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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 6, 2011

Da Apple Podcasts die Stossrichtung geändert hat und vermehrt auf Audio setzt, fokussieren auch wir uns bei Podcasts primär auf Audio-Inhalte. Wir haben die TV-Sendungen daher von Apple Podcasts zurückgezogen und distribuieren sie jetzt nur noch auf unserer eigenen Plattform Play SRF.

DeepL translate:

As Apple Podcasts has changed its direction and is increasingly focusing on audio, we are also focusing primarily on audio content for podcasts. We have therefore withdrawn the TV programs from Apple Podcasts and now only distribute them on our own Play SRF platform.

Apple Podcasts: Unfortunately, there are hardly any video podcasts in 2024, only audio podcasts. Why was this decided?

Any gossip or background info?


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
Just my two cents but podcasts are audio that you download and play later. That was the original idea and I feel it still applies.

If video is a podcast than is YouTube a podcast platform?

Maybe I’m just stubborn and old 🤣
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