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macrumors 603
Sep 23, 2008
Of course Apple get a 100% clean energy score - they rent out facilities and hire shipment companies to move products around the world by air, sea and ground.

They don't directly own any of this, so they're technically not responsible for any sort of pollution or toxic wastes.

If all we count are a handful of office buildings with some solar panels, and where paper/used water get recycled in some way, then yes I guess they score 100%.

This greenwashing stuff makes me gag.

The report is not even assessing manufacturing or transport, but Internet services. It’s called ‘Click Clean’ report for a reason.


macrumors 68040
Nov 10, 2007
Out of the Reach of the FBI
I wonder how Greenpeach feels about the 100+ acres of trees Apple had to destroy to install the 1st solar farm?

And when Apple realized it didn't generate enough power, I wonder how Greenpeach feels about the 2nd 100 acres of trees that were razed to build the 2nd solar farm...

Wonder how Greenpeach feels about the 3rd 100 acre solar farm project now under way that will clear away that many more trees.

I thought that organization included a bunch of tree huggers, what happened?



macrumors newbie
Jun 16, 2013
Your concerns should be alleviated by the forests Apple is protecting

While I'm dubious that the source of your concerns is saving trees, this should satisfy you:

I wonder how Greenpeach feels about the 100+ acres of trees Apple had to destroy to install the 1st solar farm?

And when Apple realized it didn't generate enough power, I wonder how Greenpeach feels about the 2nd 100 acres of trees that were razed to build the 2nd solar farm...

Wonder how Greenpeach feels about the 3rd 100 acre solar farm project now under way that will clear away that many more trees.

I thought that organization included a bunch of tree huggers, what happened?


macrumors 65816
Sep 14, 2009
I wonder how Greenpeach feels about the 100+ acres of trees Apple had to destroy to install the 1st solar farm?

And when Apple realized it didn't generate enough power, I wonder how Greenpeach feels about the 2nd 100 acres of trees that were razed to build the 2nd solar farm...

Wonder how Greenpeach feels about the 3rd 100 acre solar farm project now under way that will clear away that many more trees.

I thought that organization included a bunch of tree huggers, what happened?

It's more about net benefit... there's a difference if they cleared 100 acres of beneficial trees to use as firewood vs clearing 100 acres to create 20 MW of renewable energy vs any other alternative that may exists.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2011
I'm curious, how is Apple achieving its 100% renewable energy rating? I know they've installed huge banks of solar panels, but those only work during the day. Are they storing enough energy to power their data centers though the night? Or are they drawing from other sources like wind and hydro to make up the difference?

Or, are they over-producing power from solar during the day and then taking back from the grid when solar isn't sufficient?

If the latter, while I applaud their effort, it's not really 100% clean.

Oh no, Apple powers its cloud telepathically -- from radiated mental energies of tens of millions of sycophants. Most actually believe that 100% number cited in the article, and some think it may even be higher, approaching 150%, because Cook and the Boyz have circumvented the laws of thermodynamics. :cool:


Feb 17, 2009
France and other European countries use a lot of nuclear power.

Yes, and France is a thorn in the thigh of all the others (Russia too)
They are building one plant right now and have 58 active ones.

Germany will probably never have another one approved. After spending 4 billion dollars to build it, the "fast breeder" in Kalkar never got the permission to go on line. That was actually a joint project of Germany, Holland and Belgium.

It is until today the defining moment of Germany against nuclear power.
After apr. 40 years of a single farmers fight (Being supported by the public) that last nuclear project was scrapped. Being from Germany I followed the fight and was happy that it never got permission.
Drove by there plenty of times.

Every time somebody talks about nuclear energy in Germany, they don't get past submitting plans.

The designers/builders never have deposits covered and the French cores being transported by train secretively in concrete caskets always cause a major action by environmentalists.

In general nuclear may be efficient, but is not safe.

Statistically one can manipulate that number, except one accident and it all goes out the window.

In Europe the continent would be finished.

I just don't see how one can build nuclear reactors in densely populated areas.

As for the US they'll most likely be closing 13 reactors and are building 4 at the moment
ready by apr. 2020.

Same time as the apple car:)
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macrumors 601
Nov 5, 2007
I'm curious, how is Apple achieving its 100% renewable energy rating? I know they've installed huge banks of solar panels, but those only work during the day. Are they storing enough energy to power their data centers though the night? Or are they drawing from other sources like wind and hydro to make up the difference?

Or, are they over-producing power from solar during the day and then taking back from the grid when solar isn't sufficient?

If the latter, while I applaud their effort, it's not really 100% clean.

It is almost certainly the later. It may be a mix of wind and hydro as well, but the data centers run 24/7 and they are certainly running at full capacity at times when the solar and wind resources that Apple buys energy from or owns outright are not producing. Apple's clean energy resources might be producing (over the course of the year) much more electricity than the data center uses. And all that clean energy does get used by somewhere on the grid. And it does displace natural gas or coal generation. So it isn't much of a stretch to credit the energy to the company that caused the energy to get put on the grid. No one can really say where any specific piece of electricity that flows from a power plant actually "ends up." But it also doesn't really matter. If your clean energy inputs exceed your draw, then you can take credit that you are 100% clean. Of course you do have a set of dirty energy facilities backing you up. But shh. Let's not focus on that.


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2008
Interesting how nuclear power is considered non-clean on these charts.

Because it's not... If you're not convinced, what about spending your next holidays doing some tourism in Fukushima ?
And we still have no durable solutions to handle nuclear waste. For now, we just store it in salt mines. And then ? What happens in centuries or millennia, during wars, revolutions or earth quakes ? The main difference is that with coal we are destroying our earth today, with nuclear we are leaving our great-grandchildren to deal with our mess...


Screw clean energy. We need cheap energy. Please use coal! Debt, massive unemployment, businesses clearing out and moving to other countries because of high energy costs.

Yeah, sure. Like ignoring ecological issues and building cars as if gas was not getting expensive did wonder to your car industry...
Coal is only cheap because you chose to ignore most of its costs...


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
In the full report, next to each company they have a little web showing each company connected to several products.

What is the significance of those connections?

IE, it shows The Weather Channel connected to IBM. What does that mean? I'm pretty sure IBM doesn't own TWC. Does IBM power TWC via SoftLayer somehow?


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2008
Businesses are clearing out as the US tax structures, environmental review processes to build factories, qualified employees, labor laws etc.etc. are to cumbersome to put up with.

This is tenfold in a country like Germany, yet they seem to manage reasonably well... The quality of life in Germany certainly seems better than in most of the US from what you describe.


macrumors 6502
Apr 26, 2011
Why does greenpeace still exist, aside from contributing to the communist objective of strangling our energy supply? I don't care how companies source their energy. The US is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas, but our own government is preventing us from making use of this cheap AND clean energy resource. So sorry if some of them don't want to spend a billion dollars on useless solar panels.


macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2008
Could it be as simple as you not having a clue?

Agree - Debt comes from people (and governments not living within their means)

Agree - In the unemployment figures is a large percentage of people who just do not want to work at all. Easier to just collect.
Agree - Then there are people who will not move to where the jobs are.
Agree - Then there are people who will not attempt to get a better education to be qualified for better job opportunities.

Agree - The combination of wanting everything (at the cheapest price) and an easy life would not be solved by burning coal.
Ya, but the attack on energy is massive. From Obama's goal to make gas costs painful to putting cheap energy out of business. This one single idea of high fossil fuel costs has head devastating impact and change from the dude down the street that delivers pizza to the business that fields 5000 delivery trucks.

Agree - Businesses are clearing out as the US tax structures, environmental review processes to build factories, qualified employees, labor laws etc.etc. are to cumbersome to put up with. A happy medium would suffice.

Taxes - Why do you think US companies make a ton of money outside this country and keep it there?

The US chases you to the grave to get the last penny, if you ever produce income here.

Just mentioning a tiny fraction of US economy problems here.

Maybe you next suggestion should be to have a nuclear reactor in everybody's living room too.
And, screw radioactive waste. That can be shipped to Africa.
I don't care about nor did I mention nuclear energy.

I don't see what your deal is. I agree with almost everything you said. We differ on how huge an impact this current administrations quest against fossil fuels has.


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2011
Pigs and lipstick.

It is trite to suggest that Apple uses 100% renewable energy.

Manufacturing an iPhone involves a lot of mining for metals and minerals, this is not coming form clean renewable usage of energy. Even recycling metal involves a lot of energy usage. Shipping iDevices from China around the world is not using clean and renewable energy. Having customers stream content from the cloud instead of storing it on a device causes customers to burn through more energy.

So sure, Apple has done more to protect themselves from Greenpeace criticism, but of course the narrow minded, short-sited environmentalists do not look at the wide scale impact Apple has on the environment, and that involves 25+ million people discarding an old device within weeks of Apple releasing a marginal device update yet Apple makes everyone think it is the second coming of Christ.

Apple could do more for the environment to simply opt for at least a 2 year life cycle on all products, reducing the impact of producing and distributing a new device on a quick turnover and having customer "enjoy" their device for longer periods of time, but then that would eat into company profits and when it comes to ANY corporation and profit, its always "**** the environment!"

Apple using renewable energy in a factory or data center is just lipstick on a pig. Their impact on consumers is huge simply because of their greed and incessant need to grow profit.


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2014
Charleston, SC and Everett, WA
I'm curious, how is Apple achieving its 100% renewable energy rating? I know they've installed huge banks of solar panels, but those only work during the day. Are they storing enough energy to power their data centers though the night? Or are they drawing from other sources like wind and hydro to make up the difference?

Or, are they over-producing power from solar during the day and then taking back from the grid when solar isn't sufficient?

If the latter, while I applaud their effort, it's not really 100% clean.

Heh... Let's look at the solar panel producing site, plus the place where the solar panel plant gets their resources, and so forth. The path to so-called "clean" energy is quite dirty.


macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2008
Actually it is not "as simple as that."

You live in Iowa, where little to no manufacturing occurs, and where the population is a pittance compared to manufacturing centers. The effects of continuing to promote carbon fuels are devastating to other parts of the country.

We often hear about NIMBY's being in more liberal places in the country. How would you feel if we loaded train cars full of coal up, rolled them into Iowa and built a bunch of manufacturing based on coal burning? Bet you wouldn't be quite so in favor of it, then.

Fact is that the solution to the problem is not to imitate the countries that destroy the environment with their manufacturing and energy infrastructure. The solution is to get them moving toward greener, too.

Deere, Alcoa, steel mills, Maytag, Honda etc. You must watch a lot of TV and think Iowa is all tractors and farms all day long right? We not making battleships here or anything, but we do a lot of manufacturing. We don't compare with large coastal manufacturing but we do have large manufacturing going on here.

We have 72 coal plants here in Iowa so we do have those trains rolling in here and I'm still in favor of them. I used to deliver packages to a coal plant a few time a week as a part of a previous job. Even though we have all this terrible coal, Iowa is still beautiful.


Feb 17, 2009
Ya, but the attack on energy is massive. From Obama's goal to make gas costs painful to putting cheap energy out of business. This one single idea of high fossil fuel costs has head devastating impact and change from the dude down the street that delivers pizza to the business that fields 5000 delivery trucks.

I don't care about nor did I mention nuclear energy.

I don't see what your deal is. I agree with almost everything you said. We differ on how huge an impact this current administrations quest against fossil fuels has.

Obama or for that matter anybody will NOT be able to make fossil fuel costs go up by design.

The price is dictated by the people who have the oil and coal AND the corporations who explore and have contracts.

The prices will go up depending on demand vs. availability.

We can all assume that if oil runs out (not in my life time) one will do whatever . Use coal, burn wood , go back to more nuclear etc.

There is and has been a worldwide race for raw material and anything producing energy is part of that race.

As always things move very slowly, because humans are involved and nobody likes change.
Just check how long it took the auto industry to adapt to build more fuel efficient cars. They protested and protested and in the end they did it.

There will be inventions we can't see yet, as that field is wide open to make money in.

In that next period coal will not be considered much.

Money will decide what is next.


macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2003
Austin, Texas
There are not many reactors being built all over the world.

China, India, Turkey, Russia, UAE, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Finland, Canada... and more. Only places they're not being built are where environmentalists are running wild - screwing the working class. Each unit of GDP is built on a unit of energy.

Green is BS when it comes to energy production. Build all the solar and wind you want but it produces ZERO at night and when the wind dies. Guess what you have to do for that? PROVISION for it. You cannot store that capacity. And Lithium batteries are a damn expensive storage device notwithstanding their huge environmental impact. So how do you provision... well you're probably smart enough to figure that out.

Sorry folks, but much of this green energy crap is a scam; energy efficiency is only valid if measured end-to-end, including the cost of production, disposal of waste generated during production, during use and then again at the time of disposal or recycling. The problem with these so-called "alternatives" is that these total cycle costs, including the energy required for them never is accounted for.

For so-called "green" the efficiency claims are farcical because they intentionally omit energy loss in the various conversions from source to final sink. Only by relying on government subsidy are those losses hidden economically, and that means that in point of fact what is going on is theft from you at literal gunpoint so that these "companies" can claim to be doing something they're actually not.


macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2003
Austin, Texas
Obama or for that matter anybody will NOT be able to make fossil fuel costs go up by design.

The price is dictated by the people who have the oil and coal AND the corporations who explore and have contracts.

The prices will go up depending on demand vs. availability.

We can all assume that if oil runs out (not in my life time) one will do whatever . Use coal, burn wood , go back to more nuclear etc.

There is and has been a worldwide race for raw material and anything producing energy is part of that race.

As always things move very slowly, because humans are involved and nobody likes change.
Just check how long it took the auto industry to adapt to build more fuel efficient cars. They protested and protested and in the end they did it.

There will be inventions we can't see yet, as that field is wide open to make money in.

In that next period coal will not be considered much.

Money will decide what is next.

You seem to be referring to market forces determining production, consumption and cost. That is simply not what we have in most places of our economy today. Gov't pays people not to produce, subsidizes others, regulates competition out of business - including in the energy space whether it's conventional or green.

When Obama backdoors EPA regulations that are (by his own admission) designed to put a large part of energy production (coal) out of business to accommodate the mythical global warming matra, costs will increase dramatically. That is what he has stated. What is what he wants. Sorry. It's his own words. Yes, it's about the money but it is the politically connected green energy con artists who are there for the kill. Think Solyndra. Think Al Gore.

It is his stated plan to get energy prices to SKYROCKET. See it for yourself.


macrumors regular
Nov 20, 2012
Screw clean energy. We need cheap energy. Please use coal! Debt, massive unemployment, businesses clearing out and moving to other countries because of high energy costs.

Not using coal is gutting America financially. If this isn't realized soon, this country is going to fall apart.

It's as simple as that.

And let's not forget that the FOUNDERS of Green Peace quit the organization because it had gone 100% communist.

Any rating from GP is a rating from a communist organization that wants to destroy freedom and capitalism.

Freedom and capitalism- the two are dynamically linked. Remove capitalism and you loose your freedom.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
Has anyone built a nuclear power station without government subsidy?


As always things move very slowly, because humans are involved and nobody likes change.
Just check how long it took the auto industry to adapt to build more fuel efficient cars. They protested and protested and in the end they did it.

Just check how long it took European washing machine manufacturers to create better washing machines. All it took was some rating stickers in the shop.

Or for something purely capitalist, how long it took the iPhone to become good.


macrumors 601
May 10, 2010
The anti nuclear BS they peddle really gets annoying.

It annoys you less if 250km away four reactors melting into the ground and leaking the <beep> out into the ocean.

Sure, nuclear power looks easy; from technological point of view also fascinating. And during regular operation relative safe; if everything follows the SOP.

Big concern and often forgotten: what to do with the created waste during operation and what to do with old, depreciated facilities ? That's a waste you don't want to have near to you for quite a while. And shooting to the sun is not a solution. Plus often we see that the power companies try to sneak out of the waste-discussion and dump the cost on the tax payer (see some discussions in the past in Germany, like here )

So it's not clean energy; watching end-to-end

Back to topic: I sure appreciate the efforts from :apple: and hope they roll that out downstream their supply chain much further. A nice role model.
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macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Just another thing for Apple users (and shareholders) to be smug about. And I mean that sincerely. We really deserve to brag about something like this. It's one of the most important issues facing mankind. It's a shame that other companies can't say the same. For all the things Apple does to irritate us from time to time, it's stuff like this that truly makes it a pleasure to be their customer. I cannot wait for other companies to join Apple at the top of this list.


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2008
Obama or for that matter anybody will NOT be able to make fossil fuel costs go up by design.

This is what is happening in all the world. Oil is almost 4 times more expensive in Europe, by design. You just have to make 80% of the price of oil taxes, and I can assure it makes its costs go up by design. Just like what is done with tobacco or alcohol.

"here is and has been a worldwide race for raw material and anything producing energy is part of that race."

You can also win the race by doing a lot more with the same amount of energy...
For instance, Intel is now on the business of producing the most power efficient CPU, not the fastests. That's because its main clients are datacenters and energy costs are huge there.

"As always things move very slowly, because humans are involved and nobody likes change."

Yes, that's why you induce changes by moving prices up or down.
For instance, double the price of electricity and people will invest quickly in low energy lights.

"Just check how long it took the auto industry to adapt to build more fuel efficient cars. They protested and protested and in the end they did it."

They did not did it, they mostly went bankrupt because they refused to adapt. Look at what is left of cities like Detroit. The car industry has moved to Asia, it still exists in Europe but it has great difficulties in the US.
Why ? Because in these countries the governments made gas expensive. So the people demanded cars that were more energy efficient. And the industry had to adapt sooner to that consumer demand.
Due to very low oil prices, the US car industry became lazy. First, they lost exports since noone outside of the US wanted oil guzzlers. And now, with the crisis, people prefer cheaper can that are energy efficient.

"There will be inventions we can't see yet, as that field is wide open to make money in."

There are already inventions. When I was a kid, it was common to have cars that would burn 15l per 100km. Now, we have electric cars and cars able to go 100km with 5l...


And let's not forget that the FOUNDERS of Green Peace quit the organization because it had gone 100% communist.

You really need to look into what communism really is... To read you, it sounds like some Beast from Hell or something...
Besides, you do live in a communist country since most of its debt is now owned by China, soon to be the #1 economy. I least if we believe them when they say they're "communist"...

As for freedom or not, this has nothing to do with economic liberalism or communism. It has to do with democracy. "Communist" countries like Denmark or Finland are very democratic and value freedom a lot for instance.
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