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macrumors newbie
Apr 4, 2010
Tim Cook told the investors that there are a lot of big things coming. People who are unsure about which size they want will wait. Apple is counting on Sept to close off the quarter very strong. By putting off the 5.5 they risk the fence sitters not buying. i don't know which size I want, I'm interested in the 5.5, but concerned that it may be too big. I planned on waiting until I could actually see and hold them to decide which size works for me. I'm sure that there are plenty of others that feel the same way.

C. Robert

macrumors 65816
Oct 1, 2013
I'll wait and get what I want. It's always amazing to me how many people will settle and just get what is available because they're not willing to wait, especially when it's an expensive electronic device... They have wanted a 64GB black ipad with a 3G radio but will take the 16GB white wifi model because they don't want to wait. No sense to me.


that doesn't make sense... Are there really THAT many people who would get in a contract for one who would change in just 6 months? That's an expensive obsession.

Yes there is and it makes perfect sense. Buy a 4.7 sell it then buy a 5.5.


macrumors newbie
Dec 1, 2013
What mistake was made with launching the 5s and 5c exactly? ...

The 5C mistake was that it wasn't offered for half the price of the S ;-)


Do I want the BIG Iphone? No. Will I buy the BIG Iphone? Maybe... IF (!) the specs (like camera optical image stabilization) are better than the smaller one.


macrumors member
Jul 3, 2014
You said it "in the quarter following it's release", while other manufacturers where about to release their Phones in Q1 and naturally the selling rate drops just before the release of a new generation. And don't forget there is also a market outside the US, where Apple has a much lower market share.
The 5C was a flop, believe it or not...

Talk about looking for any way to bash Apple.... yeah it's a flop because it sold a lot. Wow. :rolleyes:


macrumors P6
What mistake was made with launching the 5s and 5c exactly? ...

There was a shortage of iPhone 5s--particularly in the white and gold models--with an excess of iPhone 5c units; basically Apple done goof'd and ordered too many 5c units instead of 5s.

This is the correct answer.

What Tim Cook himself pointed out in the 14FQ1 earnings call, was that they got the mix of manufacturing wrong, and and thus initial sales of the 5S suffered due to making too many 5C instead of 5S models.

"And so the mix was stronger to the 5S, and it took us some amount of time in order to build the mix that customers were demanding. And as a result, we lost some sort of units for part of the quarter in North America and relative to the world, it took us the bulk of the quarter, almost all the quarter, to get the iPhone 5S into proper supply."

- Tim Cook Q1 2014 call

Because 5C sales did not meet Apple's own expectations, some bloggers used the clickbait word "flop".

The other way to look at it was that 5S demand was higher than expected, so bloggers could've used a headline like "5S demand overwhelming 5C sales". But we all know negative headlines get more clicks.

Either way, it pointed out that people were willing to pay extra to get the latest model, instead of the older model wrapped up in a new shell.

So if anything, "flop" should refer just to Apple's sales mixture prediction. They goofed. They admitted it. No doubt they learned from it.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 13, 2013
It's a great way to buy time and get out in front with a believable story since many prior rumors acknowledged potential delays. Apples core customers won't mind waiting, it's a very viable solution. :)


macrumors 68030
Aug 16, 2011
Beyond the Thunderdome
As I wrote on other thread : sorry guys there is no 5.5" iPhone 6, only 4.7" model, that 5.5" iDevice it's an iTouch successor aimed at gamers, a real portable console competitor, Phablet actually don't account for 5% android market, but ps vita outsells tablets 5:1.

Gaming market it's very lucrative, no only device sales, but TITLES, apples feels short previously with the iPod touch 6 (to small) and the iPad mini (too heavy).

This market is controlled by 5.5 devices but not Phablets, the portable game consoles.


Maybe no 5c successor, only 5s cheaper before iPhone 6


Mar 21, 2011
This not very Apple like :apple:

Apple's has never developed a slightly better model of phone after one another, just because they may reckon it will avoid competition... They will release them together as they have always done (assuming ther is a bigger phone)

And plus, it wouldn't matter anyway,, Competitors will still go over them with a fine tooth comb.

I call this one. :p


macrumors regular
Jul 8, 2008
What a pile of hors s4!t This is the stupidest "rumor" I've heard this year. First, I question the existence of the 5.5" model in the first place. The idea that it'll be a staggered launch, if true, has more to do with production issues.
Someone came up with this rumor because it conveniently trolls Apple in a negative way and conveniently fits wight the delayed launch of 5.5"

I call complete and utter bullcrap on this one.

It makes absolutely no sense anyway. The idea that the phones would compete with each other and that's a bad problem? Exactly the opposite.


So tired of the same boring design.
Yeah, because all of the competitors have such exciting ever-changing designs. /S


macrumors 603
Jun 23, 2010
London, England.
This not very Apple like :apple:

Apple's has never developed a slightly better model of phone after one another,

I can think of something else "they'd never done" before 2007.

The fact that a company has not done something before, doesn't mean they will never do it.


Mar 21, 2011
I can think of something else "they'd never done" before 2007.

The fact that a company has not done something before, doesn't mean they will never do it.

of course, but again, its not the norm..... the fact that they can do it, its not the issue.

Its not how they usual bring things out.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 13, 2013
At the end of the day most of these rumors are meaningless, even the ones that may be correct. Apple knows as long as it has an Apple logo they'll sell plenty. After years of brilliant marketing and mind control, nothing matters except it comes in an Apple box. Specs don't matter, sizes are irrelevant, people set aside their ability to think for themselves and celebrate the concept Steve repeated until hammered into their subconscious, "Apple knows what's best for them". Just get in line and hand over your money...:)
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