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macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
just a convergence of phone-tablet-pc. good choices for consumer, education *and* business.

now if there was a way to force out of dumbed down mobile sites when i browse with my iPad i would have several more. I should NOT be penalized for browsing the web with my iPad. Tim you must know this, give me an option to browse in normal web mode.

That's coming in iOS 8.


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
I'm starting to feel that Apple's roll-out schedule to far too conservative. They withhold incremental changes for too long. If they released small updates on a more frequent basis, I think the entire industry would be better for it, not to mention us customers.

Waiting for Yosemite and OS 8, along with the coming hardware improvements, with only minor, insignificant changes to their existing products, is getting tiring. I sure hope these upgrades live up to Apple's promises and our expectations.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
I think about the weight and size in my hands of the regular iPad, which I use, and have a hard time seeing the market for this 13 inch iPad.

Now I could see this as the first Apple/Ax processor iPadBook (i.e. laptop) - but we'd need serious iOS enhancements to make it useful (and a pure OS X version would seem a better angle there).


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
I'm starting to feel that Apple's roll-out schedule to far too conservative. They withhold incremental changes for too long. If they released small updates on a more frequent basis...

Just replying to myself...

As a software engineer, specializing in websites and advanced web-based applications and databases, I find that my chosen approach of incremental improvements on a weekly/monthly basis is good for my company and good for my clients. It allows me to continue to add value for my clients without introducing major changes that could cause outages and breakages to their websites, many of which run their businesses with.

I would love for Apple to more closely adhere to this type of approach, releasing updates more frequently. It would create a more fluid, organic setup that could be a competitive advantage. Competing software and operating systems follow this approach, such the various Linux distributions, not to mention the fast-cycle updates of browsers.


macrumors 68000
Jul 21, 2012
I love the iPad. However, against popular belief that suggests the next iPad (Air) will come with just A8, better graphics and TouchID, I would like to see something more. I don't want a revolution, an evolution will do just as fine, but not just a routine "twice as better" update.

iOS 8 is going to revitalize the iPad and the OS, iOS extensions is a huge deal


macrumors 68000
Jul 21, 2012
An Apple A8 with 2GB of RAM in the next gen iPads is going to be extremely powerful, and like a super computer workstation in a way almost, Apple is most likely going to use the new Wizard GPU's from Imagination VR , it got ridiculous ray tracing power capabilities in a mobile package, it boosts every single thing, aids with the UI, etc, more power efficient rendering all of that


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
That didn't take long. You ever get tired of carrying the flag?

No but I'm tire of every thread here turning into a bash Apple fest. Sometimes I think this site needs to be renamed


Aug 21, 2014
I love my iPad Mini with Retina but I laughed at the assertion that something as stupid as Touch ID would get me to upgrade a year later.


macrumors 6502
Aug 4, 2013
Will buy one for every creative professional in this organization.

...Apple can keep trying to dance around it, but a tablet really needs a wacom digitizer if it's going to be the creative tool that replace the traditional stand-in of pencils and scraps of paper floating all over the place.

A hundred years from now on into the future, you'll be able to accurately draw, sketch, and write on your tablet. Apple should buy Wacom and honor the licenses now while they can. They should have done it a decade ago.

Agreed. These things are dying to be creative tools for artists who need pen based input.


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2011
I'm starting to feel that Apple's roll-out schedule to far too conservative. They withhold incremental changes for too long. If they released small updates on a more frequent basis, I think the entire industry would be better for it, not to mention us customers.

Waiting for Yosemite and OS 8, along with the coming hardware improvements, with only minor, insignificant changes to their existing products, is getting tiring. I sure hope these upgrades live up to Apple's promises and our expectations.

I feel the same. We are all waiting for the "next big thing" but really, most of the new stuff in iOS8/iPhone 6 are things competitors have already had: bigger screen, quick replies with messaging, file system (icloud drive), etc. I don't see continuity as being useful to me...I'm not going to start an email on my Mac and be eager to finish it on my iPhone! I know many of the improvements with iOS 8 come in the form of new APIs, but unfortunately the consumer doesn't immediately see these changes. Honestly, if Yosemite wasn't free, I would never have purchased it; it's on my Mac now, and I'm pretty underwhelmed. Not that any of this will make me ditch my Apple products. I'm waaay too deep in this ecosystem. I too am hoping something interesting will come our way in a couple of weeks.


macrumors 68030
Jun 18, 2009
With the iPhone (allegedly) getting much bigger next month, the Surface product maturing into a credible laptop replacement for Windows users and a 12" Retina MacBook Air on the horizon, you have to imagine that there are a lot more speed bumps ahead for the iPad.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2013
Christchurch, N.Z.
As the article said "Apple is not the only company experiencing a drop in tablet sales, as noted by Mossberg. Microsoft and Samsung have also seen slumping sales, possibly due to the fact that people see less of a need to upgrade their tablets on a regular basis, as suggested by Samsung, or the tablet's position as a want rather than a need. "

Ok, thread can be closed now.

Agent OrangeZ

macrumors 68040
Mar 17, 2010
Planet Earth
Fact that Tim Cook said this? Because that's all I can tell from the tone.

During the call, Cook pointed to overall sales of more than 225 million iPads over the course of the last four years and suggested the tablet market itself was still "in its infancy." The CEO said that "significant innovation can be brought to the iPad," and pointed towards plans to bring improvements to Apple's tablet lineup.

Part of those plans includes the introduction of a larger 12.9-inch iPad Pro, which will launch in early 2015. Rumors have suggested the larger tablet will include an ultra high-definition display and that it will be marketed towards Apple's enterprise customers.

MacRumors is making it seem like the 12.9" iPad is certain and that Tim Cook's comments confirm it. Tim Cook did not elude to anything of that nature.


macrumors 6502
Aug 23, 2010
seems a bit strong

"Part of those plans includes the introduction of a larger 12.9-inch iPad Pro, which will launch in early 2015."

seems like a statement based on facts, rather than rumors.....


macrumors 68040
Feb 15, 2010
Boston, MA
I really want to see how they plan to innovate on the ipad. cause other then spec bumps I can't think of any cool must have new feature.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
MacRumors is making it seem like the 12.9" iPad is certain and that Tim Cook's comments confirm it. Tim Cook did not elude to anything of that nature.

This sort of thing is becoming a trend in MR articles. More and more, statements are made that aren't even remotely supported by the articles they are citing.


macrumors 6502
Jan 20, 2014
I love the iPad. However, against popular belief that suggests the next iPad (Air) will come with just A8, better graphics and TouchID, I would like to see something more. I don't want a revolution, an evolution will do just as fine, but not just a routine "twice as better" update.

iPads are fantastic. But here's what need to happed to revive seemingly declining market.

1. More OPTIMIZED OS. Currently it's just a glorified stretched up Phone OS.
2. TRUE multitasking. Side by side apps + floating apps.
3. Better support for pen/stylus. For students. Currently most stylus have tip as large as finger tips. Not a pleasant experience. They need to have a lower cost stylus that students can use.
4. Anti-reflective coating.. again for students as well as general consumers.


macrumors 68040
Mar 16, 2012
I love the iPad. However, against popular belief that suggests the next iPad (Air) will come with just A8, better graphics and TouchID, I would like to see something more. I don't want a revolution, an evolution will do just as fine, but not just a routine "twice as better" update.

Exactly, this "twice as fast" yearly update isn't fooling anyone to buy a new iPad when an iPad 2 still can do everything an iPad Air can do
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