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Sep 30, 2014
Fort Myers, Florida
I love the knee jerk puppy dog eyed admiration that everyone has for this man because the media feeds their AP propaganda down the throats of Joe Public.
I love that because of King, we gained more understanding of racial equality as everyone should be able to live and work as equals side by side. But to praise this man under the guise that he was a hero is sad.
Mike King Jr. son of Daddy King was a fraud and a plagiarist.
His dad changed his name and his sons name without legitimate legal means.
He stole most of everything he ever said to earn him his degree including his "I have a dream" speech.
He preached non violence, but carried a gun.
He was heavily affiliated with the communist party.
Misappropriated funds to afford himself liquor and prostitutes.
The FBI followed him concerning his illegal activities and his communist buddies and affiliations and his FBI records were sealed until 1927.
This is not pure speculation or opinion, but facts that are actually well documented.
It just is terrible that we no longer have Washington or Lincoln Day, but are now covered under the generic "Presidents Day", but we give this man a special designation and a holiday.
Hopefully the admin will be fair and not take down this post as it is purely factual and just leveling the playing field.
I love Apple and everything they stand for, but their home page should feature products and not politically correct praise.
They had FBI records on him before he was even born? That's impressive! He must have been a pretty bad ass fetus!


macrumors 68040
Aug 25, 2012
I love the knee jerk puppy dog eyed admiration that everyone has for this man because the media feeds their AP propaganda down the throats of Joe Public.

I love that because of King, we gained more understanding of racial equality as everyone should be able to live and work as equals side by side. But to praise this man under the guise that he was a hero is sad.

Mike King Jr. son of Daddy King was a fraud and a plagiarist.

His dad changed his name and his sons name without legitimate legal means.

He stole most of everything he ever said to earn him his degree including his "I have a dream" speech.

He preached non violence, but carried a gun.

He was heavily affiliated with the communist party.

Misappropriated funds to afford himself liquor and prostitutes.

The FBI followed him concerning his illegal activities and his communist buddies and affiliations and his FBI records were sealed until 1927.

This is not pure speculation or opinion, but facts that are actually well documented.

It just is terrible that we no longer have Washington or Lincoln Day, but are now covered under the generic "Presidents Day", but we give this man a special designation and a holiday.

Hopefully the admin will be fair and not take down this post as it is purely factual and just leveling the playing field.

I love Apple and everything they stand for, but their home page should feature products and not politically correct praise.

I think honoring him is to recognize how this country was at one point. Segregation for no reason other than color, beatings, hangings, jailed. Mlk represents enduring the abuse and still persistent in his message of equality. He knew he wouldn't live long. He and his family were getting death threats, abuse, imprisoned yet he still persisted in what he knew was right. Imo mlk day is respecting his persistence and realizing our country needed that change. Again this was only like 50 years ago. Honestly I can't imagine what mlk had to endure yet he kept going, up to his assassination.

Washington, Lincoln, etc the presidents are honored with not only a day but monuments as well. Every American history textbook idealizes their accomplishments. They even have currency honoring them. It's not belittling to them at all to have a mlk day.

Why is it so bad if mlk carried a gun? Did he kill anyone?

If you feel that strongly about mlk day then maybe you should boycott Apple then cuz Steve jobs and Tim Cook seem to hold him in high regard.
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macrumors member
Jan 20, 2014
This is basically what I think about it: Last Week Tonight - Corporations on Twitter.

Apple should stop doing this. This man campaigned for equal rights, Apple make computers. There is zero overlap. It's embarrassing.

It is certainly not a publicity or marketing opportunity. Seriously, did Apple really lose all of their class the day Steve passed?

Steve Jobs personally chose to use images and videos of MLK when he launched the Think Different campaign back in 1997. Given that he felt both MLK and Apple thought differently, there definitely us an overlap.


macrumors 68000
Oct 9, 2010
Yes they did....

Is that supposed to be some kind of sarcasm or irony, as if an assembly line job in in and of itself automatically some kind of Dickensian horror story where people work for so long they get up before they go to bed and have to lick road clean as well?

What about people on assembly lines who stand there all day, picking out faulty raisins. It's the specific working conditions and Apple is well known and recognised for genuinely striving to alway do better.

But then maybe it's only my cynicism and that you were actually supporting my contention with a modern pleasant assembly line? What is it exactly that irks you, is the the monotone colour?


Changed the world? Seriously? I question the stability of anyone who thinks a Toy company haschanged the world.

They have created a throw away society with the mass produced iToys.

I'd be happy to debate this with you in a genuine spirit of seeking the truth rather than ramming ones opinion down the others throat at all cost. But your wording does not encourage me that you would meet in the true spirit of informed debate.


macrumors 68000
Oct 9, 2010
I'm perfectly aware of the evils of both the pharmaceutical and oil industries. Are you implying that the technology industry is free from comparable evils? Really?

What makes it okay for Apple to use these figures for its own promotion, but tasteless when others do it?

Apple is no better than anybody else. Apple has not done "more good" than anybody else. It is in no way more appropriate for Apple to do this than it would be for BP, Shell, Exxon, Pfizer, Bayer or GSK to do the same.

Just because Apple can say something, doesn't mean they should.

I'm not implying anything. I just say what I mean, and I thought it's pretty clear, and if it isn't let me say it now, that your analogy is flawed. And even if you could point to someone more betterer than Apple that would not automatically point to Apple as being unworthy scum.

Far better would have been to test my assertion by challenging me to support what I consider 'changing the world for the better'. Then we have some meat and potatoes that we can hoe into. I'm always happy to be asked to support any contentions I make. Who knows, I may even come up with some reasoning that you go... gee golly gosh, sir, you have convinced me with the sheer force of your careful reasoning. Or you might say, ah yes all well and good but... and you may then convince me.

Let us all strive for the truth, if there is any, or at least debate with a correct attitude always ready to bow before better logic. At the very least we could agree to disagree and learn a little about each other and the many and varied opinions that make the interweb the fount of global knowledge that it is. And porn too. And cats on pianos.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2009
Fort Pierce
What about people on assembly lines who stand there all day, picking out faulty raisins. It's the specific working conditions and Apple is well known and recognised for genuinely striving to alway do better.

What is it exactly that irks you, is the the monotone colour?
Just because others do it as well does not make it OK….

I buy Apple products because they are making great stuff, that does not blind me to the fact that they are running a big snow job on their customers that will make car salesman blush.

Phones that need to be protected like new born babies, Computers that they sell today with 4GB of RAM, $ 29.- cables….. Yes, they really want to built the best products they can :)
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macrumors 68000
Oct 9, 2010
Just because others do it as well does not make it OK….

I buy Apple products because they are making great stuff, that does not blind me to the fact that they are running a big snow job on their customers that will make car salesman blush.

Phones that need to be protected like new born babies, Computers that they sell today with 4GB of RAM, $ 29.- cables….. Yes, they really want to built the best products they can :)

I think you have missed the point. There is nothing wrong or inhumane about an assembly line. I was not saying the others I alluded to were wrong. OK it's a bit of a boring job, yeah I get that but boring jobs aren't 'wrong' per se. Working conditions are as good at Apple as any on assembly lines in China and Apple is constantly and genuinely doing their best to ensure compliance. Is Apple now responsible for the entire workforce of China.

Take the mining of tin as an example of Apple's care for the working conditions. Currently they get it from maybe Indonesia, I'm not sure but the working conditions there are pretty poor using dangerous procedures and child labour. Apple get the finger pointed and it is suggested the should not do business with this country. But Apple's answer is that 'it is very easy to take out minuscule tin business elsewhere but that does nothing to help. The exploitation will continue.

Apple's answer is to continue working with the Indonesian minors and seek to change the way they work, to actually improve the life and change the culture rather than walk away and thereby absolve themselves of all responsibility.


macrumors 604
Oct 13, 2008
I stayed out of this thread for obvious reasons. My participation would have led to a major unhealthy confrontation. The contents of this tread represents the cold hard reality of this world and unfortunately, MacRumors is not exempt from this ongoing hatred the holds this nation back still after 1776. I'm grateful for everything King stood and died for.
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