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macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2009
If it referred to unfair effects and outcomes, as you claim, how would you know it was due to racism? What caused that disparity other than you making a claim that it was due to racial discrimination? If what you say is true, then that would mean white people could claim they are victims of systemic racism because their outcomes are worse than Asians!

I agree with your comment about racism being a moral issue. I disagree with the innuendo that companies can do away with racism by somehow forcing more diversity and hiring more minorities. Racism will go away when people focus on individuals, and the best individuals should be hired for the job at hand. If that results in an all white management team or an all black basketball team, then so be it.

Inequality is a fact of life. People need to stop trying to force equal outcomes. We've tried that and it failed spectacularly, resulting in millions of deaths. The best we can hope for is equal opportunity, and as far as the system/law is concerned, we have that.
The two sentences in bold indicate complete lack of knowledge of social science or systemic analysis. The one that follow sinks into pure drivel.

I don’t think you understand the subject. Either that or your objective is to spread misinformation and ignorance.

This is what needs to be battled and again it demonstrates the gaps here in Apple’s focus. Platitudes and shopping will not clean out the cesspoool.
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macrumors 68000
Feb 19, 2016
Apple would be better served by first demonstrating its own commitment to UnityTM within the composition of its management and board....before heading off externally to commercially exploit the wallets and sentiments of underprivileged people.
Not to mention the rest of its workforce, particularly in its non-retail divisions in the US.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
The two sentences in bold indicate complete lack og knowledge of social science or systemic analysis. The one that follow sinks into pure drivel.

I don’t think you understand the subject. Either that or your objective is to spread misinformation and ignorance.

This is what needs to be battled and again it demonstrates the gaps here in Apple’s focus. Platitudes and shopping will not clean out the cesspoool.
OK, rather than spending your valuable time telling me how ignorant I am on the subject, how about you enlighten me... enlighten all of us. Seriously, I'm willing to learn. I'd love to see facts, logic, data, etc. to support your arguments, similar to the facts that I shared with you about how police brutality against Blacks is a myth and why I thought your definition of systemic racism was a contradiction and illogical.

FYI, social science and social justice courses being taught in colleges is why so many people are misinformed, NOT educated. Universities used to be a place where kids learned how to think critically. Now they're indoctrinated by leftist, self-proclaimed Marxist professors: The Dramatic Shift Among College Professors That's Hurting Students' Education (Washington Post, a liberal paper)

The PC-ness that's being indoctrinated into students have gotten so bad that most comedians won't go near college campuses. Even Bill Maher, a long-time liberal, has been vocal about it.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
That is factually not true. You may try to discredit the source of the article, but the information they based it on is actual data from the police themselves, the DOJ, and from independent studies.
Thanks for sharing. Actually, I think the most useful study is the one that discredits information from the Police and FBI, calling them unreliable and incomplete because it's the only one that attempts to contextualize its findings. It also happens to be self-serving because that professor received a generous grant by liberal politicians for his, uh, contributions. But VF reserved "controversial" for Fryer's research because it didn't help their narrative.

Furthermore, with few exceptions, those studies were conducted in some of the most liberal cities/states by liberal organizations, carefully curated by one of the most liberal media outlets. For every one of those studies, there's another that says racism/bias doesn't exist.

Here are just two:
1. A 2015 Justice Department analysis of the Philadelphia Police Department found that white police officers were less likely than black or Hispanic officers to shoot unarmed black suspects.
2. The latest in a series of studies undercutting the claim of systemic police bias was published in August 2019 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers found that there is “no significant evidence of antiblack disparity in the likelihood of being fatally shot by police”.

Looking at neutral data, there is no evidence of cops systemically targeting and killing Black people. Much of the disproportionate # of police interactions with Black Americans can be explained by the disproportionate # of violent crimes committed by Black Americans.

In Manhattan, for example, the African American community tends to be policed more heavily, because that is where people are disproportionately hurt by violent street crime. In New York City in 2018, 73% of shooting victims were Black, though Black residents comprise only 24% of the city’s population. And it's mostly Blacks killing Blacks. According to FBI data from 2018 (single victim/single offender):

- Of the 2,925 Black people murdered, 234 were committed by Whites, 2,600 by Blacks.
- Of the 3,315 White people murdered, 514 were committed by Blacks, 2,677 by Whites.

Below are some figures from the FBI arrest data from 2018 showing the % of various criminal activities committed by Black Americans (who make up 13% of the population):

- Murder: 53%
- Rape: 29%
- Robbery: 55%
- Aggravated Assault: 33%
- Burglary: 29%

More data from WP (a liberal paper that started tracking this stuff in 2015):

- In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people
- 235 were Black Americans, a number that remained stable since 2015.
- The police fatally shot 14 unarmed blacks and 25 unarmed whites as of June 2019. The Post (being the liberal paper that they are) defines “unarmed” broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase.
- In 2019 there were 7,407 black homicide victims. Those unarmed black victims of police shootings represent less than 0.2% of all African-Americans killed in 2019

I think the evidence is clear. Cops are not systemically targeting blacks in this country, and if there is a disproportionate # of interactions, there seems to be a much more valid reason than race. Sure, pockets of racism exists and there are some bad cops, but how is that different from any other industry/profession?


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
He does make it easy—he never addresses that his pathetic Epoch Times videos have been dismantled, and the answer to any argument is...another Epoch Times video!

Looking forward to even more Epoch Times videos!
What I've noticed is that you contribute nothing of value to this conversation whatsoever. No facts or data of any kind. If you want more data, check out my latest and let's see you counter that with some data and analysis of your own.


Apr 11, 2018
Replying to this person is a waste of time and energy.

I lost interest in the thread and decided to put my energies elsewhere. You can't win arguing with a wall.

Exactly the types of responses I expected. No real ideas or challenging facts, just label people as "the other" and dismiss them as not worthy of conversation.

Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
Exactly the types of responses I expected. No real ideas or challenging facts, just label people as "the other" and dismiss them as not worthy of conversation.
I laid out like 5 page essays and you dodged 99% of the content? The conversation has gone back and forth for days without any progression and time has been lost. Think what you want and believe what you want. No point in wasting in more precious time debating with folks that are closed minded and don't have a vested interest to make the world a better place. Sadly enough, this product launch thread was hijacked by ideology.


Nov 27, 2020
Exactly the types of responses I expected. No real ideas or challenging facts, just label people as "the other" and dismiss them as not worthy of conversation.
Are you surprised?

The "woke" (yeah, right) are nothing more than ideologically dogmatic zealots.

They attach themselves to issues like a parasite and then demand special rules, language, or behavior, while feverishly eroding the issue until they morph it into some hair-brained progressive agenda through unrelated political positions rather than the original intent (BLM, for example). They then undermine the issue and demand everyone else accept their spew without question.

Trying to reason with that level of idiocy is pointless.


Apr 11, 2018
I laid out like 5 page essays and you dodged 99% of the content?
If you are referring to your post #142 which seems heavily edited now versus what it was originally, I will agree that I fixated on one point as it was the one I had the strongest feeling about as detailed below:

You put out there for consideration:
How about overturning a legit election because you didn't get your way and are fed lies continuously?

Sadly, holding people accountable for their actions is lost on people these days.
I responded with Speaker Pelosi's tweet because it was also a lie yet the speaker was not held accountable for her actions. She was not canceled by social media, no warning tags, no fact check label, no censure from the House.

You then put this out there, directed at me:
Love how you didn't answer a single question in my post. Dodge and deflect.
Ok, while I was not dodging or deflecting anything I acknowledged a fair point and proceeded to answer ALL of your questions from post #142 and #146 in my post #148. You did not bother to acknowledge my responses even though you asked for them. Are you dodging or deflecting?

You then posted this gem:
You can't win arguing with a wall.
Which of my posts did you find so objectionable that you equate our very limited conversation to "arguing with a wall"? I like to think of myself as rather reasonable person.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2004
Flushing, New York
Ordered two of the Black Unity Bands this week. I know of a few friends and family members buying them. Those who aren't Black ain't worrying about potential criticism.

"This crusade is much more important than the anti-lynching movement, because there would be no lynching if it did not start in the schoolroom."Carter G. Woodson

Added Bonus for those Triggered: "...snotty white people think they’re being super-clever by asking, 'Oh yeah, well what would you say if we had a White History Month?!' Well, bring it on, said Amber Ruffin on Friday’s edition of The Amber Ruffin Show. In fact, bring on twelve of them, since, as she laid out with studiously funny efficiency, white Americans sure as hell aren’t learning much about their own history..."

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macrumors 6502a
Nov 10, 2012
Port Orchard, WA
Ordered two of the Black Unity Bands this week. I know of a few friends and family members buying them. Those who aren't Black ain't worrying about potential criticism.

"This crusade is much more important than the anti-lynching movement, because there would be no lynching if it did not start in the schoolroom."Carter G. Woodson

Added Bonus for those Triggered: "...snotty white people think they’re being super-clever by asking, 'Oh yeah, well what would you say if we had a White History Month?!' Well, bring it on, said Amber Ruffin on Friday’s edition of The Amber Ruffin Show. In fact, bring on twelve of them, since, as she laid out with studiously funny efficiency, white Americans sure as hell aren’t learning much about their own history..."

I agree with Morgan Freeman ... we don't need a black history month or white history month. Neither is productive.


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2004
Flushing, New York
Black History 365 .jpg

Black History Month isn't the only time Black life should be celebrated. Hell, Black History is too important to restrict it to just the shortest month of the year. That's why for decades -- yes, decades -- African American communities have stressed Black History 365: every day is Black History. You couldn't have America & American History without the ongoing contributions of Black people. I appreciate Apple's continued efforts to celebrate and encourage Black Life and Black History.

This excerpt of a five year old post from my late friend Stephen (writer, historian & activist) still rings true:

As someone who loves history, I have never been much of a fan of Black History Month. I understand the origins of this annual observance, and the need in 1926 for Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History to insist that Black History be taught and celebrated, as part of American history.

To me, nearly a century after its creation, Black History Month (it was originally "Negro History Week") represents a sort of unacceptable tokenism, relegating all the important contributions of Black Americans to a mere 28 (or this year, 29) days a year. There would be no America as we have come to understand our nation, without the contributions of men and women of African descent. No economic power, no "sea to shining sea" land mass, no military might, and forget all the innovations and consumerism that enslaved Africans brought the US. Black History is American history, and we need to stop letting teachers and historians off the hook by limiting it to a small window of recognition. But until it’s incorporated into the story of our nation, we will continue to need "Black History Month". Stephen Maglott
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2016
I agree with Morgan Freeman ... we don't need a black history month or white history month. Neither is productive.
One isn't necessary, because that's all that is taught. It isn't productive to you because you don't care about black history, that's why a month triggers you and those like minded.

How is February any different from January or March, other than seeing the word black more during the month?

and I love how you guys keep giving us the Larry Elders and Morgan Freeman's. See a black person said it, because if you gave us the normal content you listen to, it would be too obvious what you are. Like Morgan Freeman's opinion means anything. Very typical.
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