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macrumors 68000
Feb 19, 2006
Dearborn (Detroit), MI, USA
The new storage plans seem odd to me. The jump from 20GB to 200 GB leaves a whole lot of people either under or over buying storage. Why not a few steps in between? Like 50 GB and 100 GB? I definitely don't need 200 GB but if I buy the 64 gb phone, 20 might not be enough.

It's all about what gets backed up. If you have 64GB of dictionaries, Audubon books and huge games, you probably won't need anything but the 5GB plan. iTunes purchased apps, music and movies don't need to get backed up since you have them in your purchased libraries.

It's the data that apps store need to be backed up and maybe not even then, Zinio magazines will probably get backed up, but since you can re-download them at any point, they really don't need to be backed up...

I think iPhoto libraries are going to start taking backup space, but I'm not sure about the initial 1,000 photo stream photos.



Can you explain that math to me? You went from 15GB for $20 per year to 20GB for $10.99 per year. How is that an 89 cents per year savings?

Instead of me signing up for one of the new plans at 99 cents a month for 12 months (12 x $0.99 = $11.88), I got bumped to a $10.99 a year plan. That's 89 cents a year savings over the new plans. (Plus I got the extra 5 GB.)



macrumors regular
Oct 11, 2011
Gary... good point about backups. I guess I am not using icloud backup correctly. I back up everything.. with the thought that one day I might need to RESTORE my phone to a pre-disaster state. And I do understand that my purchases are always there in case, but it's a lot easier to restore all at once I would think.
Maybe I should be looking at backups differently. Should I, perhaps, back up to my computer in iTunes once every two weeks or so.. or before upgrading... the entire phone .. in case I need to restore my phone. And let icloud do it's thing for the more important data. I have a mini and an ipad that back up to the same icloud address. I do have a lot of photos and they are what I am most concerned about losing. (But they backup in photostream.) Is this a better way to back up?


macrumors member
Nov 7, 2009
Was actually just about to review my plan because it expires at the end of the month, but got the email. WOO for a $1.55 refund lol.

That's a donut and small coffee,,, maybe


Dropbox is $109 (Canadian) for 1 TB of storage. Why the heck wouldn't I sign up for this over iCloud?

I have an iPad, iPhone, and a Mac, so I'm all Mac.

Also, do I trust iCloud security over Dropbox security? Which one is friendlier when it comes to privacy, etc?
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