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macrumors 6502
Jun 18, 2007
Well the music that is selling in any volume these days is either rap, electronic, or infused with one of those sounds. Beats headphones are designed for what is actually selling. Most other headphones sound crappy when trying to deliver the lower frequencies of current music. That's why they sell so well.

How about just adding an equalizer instead of hard-coding to a particular music taste? For less than half the price?


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
There's something that feels so wrong about this, I don't know what it is but... Feels wrong.

Maybe cos for $3B dollars, anyone with half a brain and business sense could've built amazing headphones and a music streaming service? And with Apple's brand cachet, they didn't need the Beats brand which only serves to complicate things if you ask me.


macrumors member
Aug 16, 2013
Came in here to read post by people who do not run multi-billion dollar companies comment on how they think they know better.

Was not disappointed

how about complaints on what font was used? seriously, some ppl just crack me up.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
All the naysayers here commenting on headphone audio quality should sign up for a 14-day free trial for Beats Music and give it a legitimate chance. After the 2 weeks are up you'll never want to open iTunes again.

I love Beats gets better everyday for me...and I'll be signing up for a paid subscription as soon as my trial ends this month. It's that good. Incredibly cool design, great music curation, and light years ahead of the antiquated iTunes model.

How is it better than Spotify? One of my favorite stations on SiriusXM is the Coffee House. I find new music I like there and then go add it to my playlists on Spotify. It's rare that I can't find something on Spotify. What would entice me to dump Spotify for Beats? This "curation" buzzword nonsense Iovine keeps spitting out?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 4, 2009
beats speakers on MacBooks soon? ^^

There already are. "Beats speakers" is nothing more than a marketing catch phrase, as the company has been from day one. And now that Apple owns the name, there's no reason that can't just say all Apple speakers are now "Beats".

Going forward, you can have the exact same speakers as the old model with a little "Beats" logo.


macrumors 65816
Jul 30, 2013
Did anyone notice that these earphones on the Beats website now come in gold, silver, and Space Grey? Either Apple and Beats have been working together (likely) or they just liked the name.


macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2014
I don't even like Beats.

But you know what though? The headphone market has gone to heck too.

You can't just get regular earphones like you used to

All the sell now is that rubbery sticky in your ear stuff.

Apple EarPods are the saving grace.


macrumors G4
Feb 10, 2011
I'm guessing that now Beats are the best headphones ever? :D:D:D

disclaimer: This post was intended in jest.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 9, 2008
SEC Country
It feels wrong because it is wrong. Why is it wrong? It is wrong because Apple was a truly revolutionary company which changed the game and won by focusing all its efforts on creating quality, magic, and - yes - beauty. No other maverick has ever surpassed the successful ingenuity of Steve Jobs, although a few others equal it - Edison, Marconi, Tesla, Ford, etc.

Dr Dre and Jimmy Iovine represent all that has sought to demolish, destroy, and end the dreamland that was once America. They and their ilk envy and hate those who proved themselves giants of industry, ingenuity and progress. There's a reason why people have been calling Steve Jobs the last great American innovator. It is because America has fallen into the hands of those who seek to tear it down and trample it into nothing - only for their petty jealousy and to prove themselves superior to something they evidently cannot even understand.

The true hate comes from the pots calling the kettles black. And before you launch your vitriol against me for my truth-telling, please remember that Steve Jobs was, biologically if not culturally, half-Syrian -- Arab. I suspect it was knowledge of this that gave him the impetus and understanding of how to deal with naysayers and parasites who would seek to detract and destroy his piercing vision. We are all limited by out physiology -- it's just that some of us accept that limitation while others don't, and some of us even go so far as to blame that limitation on others.

Really all the hate you just spew out in this passage :rolleyes: Apple is in the business to make money and Beats is a popular company that has a large following. You dislike "Beats" which is totally your right but there is a generation out there that Beats appeals to


macrumors 604
Mar 11, 2013
This would be great, but most people I know that has any Beats gear say it really isn't THAT good. I've never used them, so I can't really give an opinion.

But there are other benefits. Beats does turn a profit and it does have a successful streaming system.
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