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macrumors 68030
Apr 21, 2010
I am not familiar with what was said there so am not going to start discussing it. Here though you are claiming racism through the use of the word ghetto. I am pretty sure that any race can live in a Ghetto. Stop being ignorant.

You are the one bringing racial discussions into this thread.

I don't know exactly what ghetto means in english, but the most apropriate synonym in portuguese is "gueto", which means "ghetto" in english if you put it on Google Translator.

Well, gueto is a place where people excluded from a social elite actually lives. In Brazil, it can be a favela (shantytown). In other countries the slums take place on old buildings or suburbs with poor sanitation. To me a ghetto means a place where another cultural expression takes place.

Feeling diminished as more people are being able of buying and using Apple products is a clear sign of racism. When a product becomes popular between poor, middle-class and rich people, it's a sign that its quality standards are high, although it's also affordable. To me Apple is doing a good job. Hopefully this will happen in Brazil, since iPhones and iPads are still in the class of "elite gadgets".


macrumors member
Jun 3, 2013
So you want apple to be more white and conservative?

That's not apple

Apple is many colors and believes

Apple is gay and straight

Apple is for creation

No I don't want them to be more conservative. Definitely not. I just don't want them to be pro gay (Even though I am gay myself) or pro diversity wtf? Its hard to explain it just feels wrong...

Steve jobs even tried to hide the cancer that took his life... he was on stage a few days before he died. It shows his love of Apple. :apple: I wish people would just be honest and speak their mind, we all know whats up.


Sep 8, 2007
Who mentiond any race in that quote? ...Oh you associate the word ghetto with a race? Seriously though. None of us were born yesterday. Stop playing. It's time for us all to grow up and talk like adults about issues, geez.

Calling something you don't like ghetto is not talking like an adult. Particularly when ghetto seems so obviously to mean non-white.


The only person mentioning race is you, making you.....

That is unless the definition of Ghetto has changed, in which case even Elvis would be in trouble these days, according to you.

One need not mention race to be racist.

And the definition of 'a ghetto' may not have changed, but the word's general use, particularly as relating to people and their behavior, has. But I probably shouldn't take your silly faux argument at face value.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 18, 2014
Everyone knows it, nobody wants to say it. Ever since tim cook started its become obvious that he believes (mistakenly) that he needs to "fix" the culture at apple. For some reason its just attack after attack on that culture. This is just another example of the culture shift he is making.

I'm just going to say it... GHETTO!!! Do. Not. Like.

Apple, is not the apple of tim cooks eye. That my friends, would be his his agenda.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Because he's showing people using the products in real life? Because the commercials aren't all white people?

cocky jeremy

Jul 12, 2008
Calling something you don't like ghetto is not talking like an adult. Particularly when ghetto seems so obviously to mean non-white.


One need not mention race to be racist.

And the definition of 'a ghetto' may not have changed, but the word's general use, particularly as relating to people and their behavior, has. But I probably shouldn't take your silly faux argument at face value.

I don't know where you're from, but ghetto has never had anything to do with race where I'm from. It's a a type of place, with certain types of people. Those certain types of people can, and are, any race.


macrumors 6502a
May 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Everyone knows it, nobody wants to say it. Ever since tim cook started its become obvious that he believes (mistakenly) that he needs to "fix" the culture at apple. For some reason its just attack after attack on that culture. This is just another example of the culture shift he is making.

I'm just going to say it... GHETTO!!! Do. Not. Like.

Apple, is not the apple of tim cooks eye. That my friends, would be his his agenda.



macrumors 65816
Jun 3, 2012
I love these kind of ads, they are upbeat and show that you can do more than just surf the web and play candy crush. The only limit is your imagination and all the good you can do for the world with one little device, you can entertain others too!

The only downside is they are a bit boring for most and don't reflect what most people use an iPad for. I guess I want to see something a little more abstract and arty like the old iPad silhouette ads that didn't do anything other than make you want to dance.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2008
and... I see nothing that can't be done with other devices, especially android tablets.

Android's audio layer has horrible latency for music apps like shown. That is why so many professional quality ones exist on iOS. This may improve with Android "L" though.


macrumors 68040
Nov 10, 2007
Out of the Reach of the FBI
No I don't want them to be more conservative. Definitely not. I just don't want them to be pro gay (Even though I am gay myself) or pro diversity wtf? Its hard to explain it just feels wrong...

Steve jobs even tried to hide the cancer that took his life... he was on stage a few days before he died. It shows his love of Apple. :apple: I wish people would just be honest and speak their mind, we all know whats up.

All of this argument back and forth about what hidden meaning the word "ghetto" might have or not have is ridiculous.

The more important point is the ridiculousness of your original post. What freaking "culture shift" are you talking about? All Apple is doing with these ads is showing the diversity of iPad users, and the diverse and real world ways they are finding to use them.

The point to the campaign is that most everyone has a passion, calling or priority in their life, and the iPad can help make the pursuit of that passion, calling or priority easier, richer, more efficient or more joyful. That's all.

You're trying to read something into it that is just bogus. These ads are definitely something I could see being produced by a Steve Jobs run Apple.

But I see how this could be construed as being "ghetto:"

Or this:

Or this:



macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2008
I dozed off.

I used to look forward to Apple's ads. Now when I hear new ads are out, I cringe and hope for the best.


macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2009
Warsaw, Poland
Not quite as out of touch as the Bollywood choreographer ad, but how exactly is this supposed to make iPads appeal to more consumers? Show us what cool and unique capabilities it can bring to the lives of most people, not niche pop bands and faddish bike rides.

Born Again

May 12, 2011
No I don't want them to be more conservative. Definitely not. I just don't want them to be pro gay (Even though I am gay myself) or pro diversity wtf? Its hard to explain it just feels wrong...

Steve jobs even tried to hide the cancer that took his life... he was on stage a few days before he died. It shows his love of Apple. :apple: I wish people would just be honest and speak their mind, we all know whats up.

Would you mind elaborating on why you don't like these ads?


Mar 26, 2008
which weather app is that?



macrumors 68000
Mar 13, 2007

Racists are not even trying to hide it anymore
Odd that it made you think of race. Which race were you thinking of by the way? :rolleyes:

For people who are really not racist, it evokes a class or socio-economic strata aka poor people.

PS. Look in the mirror.


macrumors 65816
Jan 7, 2014
So what? The fact is these things are being done on iPads with iOS apps. Do all of these apps exist on Android and is the experience superior?

Music Studio doesn't exist on Android. I've been using that app for years... one of the reasons I'm not considering switching. Yes, Music Studio is shown for a quick second in one of the scenes.


Not quite as out of touch as the Bollywood choreographer ad, but how exactly is this supposed to make iPads appeal to more consumers? Show us what cool and unique capabilities it can bring to the lives of most people, not niche pop bands and faddish bike rides.

This is supposed to showcase how one persons life revolves around the iPad and how you can still live a really cool life alongside one, that it's no longer a techie thing. If you have an iPad you probably won't think much of this but if you are considering which tablet to buy, most people will go with the one that seems functional and useful to you. These ads help.

In reality, these commercials should be boring to us since we already know what iPads can do...


macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2014
They are marketing to those who aspire to leave a positive mark on the world. All rational people, not occupied by more pressing matters (safety, food, water, shelter), should share this common thread of humanity. It should appeal to your sense of what is productive and good. If you are moving through life looking to create and advance, Apple is marketing to you.

Oh. I'm just lookin for something I can tweet on


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
These ad campaigns are getting a little old tbh.

I can see how this campaign might feel old for people who hang around Macrumors everyday but I think for everyone else it's still fairly fresh.

Personally, the iPad your verse commercial was one of my all time favorite Apple ads.


macrumors regular
Jan 23, 2008
These may not be the best ads (I personally like them), but NOTHING about them is ghetto.


Someone who grew up in the ghetto.


macrumors regular
Dec 16, 2006
Detroit, Michigan

Slow Roll... more like Hipster Roll ;)

Jason Hall has created movement that is encouraging others to move back and believe in Detroit again. I Slow Roll every Monday and third Thursdays, one ride and you will be hooked also. Check it out,



macrumors 68030
Feb 27, 2006

According to the Apple promo page:

Beijing-based Yaoband came together to explore new musical frontiers.

The music featured in the Apple commercial and on Yaoband's Youtube channel, however, is just drum machines and synthesizers programmed at a rapid BPM and accompanied by faux raps. I hear nothing "new" being "explored" here. This is 1990s electric dance music redux.

Yaoband should change their name to Yawnband.


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
I love these kind of ads, they are upbeat and show that you can do more than just surf the web and play candy crush. The only limit is your imagination and all the good you can do for the world with one little device, you can entertain others too!

The only downside is they are a bit boring for most and don't reflect what most people use an iPad for. I guess I want to see something a little more abstract and arty like the old iPad silhouette ads that didn't do anything other than make you want to dance.

I'd agree with the boring comment.

I managed about 3/4 the 1st advert and just fast tracked little bits of the second.

I find someone else using something for a specific function very boring. No humor, nothing interesting to watch.

Yes, so he sampled sounds with an iPad in a amateurish manner, like the iPad has a quality pro microphone, or even a mic as good as say a 20 or 30 dollar proper mic.

Just dull and instantly forgettable. Not the type of ads you would post or show someone and say wow look at this, you will like this.

captain kaos

macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2008
and... I see nothing that can't be done with other devices, especially android tablets.

Thats the thing with apple, they always shy away from mentioning stats, or "look what you can do on this compared to android/windows", and their ads are more about selling a lifestyle. Its not a direction i like.


macrumors newbie
Aug 11, 2014
"I wanted to convince other people to see Detroit the way I was seeing it," he says.

You're not selling devices to many people who are bankrupt.

Detroit has a $200 Billion GDP. Detroit had a corrupt municipality. But Detroit has never had bankrupt people.

Keep in mind that Tony Fadell, the father of the iPhone and the iPod is a Detroiter. His brother is an artist active in the city.

Also it might be interesting for folks to understand that the CEOs of Twitter, Google, Craigslist, Groupon and until recently Microsoft are also Detroiters.
Last edited:


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
Everyone knows it, nobody wants to say it. Ever since tim cook started its become obvious that he believes (mistakenly) that he needs to "fix" the culture at apple. For some reason its just attack after attack on that culture. This is just another example of the culture shift he is making.

I'm just going to say it... GHETTO!!! Do. Not. Like.

You. Are. Wrong.

The Yaoband commercial actually shows a good (artistic) use for Apple products. It also shows that Apple products are personal tools, as each person uses them in unique ways. And in this particular commercial, the devices are tools that help them in their creative pursuits.

The ad has a catchy, upbeat, electronic-pop tune, so that's also a positive for any commercial. Commercials with boring, droning, depressing backgrounds don't do so well. Those with upbeat, up-tempo and catchy songs or rhythms are much more likely to stick. I'm not saying this is one of their best ads, but it certainly is not that bad.
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