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macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2003
Just had another bad experience at Apple store this morning. I have no sympathy for the workers there. Rude, incompetent, unaccommodating. Whatever gives them the worst treatment and pay, I am for it. Definitely reward those who perform well -- but not equal treatment for everybody, and no rewards for the freeloaders who just tag along.
Why don’t you tell us what happened rather than this meaningless rant? If they were treated better they might perform better. But that does not seem to be a consideration of many in this country.


macrumors 6502
Jul 30, 2013
Some employees feel that Apple is not dedicated to its employees so I’m not sure the statement is really genuine that they think a union wouldn’t care for the employees… they need to convince them otherwise if they want to truly dissuade unionization, but if I had to be a betting man they won’t, they will just continue this bs.


macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
Hail yeah! Unionize y'all. The plebians knew the power they wield back during heyday of the Roman Empire. Secessio plebis--plebian secession--lets see the executives make their own coffee and clean their own toilets. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts 99% of the executive can't handle the "low skill" task of the minimum wage workers.

We keep hearing how the rich got rich off hard work. Trudat. They got rich off the hard work of the underpaid working class.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 8, 2015
Scabs! Rabble rousing. Strikebreakers, billy clubs, moon shine, Model Ts, G men!, shotguns, Wobblies, clunky work boots, town store, let's go get em, boys! etc.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2010
Punish the freeloaders that ride on other people's coattail. Reward those who perform well. That's the way. No equal treatment across the board due to collective bargain.
I don’t think you really understand what a union is or does, you have just read the hugely manipulated bad press they can receive - precisely because they’re a good thing for workers. You have misunderstood what they’re good for and how they operate.

Even though a US company, I’m surprised Apple are doing this type of thing tbh.


macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
it’s really amazing how the most normal things are such a big deal in the US. From masks, to the word that shall not be said ?, Health care to unions.

I came here with the same sentiment. Unions, universal healthcare, minimum wages above the poverty line, organising elections, accepting election results, a political system with a healthy opposition, … these are all things other countries do without the drama we see in the US.

It would be interesting to see the bottom line of an Apple Store in another (unionised) country compared to the US. Are they that much more expensive to run, is the customer experience better or worse, what about employee satisfaction, …


macrumors 6502
May 6, 2008
I really have a hard time understanding American companies' utter hatred of unions. Back in the day, yeah unions mgmt could be pretty awful. Also back in the day mgmt was pretty awful. But why is the base assumption today that unionization is going to be such a hardship. Why cannot Apple look at how German mgmt and unions work together to strengthen companies. They both add huge value for the company. Of course labor gets two seats on each companies' board there which I am pretty sure most C-Level execs are completely opposed to given the board's role in approving pay. I mean would the labor seats have voted for Boeing's new exec to get $250Million his first year -- the same year that Boeings customers start going public ranting about how bad Boeings mgmt is. Well, a bit off topic there. Sorry.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2011
Toronto, ON
Just had another bad experience at Apple store this morning. I have no sympathy for the workers there. Rude, incompetent, unaccommodating. Whatever gives them the worst treatment and pay, I am for it. Definitely reward those who perform well -- but not equal treatment for everybody, and no rewards for the freeloaders who just tag along.
You experienced a retail inconvenience that lasted for what, minutes? An entire hour? So you want someone’s entire working experience to be terrible in retribution? And others here agree with this? Woweeewowowowerson that is dark.


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Many decades ago if you got out of high school and didn’t go to college you could go get a good paying union job in a factory. But then corporations, CEOs, and shareholders sent those factories and jobs overseas. Now when you get out of high school and don’t go to college (or often even when you do), you get a crap paying retail or service sector job. These unionization drives for these kinds of jobs are exactly what this country needs with the dearth of good paying union factory jobs. I work at a manufacturing facility with UAW members and folks are getting between $20 and $40 an hour.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 18, 2018
Back when the right wing folks were demonizing unions, I asked myself why, are unions really so bad? the answer is of course, yes, if the union relationship is allowed to devolve into an adversarial one. Everything is presented as a grievance and it is always us against them. Well why not a new union management paradigm, one of cooperation and collaboration. The union is a spokes group for the employees and works with management to create the best working relationship. After all, employees goals are aligned with the company's: Treat the customers well so they will keep buying products and keep supporting the employee's livelihoods.

But yah, capitalism, as if that is ever going to happen


macrumors 6502
Jan 28, 2010
Washington, DC
I really have a hard time understanding American companies' utter hatred of unions. Back in the day, yeah unions mgmt could be pretty awful. Also back in the day mgmt was pretty awful. But why is the base assumption today that unionization is going to be such a hardship. Why cannot Apple look at how German mgmt and unions work together to strengthen companies. They both add huge value for the company. Of course labor gets two seats on each companies' board there which I am pretty sure most C-Level execs are completely opposed to given the board's role in approving pay. I mean would the labor seats have voted for Boeing's new exec to get $250Million his first year -- the same year that Boeings customers start going public ranting about how bad Boeings mgmt is. Well, a bit off topic there. Sorry.
Because the absolute ONLY thing that most big US corporations care about is delivering value to shareholders. Period. They in no way value the welfare of their employees who to them are simply expendable cogs in the machine.


macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2002
Houston, TX
I've been using Macs since my LC when I was child. When the retail stores opened they were awesome and the employees actually liked computers/tech and genius actually knew what was wrong. Now it's just a job and they wanted a discount. If I can avoid going to the stores now I do.
Some employees are great but most don't know anything and give the wrong advice.
This is so true. When Apple Stores first opened everyone was an enthusiast and pretty much grown up using Mac's. I remember in 2004 I worked at Fry's and was the only person who knew anything about macs. Apple even had an online course to become an "authorized Apple seller" or something. Even got a little apple pin I got to wear to show off. Now most of the people working there only because its cool and hip and as you said, for the discount.
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Scoob Redux

macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2020
Apple: "Remember the billions we stole from the taxpayers as "Covid relief"?...well, if you had a union, we wouldn't have even given you the scraps"
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macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2009
Why does modern society need union? You don't like the job, go to next door. Nothing is holding you back, and you are free to choose which ever one gives better benefits. If all stores do that, then Apple will have no choice but to raise compensation to retain the best talent. That is how real world market place works. What union promotes is mediocracy, is that what people really want?


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Because the absolute ONLY thing that most big US corporations care about is delivering value to shareholders. Period. They in no way value the welfare of their employees who to them are simply expendable cogs in the machine.
Yup! Unions are bad for shareholders because that means more of the productivity and value created by the workforce as a whole goes back to the employees rather than the shareholders.


macrumors 68040
Apr 18, 2018
Many decades ago if you got out of high school and didn’t go to college you could go get a good paying union job in a factory. But then corporations, CEOs, and shareholders sent those factories and overseas. Now when you get out of high school and don’t go to college (or often even when you do), you get a crap paying retail or service sector job. These unionization drives for these kinds of jobs are exactly what this country needs with the dearth of good paying union factory jobs. I work at a manufacturing facility with UAW members and folks are getting between $20 and $40 an hour.
manufacturing = retail? good to know. No offense but retail has always paid low wages, apple even pays above average, yet, it is probably not enough. And why do executives at companies get so much? We always had HR meetings where they said the goal of the compensation system was to attract, retain and motivate qualified individuals. So executives getting millions, there were no qualified individuals willing to do it for less? LOL
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macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Why does modern society need union? You don't like the job, go to next door. Nothing is holding you back, and you are free to choose which ever one gives better benefits. If all stores do that, then Apple will have no choice but to raise compensation to retain the best talent. That is how real world market place works. What union promotes is mediocracy, is that what people really want?
Because the status quo of the last 40 years has gutted the middle class. Median household income is around $67k which is actually not great. Especially when compared with the median home sale price being over $400k. Unions are what built the original middle class of this country and the decline of the middle class has been in tandem with the decline in union membership rates.


macrumors 6502
May 16, 2015
Classic top Apple exec arrogance to low rank employees: we know best, you are wrong, ****ing do as you are told, working for Apple is a gift and you should be forever grateful for that immense privilege, you owe us your first born and more, **** you pleb *******s...
(profanity filter is working wonders !)
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 2, 2013
Why does modern society need union? You don't like the job, go to next door. Nothing is holding you back, and you are free to choose which ever one gives better benefits. If all stores do that, then Apple will have no choice but to raise compensation to retain the best talent. That is how real world market place works. What union promotes is mediocracy, is that what people really want?

Because for many people, it's much easier to complain compared to learn a new skill, educate themselves and simply find a better job if they find the current one unsuitable.


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
manufacturing = retail? good to know. No offense but retail has always paid low wages, apple even pays above average, yet, it is probably not enough. And why do executives at companies get so much? We always had HR meetings where they said the goal of the compensation system was to attract, retain and motivate qualified individuals. So executives getting millions, there were no qualified individuals willing to do it for less? LOL
In the past folks weren’t trying to raise a families on two retail or service sector jobs. Maybe mom worked retail, if she worked at all, while dad went to his well paying factory job. If a lack of good paying jobs forces people into working retail and service sector jobs, they should absolutely unionize to get better compensation.
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