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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 3, 2020
Hello, I recently got myself an iPad mini 6 and a matching 3rd party Smart Folio ripoff.
When I have the folio folded back so the screen is active and visible and I attach my pencil to the iPad, it doesn’t charge.
If I open the folio so the “flap” isn’t folded behind the iPad and attach the pencil, it charges with no issues. It even charges when I only lift the first segment of the flap away from the back of the iPad.

Can anyone here confirm that with the original Apple Smart Folio for the mini 6 the pencil charges when the flap is folded behind the iPad?

It’s not a huge issue and I saved more than half by buying the 3rd party folio, but I’m curious to see if this is a general issue or just in the 3rd party one.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 16, 2017
I’m pretty sure that my pencil charges whether the cover is on the front of the Mini 6 or folded to the back. I don’t have my Apple folio here to try it, though, and won’t be home until Sunday evening.
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