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Original poster
Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
The upgrades to Apple Music, and Apple Music Classical are very nice. I religiously use the "like" button, which has been changed from a heart to a star. By doing this it trains Apples AI with you music preferences. I have had Apple Music since about hour number 2 when it was introduced in June 30, 2015. After all of these years of punching the like button I can let Apple music play indefinitely with stuff I enjoy listening to. The only interruption is when I hear something I hear I want to know what it is so I can add it to my "likes".

One thing, I get the impression that Apple Music Classical may be the future of Apple Music. I notice the treble clef symbol on more of the Full album choices on the Apple Music side which takes take you the the album on Classical side were is supplies you with more information about the album. As I have said those of us into classical music are not just interested in an particular composition but it label, release, the conductor, the orchestra, and where and when it was performed.
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