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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I’m ok with all the above also. I’m not OK when it’s used by Apple to control how third parties communicate and get payed for their services on the devices chosen by their customers, siphoning the digital service marketplace.

There is a difference.

Don’t tainted like someone else is not happy with Apple success. That kind of sentiment would be ridiculous. If that is what you think it’s the foundation behind the critiques than it’s misses the mark entirely.
I understand you do not believe Apple is entitled to the fees they charge. I believe that developers can vote with their feet so to speak and apple is entitled to the fees they charge.
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Nuno Lopes

macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
I understand you do not believe Apple is entitled to the fees they charge. I believe that developers can vote with their feet so to speak and apple is entitled to the fees they charge.

You and I know that such a solution does not make sense. It’s a retorical one. Digital services have no saying in the devices people choose to buy. It’s the digital service duty to be were ever their customer are.

I’m not against Apple being paid for its tech. There are licensing models, there are cloud service models etc etc. I’m against a revenue share model as the only option. I’m against Apple having the power to dictate how digital services legally communicate with customers in their apps, how they get payed by their customers

Also you seam to fail to recognize how much the digital service marketplace contributes to iPHone sales, yet they don’t claim a share in the revenue do they? That would be ridiculous wouldn't it? Yet App Store and iOS, Apple Marketing is using their tech, their creations too. It’s an entirely a symbiotic relationship. The problem is that it’s unbalanced.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
You and I know that such a solution does not make sense. It’s a retorical one. Digital services have no saying in the devices people choose to buy. It’s the digital service duty to be were ever their customer are.

I’m not against Apple being paid for its tech. There are licensing models, there are cloud service models etc etc. I’m against a revenue share model as the only option. I’m against Apple having the power to dictate how digital services legally communicate with customers in their apps

Also you seam to fail to recognize how much the digital service marketplace contributes to iPHone sales, yet they don’t claim a share in the revenue so they? It’s an entirely a symbiotic relationship. The problem is that it’s unbalanced.
I get you don't like the Apple system. I'm saying this is their system and no one is forcing a dev to enroll as an Apple developer. Saying a dev has to be where their customers are makes it even more of a argument in Apples' favor about the fees in relationship to their platform, since a dev chooses to enroll in the Apple developer program. It's not as if there were no choice.

Nuno Lopes

macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
I get you don't like the Apple system.

You’re quite mistaken about that. Does this sound strange to you? Are you a young man? It looks like. You see its quite normal people liking something, even loving someone or something yet not agreeing with some of their actions or view points, considering some even destructive ...

There is a difference between liking and appreciating something, even loving someone, and being a devotee.

On the second point. No, it does mot reinforce that at all. But I understand you may see it that way you see things. Either likes, dislikes, winners, loosers, winners. I personally have no interest in such view points. I’m more interested in creation, progress, prosperity, the human invention. I’ve been an Apple user when it was really bad for them financially before SJ left and when he came back. And I’m a user now. Always believed in Apple SJ and the core of their vision and innovations. Its an amazing company. I’m not a new addict in the scene that joined the party after the boom.

The App Store, along with the revenue share model, is lazy business built on an unbalanced dependencies. Relationsships built that way, sooner or later back fire like it happened with MS.

To be honest. I don’t think you understand much about my viewpoint on this matter. Tried to explain ... but its pointless. Things will change anyway.

Roger out.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
You’re quite mistaken about that. Does this sound strange to you? Are you a young man? It looks like. You see its quite normal people liking something, even loving someone or something yet not agreeing with some of their actions or view points, considering some even destructive ...

There is a difference between liking and appreciating something, even loving someone, and being a devotee.

On the second point. No, it does mot reinforce that at all. But I understand you may see it that way you see things. Either likes, dislikes, winners, loosers, winners. I personally have no interest in such view points. I’m more interested in creation, progress, prosperity, the human invention. I’ve been an Apple user when it was really bad for them financially before SJ left and when he came back. And I’m a user now. Always believed in Apple SJ and the core of their vision and innovations. Its an amazing company. I’m not a new addict in the scene that joined the party after the boom. The App Store a long with the revenue share model are lazy business built on an unbalanced dependencies. Relationsships built that way, sooner or later back fire like it happened with MS.

To be honest. I don’t think you understand much about my viewpoint on this matter. Tried to explain ... but its pointless. Things will change anyway.

Roger out.
We’re good. I’m glad you “like” the Apple ecosystem. No I especially like the disassembly and parsing of the word “like”.

I am against government interference in successful private enterprise unless there is some wrong doing. Here there is not. Apple is a minor player (with big revenue numbers) in the digital delivery workspace. Government should keep out of it, the same way they (the government) keep out of telling the NYT what to print and not print. It’s very funny that your description of the App Store doesn’t jive with the revenue model. But everybody has an opinion.

Aa far as my lot in life, past posts have further explanations.
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Nuno Lopes

macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
If there is anything wrong is under investigation. It seams to be there is some abuse of power over digital services and creators sustained by their device market share in the US ... the biggest digital service market.

Historically In that space Apple is not beyond approach. It has lost some cases in that regard.

Finally I don’t blame Apple at all for anything. It’s up to the market to do something about it to keep some kind of balance in the relationships, especially due to small players on the growth. I consider regulation to be a component of the market not something outside like you seam to put it.

The digital service market place and software is totally without regulation. in the US even things like user Privacy and Security are.

You know people and businesses, the market, can just stop using FB and Google. Don’t know why they are even in courts (sarcasm). FB fundamentally built its own social and informational market place. Yet Tim Cook believes it’s well deserved. So financial success or number of users does not legitimate ones actions or otherwise. Never did.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
The digital service market place and software is totally without regulation. in the US even things like user Privacy and Security are.[…]
Maybe the digital services market should be regulated. But regulated in such a way the apples’ App Store model is legitimized. That would be the beginning of the end for those who cry “monopoly “.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 10, 2009
Is it just me, or does no else have a problem with the fact that Apple is openly admitting support for Myanmar's military junta here?
Yes, I seem to have missed that. Where is that implied as it sounds so much unlike Apple? They definitely are trying to remain politically neutral and don’t give extra arguments to local ‘governments’ for boycotting apps. Also in this case it seems much smarter to remove the clearly intimidating wording and get the update ‘save’ out to the store and users. But yes, clearly that can also be misinterpreted and taken as support for dictatorship...


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
So Apple rejected the App on March 18th, received and approved a changed version on March 19th, Proton waited two days to release it on March 21th, and then complained two days later on March 23rd? That's style. "Apple is holding up our app release, which we sat on four two days".

How many days again ... TWO or FOUR? IF you cannot type clearly as a developer - I'm sure going through lines of code will take more than a standard timeline estimate to make sure the review team understands what is being typed.


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Apple's defence is awful here.

Apple explicitly said that it would no longer block bug fixes over these issues months ago, but has here, in clear breach of it's guidelines.

It's defence that the app remained available is untenable, when it potentially contained bug fixes that prevented discovery by dystopian governments.

App stores are fundamentally evil.

And yet Proton violated another clear matter of Apple's guidelines - which is VERY sound considering 100's have died over the military coup (why antigonize this further with a stupid mantra about internet freedom's when we ALL cannot solve physical freedoms to spit junk about internet freedoms).


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Who would want to release an update on a Friday?

People who disagree seems to like to work on weekends if there is a bug ?
Ad a developer I'd have thought you'd be prepared to work on weekends period. It's code that will break whenever or a bug will be discovered whenever - so why would you think releasing it on any given day is better than another day?

colour me confused on this one.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2004
Ad a developer I'd have thought you'd be prepared to work on weekends period. It's code that will break whenever or a bug will be discovered whenever - so why would you think releasing it on any given day is better than another day?

colour me confused on this one.
The development team may only work Monday to Friday.

As someone who used to work in software support, you should NEVER release an update unless you have 100% of your support and development staff on-hand to fix bugs on the day.

Also there is a tendency to get sloppy and tired near the end of a working week (in all lines of work).
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