alarming accumulation of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, and a dramatic depletion of glutathione" in GMO soya.

Not sure if any mods are watching this but this thread could do with splitting as it has gone waaaaaaaay off topic.

It is definitely way off topic.

Funny how you left out the link to this so called study or where you copypasta your text from. Don't worry I'll post it for you. Funny they don't post the link to their own study they claim either. It's almost like lie.

I know. My scientists aren't as good as your scientists. :cool:


macrumors 65816
Dec 12, 2008
Here are some links I had saved.

New one:
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