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macrumors G3
Sep 21, 2010
There IS NO DOUBLE TAX. Simply, you pay local taxes. IF the taxes you pay are less than US income tax, then you pay Uncle Sam the difference.

I am friends with someone who works in the UK. It is way, WAY more complicated than what you state. It's true that there isn't an outright double tax, but she definitely pays more than just the higher of the two. There are many accidental "gotchas" because for the most part, the tax code of the two countries is written with no thought given to special circumstances such as living abroad.


macrumors 68000
Dec 13, 2010
There IS NO DOUBLE TAX. Simply, you pay local taxes. IF the taxes you pay are less than US income tax, then you pay Uncle Sam the difference.

In other words, you benefit from being American and pay the same taxes as any other American.

*buzzer* WRONG. If you make less than around 70k abroad you don't have to pay US tax, above that you do. So yes there is double taxation.


For 6 years now Democrats in the Senate have been in charge and taunting Republicans by vacuuous rhetoric accusing them of not coming up with ideas, all the time ignoring over 357 bills PASSED in the R House.

The time is upon us for Republican ideas to get actual traction by PASSING bills in both the House and Senate and piling them high on the desk of the President.

Then we will see what the "leader" of the Democrats actually does with ideas Democrats help craft in both the House and Senate.

I predict this Socialist President will do almost nothing.

This administration believes in tax, spend, borrow, fine, mandate, monologue. The Pres. demogogues Congress, bottlenecked by the D Senate!

BTW I have been saying this continuously for years (see sig).

Top fines collected by FEDGOV. It goes into the Treasury without a mandated use, so the President has the mother of all slush funds!

Obama is center right, not liberal and certainly not socialist. A Socialist would have given us single payer healthcare and overturned the 2005 Republican Bankruptcy Law that made all student loans both public and private a lifetime debt.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 16, 2012
While they're at it, please stop double taxation on citizens living overseas. You think the corporate tax laws are draconian for overseas earned income, you should see what the US does tax wise to it's own people living abroad (singularly- essentially no other country does this).

The common thread here is nothing will be done in either case.

Background: My wife and I are US citizens living overseas for nearly a decade. My wife also works for a company that does taxes for American ExPats. Yes, she is an expert in this and I am very familiar with the laws.

What the ******* are you talking about? There is no double taxation. We pay here or we pay in the US. Period. Reciprocity agreements cover this.

*buzzer* WRONG. If you make less than around 70k abroad you don't have to pay US tax, above that you do. So yes there is double taxation.

you need a new tax adviser


Jan 16, 2002
Denver, CO
For 6 years now Democrats in the Senate have been in charge and taunting Republicans by vacuuous rhetoric accusing them of not coming up with ideas, all the time ignoring over 357 bills PASSED in the R House.

The time is upon us for Republican ideas to get actual traction by PASSING bills in both the House and Senate and piling them high on the desk of the President.

Then we will see what the "leader" of the Democrats actually does with ideas Democrats help craft in both the House and Senate.

I predict this Socialist President will do almost nothing.

This administration believes in tax, spend, borrow, fine, mandate, monologue. The Pres. demogogues Congress, bottlenecked by the D Senate!

BTW I have been saying this continuously for years (see sig).

Top fines collected by FEDGOV. It goes into the Treasury without a mandated use, so the President has the mother of all slush funds!

Having ideas is one thing. Congrats. Pat yourself on the back.
Having ideas that are meaningful is something completely different.
Having ideas that are meaningful and (most importantly) actionable - that 2 completely opposing parties can agree upon - has long proven impossible. It does not matter the flavor of President (who, let's not kid ourselves, is no more than a talking head) nor flavor of House we have... Nothing. Will ever. Get done.

We desperately need a 3rd, equally funded/powerful/represented party at the table. The 2-party system has proven time and time again to be completely incapable of anything meaningful for the people they "represent."

It's basic math: when 2 opposing parties reach an impasse - which will be at every single turn - a third party could be the deal maker. 2:1. Majority rules. So simple. Learned that in kindergarten.

Politics is a pathetic joke. Such a waste...

Oh yeah, something about Apple... Go Tim!


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2013
For 6 years now Democrats in the Senate have been in charge and taunting Republicans by vacuuous rhetoric accusing them of not coming up with ideas, all the time ignoring over 357 bills PASSED in the R House.

The time is upon us for Republican ideas to get actual traction by PASSING bills in both the House and Senate and piling them high on the desk of the President.

Then we will see what the "leader" of the Democrats actually does with ideas Democrats help craft in both the House and Senate.

I predict this Socialist President will do almost nothing.

This administration believes in tax, spend, borrow, fine, mandate, monologue. The Pres. demogogues Congress, bottlenecked by the D Senate!

BTW I have been saying this continuously for years (see sig).

Top fines collected by FEDGOV. It goes into the Treasury without a mandated use, so the President has the mother of all slush funds!

Yeah because history has shown that the Republicans have been great stewards of tax payers money. Keep believing that D vs R crap.

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
Apple CEO Tim Cook Talks Technology With Senator Orrin Hatch During Washington, D.C. Trip
Wow, that had to be frustrating...


over 357 bills PASSED in the R House.


BTW I have been saying this continuously for years (see sig).
You're a perfect match for each other. They keep saying the same things over and over again, and so do you.

It's easy to lock yourself in your room screaming "I want to play X-box" over and over again and then blame the dirty dishes on lack of parenting. It's harder to actually govern.


macrumors 603
2 completely opposing parties can agree upon - has long proven impossible. It does not matter the flavor of President
I agree! This is one of those rare circumstances where a R House and a R Senate (killing the 4 year logjam) will work with a D President looking to get some actual stuff done.

Take the time to watch President Obama's speech and Q&A today at the Business Roundtable. It was out of character and totally positive.

and others.

That stuff might be unlikely to happen, but he clearly set forward a path forward. 6 years in, is a good start. I was happy and surprised.



macrumors 6502a
Jun 16, 2012
Just out of interest, why do Americans call it "Congress" and not "Parliament"?

Members of Congress are elected and are a separate branch of government from the president, who is also elected

Where I live the MPs (Members of Parliament) are elected and then the party with the most members becomes the party in power and the leader of that party becomes the Prime Minister.

(Just passed my citizenship test so I've been studying this).


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
There IS NO DOUBLE TAX. Simply, you pay local taxes. IF the taxes you pay are less than US income tax, then you pay Uncle Sam the difference.

I think if your a British expat you don't even need to file taxes in the UK, or its dead easy.

The US system for Americans living abroad is definitely substantially worse than anyone else's.

Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
How about when Obama and the Democrats accept and embrace a good Republican-initiated idea (hint: Obamacare is but one example) and then the Republicans flip-flop and make up all kinds of fictions ("death panels" anyone?) just to block "the enemy" from being seen to serve the country? Their policy is to oppose everything... and then ober the coming years when Obama's policies do help people in spite of all opposition, they'll gladly take the credit. Time travel at its best! (See also: Obama somehow caused the recession under Bush's adminstration!)


Somebody had to say it :)

There's definitely a pattern there. Remember how a couple of years ago Mitt and his friends were complaining because 47% of Americans were not paying income taxes and therefore (ignoring all other taxes) didn't "have skin in the game"? That was because of the Earned Income Credit-- which was a Republican idea, the concept being that it was an incentive for people to get off welfare and instead work for low wages-- a Republican alternative to welfare. Which, of course, they deny, as it is helping all those lazy "takers."

Then there were all the incentives to help relatively low-income families get mortgages. This was a great idea-- out of the Reagan administration. The idea being that home ownership would give people incentives to fix up their property, and would help to make low-income neighborhoods cleaner and safer. Again, now disavowed by today's Republicans.

Of course, the core concepts of Obamacare came out of a Heritage Foundation paper, which was then implemented by the same Mitt Romney. Now, if you want to be amused, you should look up the history of statements by the Heritage author, as he increasingly disavows his ownership over time-- it's actually quite funny if you trace this.

There used to be a time, not that long ago, that Republicans (and conservative Republicans!!!) actually believes that government could and should help poor people through active policies. The distinctiveness was that they believed big money should not just be thrown at the poor via big government bureaucracies but should be carefully targeted to support clever programs designed to leverage market forces. Now, the Republicans are overrun by people who believe in a pseudo "philosophy", invented by a science fiction writer (ironically an atheist), that low income people are lazy, shiftless parasites for whom poverty is just and deserved.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
There's definitely a pattern there. Remember how a couple of years ago Mitt and his friends were complaining because 47% of Americans were not paying income taxes and therefore (ignoring all other taxes) didn't "have skin in the game"? That was because of the Earned Income Credit-- which was a Republican idea, the concept being that it was an incentive for people to get off welfare and instead work for low wages-- a Republican alternative to welfare. Which, of course, they deny, as it is helping all those lazy "takers."

Then there were all the incentives to help relatively low-income families get mortgages. This was a great idea-- out of the Reagan administration. The idea being that home ownership would give people incentives to fix up their property, and would help to make low-income neighborhoods cleaner and safer. Again, now disavowed by today's Republicans.

Of course, the core concepts of Obamacare came out of a Heritage Foundation paper, which was then implemented by the same Mitt Romney. Now, if you want to be amused, you should look up the history of statements by the Heritage author, as he increasingly disavows his ownership over time-- it's actually quite funny if you trace this.

There used to be a time, not that long ago, that Republicans (and conservative Republicans!!!) actually believes that government could and should help poor people through active policies. The distinctiveness was that they believed big money should not just be thrown at the poor via big government bureaucracies but should be carefully targeted to support clever programs designed to leverage market forces. Now, the Republicans are overrun by people who believe in a pseudo "philosophy", invented by a science fiction writer (ironically an atheist), that low income people are lazy, shiftless parasites for whom poverty is just and deserved.

I like the old republicans.


Dec 10, 2009
I am friends with someone who works in the UK. It is way, WAY more complicated than what you state. It's true that there isn't an outright double tax, but she definitely pays more than just the higher of the two. There are many accidental "gotchas" because for the most part, the tax code of the two countries is written with no thought given to special circumstances such as living abroad.

I work/live abroad, and the general rule from the US standpoint is that you're only taxed on foreign earnings over a certain amount - I think it's something like $90k. So it's not exactly double tax, and as you say, there are other things that need to be taken into account if your earnings and property holdings are in any way remotely complex. Luckily, I neither earn $90k nor is my income remotely complex! =P
Last edited:


macrumors 68040
Jul 10, 2012
I wonder if in his pre-meeting briefing Sen. Hatch had to be told that the iPhone is a small computer...

I wonder if Sen. Hatch believes more in supporting the NSA then in defending the US Bill of Rights...

Nothing against him but he is an old guy, and in general, old guys are not really up on modern technology. He is also an insider and after a long time on the inside, folks tend to forget what the rules are and why they are there.


macrumors 68000
Oct 2, 2011
El Segundo
Totally makes sense, if by "Orrin Hatch is the Chairman of the Republican High-Tech Task Force" you mean "hopeless geezer wanders around with an oilcan trying to figure out where all the watermills went."

Is that the opposite of Elitist prick wanders around telling you how to live your life, and what's best for you and your family?


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2002
Miami, USA
There IS NO DOUBLE TAX. Simply, you pay local taxes. IF the taxes you pay are less than US income tax, then you pay Uncle Sam the difference.

In other words, you benefit from being American and pay the same taxes as any other American.

As someone who has worked and earned overseas in several countries and over several years, you are wrong.

You only pay MAXIMUM what you would pay if you ywere sitting here in the good Ole US of A. In other word, you must declare all overseas ordinary income as if you were working here. The you deduct what the host country takes form you directly on your US tax declaration.

Then again, my accountant is from the largest firm in Georgia so maybe she is wrong...



I think if your a British expat you don't even need to file taxes in the UK, or its dead easy.

The US system for Americans living abroad is definitely substantially worse than anyone else's.

The US system if fair. If the Marines will fly in to kill someone who means to do me harm, then I should pay taxes to the USA if I live abroad.

For UK and Canadians, their country has a different vie, so all of those UK expats living in the Bahamas have it very easy (and thats why David Bowie is now a resident of Bermuda)
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