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macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2012
I think they want to make iPad apps available for AVP. Hence, they are making one available for iPad. If they have a calc app for Vision Pro but none for iPad, it may not go well.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 14, 2012
Finally they did it. And it is high time for revamp of iPhone native calculator app. It is seriously lagging when compared with competition.

1. History feature is still missing. I have to simply rely on using search option when I want to see history of my current calculation.
2. After choosing an operation, entering the second number causes the first one in the equation to disappear. Why Apple needed to blatantly replicate physical calculator?
3. I guess asking for built-in unit converter is too much while Samsung had it for years.
4. Can they simply allow us to delete any number instead of using swipe (hidden gesture) to delete numbers which is still cumbersome process as I simply can't tap, hold and drag my finger to delete my desired number. There is no backspace.

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View attachment 2371220
Yes. A new calc app will come to iPhone and Mac. The Mac one has a history tape that can be accessed from a button at the top. Not sure if the iPhone app will have the same feature.
Of course, this is all rumor.



macrumors G3
Nov 25, 2017
Finally!! Should have been on the iPad years ago. Glad to hear that it will happen this year.


macrumors 6502
Oct 30, 2015
I'm genuinely confused as to why this took so long. Seriously, wtf?!

Digital Dude

macrumors 65816
Just received a leaked photo from the ‘Abacus Project’
Unfortunately, the Sumerians claimed patent infringement.


macrumors member
Jan 1, 2024
CalculatorKit - we can't wait to see what the developers will do with it. As well as instant sync between your Apple devices, type 2 + 2 on your iPhone and hear Siri shout 4 on your iPad.

It's no fun being an Android user and having to defend your operating system today.

DVD Plaza

macrumors member
Jan 12, 2008
Will it be a bug fixed version though? The iOS version skips digits if you type too quickly so is utterly useless when you're madly calculating numbers together... Apple admitted this bug years back and said they were fixing it but it remains to this day.


macrumors 68000
Jun 17, 2009
Lincolnshire, England
Why couldn't they have just made it an app and released it, like that random sports app they made? I don't understand this whole waiting until iOS 'X' to release something..


macrumors member
Jan 1, 2024
Why couldn't they have just made it an app and released it, like that random sports app they made? I don't understand this whole waiting until iOS 'X' to release something..
Because it is a core app - the entire iPadOS must be rewritten from scratch to run the calculator app flawlessly.

...I agree. But it's probably because Apple has something to show off.


macrumors 603
May 14, 2012
My favorite app is Calculator CalcRight.
Entry is faster than Apple’s app and less prone to errors when typing quickly.



macrumors 601
Oct 7, 2012
I was thinking the same. Surely a revamped calculator app will take advantage of computer vision to simply take pictures of equations, or write an equations, differentials and integration with Apple Pencil, and it not just solves it for you, it also shows you the workings, helping you learn how to do the Math.
I predict it's going to be a "baby's toy" and you have to use your fingers and hands.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2012
Will it be a bug fixed version though? The iOS version skips digits if you type too quickly so is utterly useless when you're madly calculating numbers together... Apple admitted this bug years back and said they were fixing it but it remains to this day.
This is kind of the same problem with virtual keyboards on iPhones and iPads. Ever notice how the onscreen keyboards can’t quite keep up with your typing? And never could?


macrumors regular
Jul 28, 2022
I don't care. I'm happy with Solves now. Even on iPhone. It also has a skin in orange and gray like Apple, inkluding the app icon. Very useful drag and drop features too.
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