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macrumors 6502
May 8, 2012
Davis, CA
iMovie re-updated!

iMovie has now been updated again and can confirm that it does not crash upon launch.


macrumors 65816
Jan 24, 2010
It was on the app store and had 3 failed attempts to install, then later on it said the update was no longer available and it didn't update.

Thats for the UK app store.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 9, 2014
See: every single iteration of Apple day-1 launches

I've been around for every single day 1. I've been intimately involved (as a developers) in every single day 1.

This launch was botched. Several key features were pulled at the last minute, the initial run of iOS 8-specific apps are awful and buggy....its a botched launch.


Sep 21, 2008
Crash. What a joke this botched launch has been.

I can't begin to imagine the logistics behind designing a product, manufacturing it, getting it ready for sale, pre-orders, shipping and payment. The communication of many different networks/servers/systems to make it all happen is mind boggling to say the least. :eek:

Then there are asinine comments like the one above because iMovie crashes on the iPhone. The LEAST of most peoples problems right now. Honestly, you probably don't even need or use it.

Yeah, such a "botched" launch. :roll eyes: Go back under your rock.


macrumors 68000
Mar 15, 2010
None of them truly support iCloud Drive. Not the iCloud Drive demoed by Apple and shown on their web page.

Currently 'support for iCloud Drive' appears to mean it will work just like it did in iOS 7 even if you converted to iCloud Drive. Don't expect to be able to share files between apps. If the sharing functions are there they are extremely well hidden.


I can't begin to imagine the logistics behind designing a product, manufacturing it, getting it ready for sale, pre-orders, shipping and payment. The communication of many different networks/servers/systems to make it all happen is mind boggling to say the least. :eek:

Then there are asinine comments like the one above because iMovie crashes on the iPhone. The LEAST of most peoples problems right now. Honestly, you probably don't even need or use it.

Yeah, such a "botched" launch. :roll eyes: Go back under your rock.

It is certainly not a flawless launch. It would be hard to call it a good launch.


macrumors 65816
Sep 26, 2003
I wonder how they broke health kit and now iMovie at the last minute. That implies that the last beta wasn't the release candidate, which is an unusual lapse of discipline.


macrumors regular
Sep 25, 2012
I wonder how they broke health kit and now iMovie at the last minute. That implies that the last beta wasn't the release candidate, which is an unusual lapse of discipline.

Yep, don't know why they would have tinkered with the last beta when it was working ok. If they were going to make any significant changes they should have released a new beta


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2010
Does the Imovie app still have picture In picture and picture side by side in this update

As reading a review on app store says it's been removed


macrumors 6502
Dec 27, 2011
Washington, DC
Never understood post like this. Congratulations? It works for you and crashes for many others.

It means that people are not necessarily posting a repeatable issue, how many apps do they have open?

It means that unless we put them side by side, it could be Android fanboys, because there are quite a few on here...

It means that unless you post a video showing how many apps you have in the background and then safari not working properly, there is no way to say it's actually an issue - I've got 10 open on Safari on iOS8 right now, my iPad Air is working and well... Is it MAGIC?!? No...


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2012
Are apple freaking serious, I found out today I could no longer access my important numbers spreadsheets from iCloud! The only option I got was to update to iDrive but then I won't have access on my iPad till I upgrade to IOS 8 and my Mac to Yosemite, seeing as I was at work and needed them right then and there it wasn't exactly ideal!

The question is: as Yosemite OS isn't actually released to the public yet what on earth are you supposed to do if you need the Mac, iCloud and an iPad ??? Seriously Apple seriously, how dumb can you be!!

Jeez and they wonder why people move to Google docs (which I am doing to all my docs now)


Mar 28, 2013
The Clinton Archipelago unfortunately
It means that people are not necessarily posting a repeatable issue, how many apps do they have open?

It means that unless we put them side by side, it could be Android fanboys, because there are quite a few on here...

It means that unless you post a video showing how many apps you have in the background and then safari not working properly, there is no way to say it's actually an issue - I've got 10 open on Safari on iOS8 right now, my iPad Air is working and well... Is it MAGIC?!? No...

Fine it works fine on yours, if it was pulled it doesn't work fine for everyone. :rolleyes:


Mar 28, 2013
The Clinton Archipelago unfortunately
Update 2: Multiple users have told MacRumors that iMovie has been pulled from App Stores around the world, likely due to significant reports of the app crashing upon launch.

iMovies crashes on launch on iPad Air for me.

Same here, 5S and mini

Crash, crash, crash

crashes even on delete then install

Apple have pulled the update now

crashing crash crash. seriously apple needs to get their crap together, its getting hard to "stan" for them


I'd better not lose the data I had in imovie :confused:

Thoroughly redundant at this point, but it's crashing for me as well :)

Crash. Nothing but crash city with iMovie! :(

iMovie is not even in the App store anymore!

The item you are trying to buy is no longer available

iMovie still not available for me. I have an update link, but it errors out with "The item you tried to buy is no longer available".

Not sure what you guys are all complaining about. I installed and it's working fine on iOS8 iPhone 5...

LOL, what are you talking about, what was pulled? :rolleyes:

iMovie :rolleyes:
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