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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 20, 2019
1. Can you hot-swap the battery pack / Mains? Does the device have *some* power on board toggle you time to swap?

2. Is this to be fully VR as well as AR - I don't see why not but not a lot was mentioned.

3. How pervasive is the Room sensing? Can I stick up a screen somewhere and then come back to it later? In another room for example?

4. Can you place apps on a table. I am thinking things like Procreate for drawing. Can you use an apple pen?

5. Will apps take advantage of the Whole environment - or just be a screen? I am thinking about 3d modelling in AR. Abstracting the tools to a desktop and placing and working with a model in space. It all seems very screen floating in space... but that's not AR. It's just screens floating in space.

6. Can we abstract buttons and controls to somewhere else? Like on the arms of your chair.
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macrumors member
Dec 22, 2017
How does the sound work exactly: can someone in the room hear the (movie) sounds too?
Or is the sound transfered through vibrations into your skull…
Because when i enjoy a movie I prefer to not disturb my surroundings.


macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2018
How does the sound work exactly: can someone in the room hear the (movie) sounds too?
Or is the sound transfered through vibrations into your skull…
Because when i enjoy a movie I prefer to not disturb my surroundings.
I’m sure others around you would hear some sound, but it probably wouldn’t be that loud. It sounds like you will have the option to use the built in speakers or AirPods. I was torn on the built in speakers, but it makes sense that they would have this instead of requiring wireless headphones.
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