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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 27, 2012
I know the syncing part of Apple Music Library has a limit of 100,000 tracks. And I know that songs you purchase through iTunes don’t count. What does count? My library is made up of (1) music I added from Apple Music itself, (2) music I purchased over the years from Apple iTunes and (3) music I purchased from other sources and ripped CDs and uploaded to my Apple Music library. Do all those count towards the 100K limit?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 27, 2012
Well, I spoke to a rep at Apple. She said that music tracks you add from Apple Music do not count towards the 100K library limit. Only tracks you upload to your library because you got them from other sources - like burning them from a CD or downloading/purchasing them from websites aside from the iTunes Store. Good news for me (assuming she was correct).
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