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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 8, 2006
San Diego
Streaming either works or it doesn't.

Not really......

It *worked* with an 802.11b but it was extemely slow and tended to stutter. When I got an updated router (802.11n) it worked flawlessly.

All this time, I thought that apple TV would connect to your mac wirelessly. I didn't know that I needed a wireless router. I thought that was just for internet.

Please straighten out my confusion.[/QUOTE

Apple TV *does* connect wirelessly to your iMac but it requires a wireless network/wireless access point (WAP) to do so.

Which I find is actually quite bad, because I cannot come to your home with a Macbook full of photos and show them on your Apple TV.

Sure you can. Just hook your MB/MBP directly to my LCD and you can use Front Row. Remember.....Apple TV is not a is more like a network adapter with a HD if 'ya catch my drift.

It might be worth to edit your first post.

Good suggestion. I will.

Does it have to sync? I mean if I have say 200gb of Content, audio and video, and only a 40gb Hard drive in the Unit why would I want to sync more than maybe a few files to have when the PC is off. Is there no way to turn off syncing?

Check it out....

There are essentially 2 ways you can view content through :apple: TV. You can "sync" with your computer wherin files are actually transfered to the :apple: TV HD *or* you can 'stream" stuff from iTunes to your TV via :apple: TV. So....this is what I have chosen to do. I "sync'd" my music and pictures so that they physically reside on the :apple: TV HD. In terms of movies, TV shows and videos, I stream them. Mind you, I don't plan on watching many movies via :apple: TV. I have Cox Cable digital/HD with a PVR and an HD-DVD player hooked up to my rig so streaming of video content is 'kinda redundant for me. I primarily bought an :apple: TV for viewing pictures and listening to music.

Here is the primary Apple TV window. You will notice down near the bottom it lists "Sources".


When you choose sources, this is what the window looks like. If you choose :apple: TV, you will have access to whatever you have "sync'd". If you choose the next option in the list (mine says Stephen Jesser's Music), it will stream *everything* that is in your iTunes library.


Here is a shot of the window when you choose the streaming option. Notice that photos are not listed because you cannot stream photos.


Does that make sense?
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