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Dec 10, 2009
dashboard now have same wallpaper as desktop it

It only took them a few years to revert back to that! Here it is in OS X 10.4 Tiger circa 2004-ish.


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macrumors 603
May 20, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
Is it my imagination (or my potentially faulty machine) or did they completely replace the gray start up with the Apple logo and the spinning gear (or the progress bar in Yosemite DP1-DP4/PB1) with a black screen until you see a white progress bar against black? I noticed this in DP5 (which I was very late in updating to), and I guess the trend continues in DP6. Is this the new norm? Or is my Mid 2010 17" MacBook Pro just being stupid?


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2014
Am I the only one that has this problem? The volume bars seem to be almost repeating themselves but transparently between/behind each other (makes no sense, I'm aware) and it's all streaky to the sides and above/below each of the bars. Nothing to do with the background, happens no matter what's behind it.


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macrumors 6502a
Jun 18, 2013
Very impressed with Mavericks so far, but can't wait for Yosemite to come out. Looks awesome and am looking forward to those features. :cool:


macrumors regular
Jun 4, 2014
Silly to ask but.. Could someone post the new disk icons in .icns? Hard Drive and so on.

For some reason I didn't get them when I updated yesterday, kind of annoying.

Jobs, Steve

macrumors member
Jul 26, 2014
Is anyone else having this on a non-retina device (mine is a 2013 mba 13")?
The anti-aliasing is really bad in menus that use the dark mode. switching to light mode looks perfectly fine - here are the links for comparison:

Dark mode: bad

Light mode: good

well, seems like the "light mode" antialiasing is bad too.
just look at the Arrow Up of the SHIFT command, on the right.
also CMD too.

maybe i see them bad because i'm watching from my Retina MacBook ??


macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2011
Is anyone else having this on a non-retina device (mine is a 2013 mba 13")?
The anti-aliasing is really bad in menus that use the dark mode. switching to light mode looks perfectly fine - here are the links for comparison:

Dark mode: bad

Light mode: good

yeah. I've an rMBP. On the retina screen dark mode looks beautiful. However on the external monitor it looks like **** due to (no?!) anti-aliasing...


macrumors regular
Jun 2, 2011

well, seems like the "light mode" antialiasing is bad too.
just look at the Arrow Up of the SHIFT command, on the right.
also CMD too.

maybe i see them bad because i'm watching from my Retina MacBook ??

yeah. I've an rMBP. On the retina screen dark mode looks beautiful. However on the external monitor it looks like **** due to (no?!) anti-aliasing...

ok, glad i'm not the only one. please report those bugs :)


macrumors 601
Jun 8, 2007
… Graphite …

If you're not there already: you might also enjoy some of what's in the Accessibility pane of System Preferences.

I'm wondering if Apple has been force seeding updates …

The effects that you describe are familiar to me from Mavericks, where no force is involved. Please review the App Store pane of System Preferences.

why does Dashboard still exist?

It's demonstrably beneficial to some people. I could provide a screenshot of the various things on mine, but people who choose to not use Dashboard will probably be disinterested in my items of interest.


… it looks like it has a soul. It makes me happy to look at it. Same with the spherical iMac.

That's what is missing now, I think. Yosemite looks cool and sleek (mostly), but it evokes no feeling. It's really kind of bland. Cool, but bland. Like hyper-modern art, white cubes or whatever. …

I never had problems doing real work on a Mac that still had some playful intrigue to it. …


i want it as flat as this:

That's a familiar image. From the impression given by the screenshot: the choice of font could be better, but I'd like to see it on appropriate hardware – not necessarily anything with a Retina display – before expressing any preference.


Graphical Multidimensional File Management System and Method

I'd like to see that on the hardware that Apple has in mind for it.


Because I'm using it.

Expect the unexpected, even if it's self-contradictory or irrational. Expect Apple to pretend that you don't use it, and expect strangers to tell you that you use it in a way that you don't. It needn't be Dashboard; it could be anything that is demonstrably useful to you. Welcome to the future of Apple operating systems for Mac or Mac-like third party desktop and notebook hardware. Ignore those people behind the curtain …


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2009
Nothing condescending about it. If you mean Yosemite, you write Yosemite. Plain and simple.

Ah, my mistake. I'd forgotten no one ever makes simple mistakes on your planet. Next time I'm visiting I'll try harder.

Now if you want to talk about needless and inappropriate, I'd have to say your "I don't like Mavericks" post takes the cake. If you aren't willing to say what you don't like, you are just wasting space.

What part of the "I hate the interface" that I've now mentioned three times didn't sink in?

I'm also not sure how it was inappropriate. I meant your response was inappropriate in the sense that it simply didn't apply, given that I'd merely mistakenly typed the name of one OS instead of another.

You seem to be having a great deal of trouble with this concept.


My gosh those folder icons look hideous. I'm not a fan of some of the new icons in general but the folder icons take the crown, they are just plain horrible.

The general interface of sidebars and small icons are monochrome, why make the folder icons such hideous neon color that just looks out of place and distracting?

It's hard to describe but it seems they just lack definition/contrast and the color is just looks out of place.

I have to agree. I've been saddened by OS X's icon direction since Leopard.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2010
Side-stepping the complaints and petty personal preferences about the way icons are designed for a moment...

I've noticed that Mail doesn't like attachments. As in even my signature with jpeg included is 'too big' to send.


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macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2003
Philadelphia, PA
What is this? Windows 95?

I had a similar thought, although Windows 95 is being somewhat charitable. It's like a graphic from when computers first moved beyond 16 simultaneous colors.

If Ive wants to go this route, then he should really get rid of the crayon metaphor entirely. He may be a genius when it comes to industrial design, but I am really starting to doubt his level of taste when it comes to interface design.


macrumors 65816
Jun 23, 2012
Mason, OH
My gosh those folder icons look hideous. I'm not a fan of some of the new icons in general but the folder icons take the crown, they are just plain horrible.

The general interface of sidebars and small icons are monochrome, why make the folder icons such hideous neon color that just looks out of place and distracting?

It's hard to describe but it seems they just lack definition/contrast and the color is just looks out of place.


That folder icon is one of the worst things I have ever seen (seems straight out of Windows)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 23, 2006
[...]I've noticed that Mail doesn't like attachments. As in even my signature with jpeg included is 'too big' to send.
Although perfectly reasonable of you to point at the obvious bug, you should not use an image in your signature. Not that it is a bad image but images in signatures ...
... do not look that great on certain email clients.
... are heavily used by spam email marketing and hence...
... are seen as spam by some email servers and ...
... will not be downloaded automatically by some email clients and hence ...
... forces your clients to download the image althoug it is unnecessary ...
... hence is an undesired addendum for human beings and hence...
... are a poorly chosen spot for marketing.
... cause email clients to mark every single email received as containing an attachement
... cause replies to be misaligned, badly formatted or even converted.

Therefore: No images in signatures.

Free hint.
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